摘要: A. you B. he C. I D. they


I’d been proud that I’d never lost my cellphone until my husband Jack got a call one evening.
We went to visit a friend in hospital last year. When Jack’s  36  rang, it was my mother calling from my  37 . She asked if I had  38  my mobile. I checked my purse. It was  39 !
I used Jack’s phone to call my number. Then a boy, whom I’ll call Rhys,  40  it. “I found your phone!” he said, excitedly. “I have been trying to find you, but  41  it was getting late, I decided to leave.” He gave me the address of a  42  near his home.
Later that evening, I went to  43  him there. I didn’t dare to go  44 , worrying this was some cheater. So Jack came along. After  45  10km, we got to the coffee shop which Rhys  46 .
My  47  were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. “How did you  48  my mum?” I asked. He  49  that when he found my mobile by the roadside, he started calling people in my list of contacts. But all they  50  was my mobile phone number—which didn’t    51 . He’d called many names, starting with the letter A. Finally he got Adam, one of my friends, who  52 my house.
I was  53  to get my phone back with all the contacts, messages and photos I could have lost for ever. I was so  54  to Rhys and offered him some money, but he  55 .
As we drove back, we praised Rhys for his honesty.

A.electric car
B.mobile phone
A.coffee shop
B.post office
A.talked about
B.looked for
C.heard of
D.knew about
【小题20】A missed
B. appeared
C. agreed
D. refused


I'm really nervous opening Chatroulette (a website).I don't know if I'm more scared of the possibility of coming face-to-face with a naked (裸体的) guy doing improper things, or the possibility of having to speak to someone normal.But it's that uncertainty that's caused the "game" to explode into an Internet phenomenon.
So, I hesitantly click "play".My face appears in a small box to the left of the screen.I'm a 22-year-old guy, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, and sitting in my warmly lit bedroom —not too threatening, I think.Believing I look welcoming and friendly, I open all features: visual, audio and text.The user can disable these at any time if they feel uncomfortable.
Quickly I find myself face-to-face with my first "partner".A guy with glasses is staring back at me.He looks like he spends too much time in front of the computer."Hey", I say, "how are you going?" "Good," says the guy.Sensing that he was not going to be very talkative, I hit the "next" button.
Just like that, I'm thrown across the world into someone else's bedroom.This time it looks like a middle-aged woman.I must have hit gold because 85 percent of Chatroulette users are male, according to the Wall Street Journal.She's wearing sunglasses and smiles back.Before I can even say a word, she "nexts" me."WHAT?!"
Then, I fly through the Internet and arrive at my next partner.My nightmare, a man is sitting in his computer chair half-naked taking off his pants.Argghh! "Next, next, next!" For the next 30 minutes I keep my cursor (光标) over the "next" button.My experiences continue to be short, shocking, and largely uninteresting.I discouragingly hit "next" after seeing another naked man, and decide to end my session and close the window.This wasn't "the new social media experience" I was hoping for.Maybe it was just a little bit too random (随机的).
64.It is the author's __________ that leads him into Chatroulette.
A.curiosity          B.unwillingness    C.enthusiasm          D.ignorance
65.The underlined word "disable" in Paragraph 2 means __________.
A.store                  B.close                C.misuse                D.copy
66.Among all the partners, __________ seemed to be the least interested in talking with the author.
A.the guy with glasses                      B.the middle-aged woman
C.the man in his computer chair            D.the last man mentioned
67.What is the author's attitude toward Charoulette?
A.Positive.           B.Supportive.       C.Objective.         D.Negative.


I’d been proud that I’d never lost my cellphone until my husband Jack got a call one evening.

We went to visit a friend in hospital last year. When Jack’s  36  rang, it was my mother calling from my  37 . She asked if I had  38  my mobile. I checked my purse. It was  39 !

I used Jack’s phone to call my number. Then a boy, whom I’ll call Rhys,  40  it. “I found your phone!” he said, excitedly. “I have been trying to find you, but  41  it was getting late, I decided to leave.” He gave me the address of a  42  near his home.

Later that evening, I went to  43  him there. I didn’t dare to go  44 , worrying this was some cheater. So Jack came along. After  45  10km, we got to the coffee shop which Rhys  46 .

My  47  were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. “How did you  48  my mum?” I asked. He  49  that when he found my mobile by the roadside, he started calling people in my list of contacts. But all they  50  was my mobile phone number—which didn’t    51 . He’d called many names, starting with the letter A. Finally he got Adam, one of my friends, who  52 my house.

I was  53  to get my phone back with all the contacts, messages and photos I could have lost for ever. I was so  54  to Rhys and offered him some money, but he  55 .

As we drove back, we praised Rhys for his honesty.

1.                A.electric car      B.mobile phone    C.radio D.doorbell


2.                A.hospital        B.company        C.school    D.home


3.                A.found          B.changed        C.lost  D.bought


4.                A.gone           B.new           C.busy D.broken


5.                A.accepted       B.returned        C.got  D.answered


6.                A.before         B.because        C.after D.if


7.                A.coffee shop     B.post office       C.hotel D.supermarket


8.                A.follow          B.meet           C.catch D.punish


9.                A.slowly          B.back           C.alone D.finally


10.               A.driving         B.running        C.walking    D.riding


11.               A.talked about     B.looked for      C.he ard of D.knew about


12.               A.difficulties      B.fears           C.diseases   D.hopes


13.               A.remember      B.know          C.tell   D.understand


14.               A.realized        B.repeated       C.explained  D.believed


15.               A.had           B.not iced        C.expected  D.finished


16.               A.happen        B.matter         C.help  D.fit


17.               A.called          B.visited         C.shared    D.sold


18.               A.sorry          B.glad           C.sad   D.proud


19.               A.useful          B.strange         C.grateful   D.polite


20.               A.missed         B.appeared       C.agreed    D.refused




I’d been proud that I’d never lost my cellphone until my husband Jack got a call one evening.

We went to visit a friend in hospital last year. When Jack’s  36  rang, it was my mother calling from my  37 . She asked if I had  38  my mobile. I checked my purse. It was  39 !

I used Jack’s phone to call my number. Then a boy, whom I’ll call Rhys,  40  it. “I found your phone!” he said, excitedly. “I have been trying to find you, but  41  it was getting late, I decided to leave.” He gave me the address of a  42  near his home.

Later that evening, I went to  43  him there. I didn’t dare to go  44 , worrying this was some cheater. So Jack came along. After  45  10km, we got to the coffee shop which Rhys  46 .

My  47  were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. “How did you  48  my mum?” I asked. He  49  that when he found my mobile by the roadside, he started calling people in my list of contacts. But all they  50  was my mobile phone number—which didn’t    51  . He’d called many names, starting with the letter A. Finally he got Adam, one of my friends, who  52  my house.

I was  53  to get my phone back with all the contacts, messages and photos I could have lost for ever. I was so  54  to Rhys and offered him some money, but he  55 .

As we drove back, we praised Rhys for his honesty.

1.                A.electric car      B.mobile phone    C.radio D.doorbell


2.                A.hospital        B.company        C.school    D.home


3.                A.found          B.changed        C.lost  D.bought


4.                A.gone           B.new           C.busy D.broken


5.                A.accepted       B.returned        C.got  D.answered


6.                A.before         B.because        C.after D.if


7.                A.coffee shop     B.post office       C.hotel D.supermarket


8.                A.follow          B.meet           C.catch D.punish


9.                A.slowly          B.back           C.alone D.finally


10.               A.driving         B.running        C.walking    D.riding


11.               A.talked about     B.looked for      C.heard of   D.knew about


12.               A.difficulties      B.fears           C.diseases   D.hopes


13.               A.remember      B.know          C.tell   D.understand


14.               A.realized        B.repeated       C.explained  D.believed


15.               A.had           B.noticed         C.expected  D.finished


16.               A.happen        B.matter         C.help  D.fit


17.               A.called          B.visited         C.shared    D.sold


18.               A.sorry          B.glad           C.sad   D.proud


19.               A.useful          B.strange         C.grateful   D.polite


20.               A.missed         B.appeared       C.agreed    D.refused




He is a lesson to every boy who ever picked up a basketball and dreamed that it would change his life.

The lights were never brighter and the crowds were never bigger for a homegrown sports hero than they were a quarter-century ago for Ray Hall. But his athletic achievements, as impressive as they are, are to my mind not what is most admirable about the man.

Known as “Sugar Ray” in his teens, Hall was rated among the country’s top 25 high school basketball players. An inner-city kid from a solid family, Hall took on the challenge of lifting Canisius College — still recovering from its failure — back to respectability, rejecting more favorable offers. His status of a savior (救世主) brought more pressure than any 18-year-old should have to handle. However, I watched him mature into the player who led Canisius back to daylight.

After college Hall played professionally in Italy and Greece for over 10 years until a car accident at 32 ended his basketball career. The news that he would never play again shocked Hall but unlike so many others he was ready for life after basketball. When I met Hall — still fit at 46 — for lunch Monday, he wore a cut-sharp gray suit, designer tie and blazing white shirt that screamed Success. “That was always the question — when the cheers end, where do you go? Who do you turn to?” he said. “It starts and ends with that person in the mirror.”

Hall got the concept of academics-first from his parents. He graduated from Canisius a semester early. “No matter how good of an athlete you are, you are just one injury away from losing it all,” he said. “But if you take care of things academically, you are prepared until you leave this earth.”

For the past 14 years, he has been in a computer sales job at Ingram Micro. He married his college sweetheart. They have three kids and a nice house in the suburbs. He figured out early what others learn too late: Athletics is part of a journey, not the destination.

Congratulations, Ray, you made it. In more ways than one.          

1.Ray was regarded as a savior because ________.

A.he liked to take on challenges

B.he helped his team to regain its glory

C.he was faithful to his hometown city

D.he fought hard against failure at a young age

2.According to the writer, which of the following best describes Ray’s success?

A.Unlike other athletes, he was academically superior.

B.He defeated his injury and returned to the playground.

C.He enjoys a successful job and a happy family.

D.He has gained impressive athletic achievements.

3.What’s the right order of the events related to Ray?

a. He was rated among the best high school basketball players.

b. He was in a car accident.

c. He graduated from Canisius College.

d. He started his computer sales job.

e. He gave up his athletic career.

A.a, c, b, e, d         B.a, c, e, b, d         C.c, a, b, d, e         D.c, a, e, b, d

4.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.Ray was from an academic family

B.Ray was very mature in his teens

C.Ray was once desperate facing the cruel reality

D.athletics was not Ray’s final goal in life

5.What was the writer’s intention in writing this passage?

A.To describe the difficulties of being a professional athlete.

B.To explain the importance of choosing the right college.

C.To emphasize the need for a good education.

D.To warn against playing professional basketball.



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