摘要: D.other 后接可数名词时应用复数形式,the other 后接可数名词单数时表示两者中的另一个.不合文意.




Tong Shiqiang rushed into a kindergarten behind his primary school several times, carrying a __36__ of kids each time he rushed out of their classroom on that fateful(灾难的)day. Only 14 years old and 1.5m tall, Tong can now __37__ a national bravery award for saving seven children.

The grade-6 student was __38__ a Chinese language class in Zhongwang Primary School in Qishan village of Longnan city, one of the worst-hit areas in Gansu province, __39__ the deadly quake struck on May 12,2008. There were 49 __40__ students in his class at the time.

"Windows began rattling(嘎嘎响)and it __41__ as if lots of bees were singing underground," __42__ Tong Shuangxi, Tong Shiqiang's teacher and uncle. "The sound grew __43__ ... and then I __44__ it was an earthquake.”

The teacher cried: " __45__ out!" All the students ran out of the room immediately.

__46__ outside, Tong Shuangxi rushed toward the kindergarten where the children __47__ a nap (午睡). Tong Shiqiang ran with him.

Only three of the kids had __48__ to run out of their room when they __49__ the building. The rest were crying, too __50__ to move. It __51__ less than three minutes for them to carry out all the five- and six-year-olds to __52__.

    __53__ whether all the kids had been saved, Tong and his nephew had __54__ begun checking the name list when the classroom's walls fell down. "That's the only time I was scared," said Tong Shiqiang.

The 14-year-old is __55__ to be nominated (提名) for the child hero award, to be given by the Ministry of Education and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

1. A. score         B. dozen            C. couple       D. number

2. A. beat          B. win          C. show         D. give

3. A. listening     B. hearing      C. giving           D. attending

4. A. when          B. while            C. where            D. which

5. A. another           B. other            C. others           D. the other

6. A. looked         B. turned           C. appeared     D. seemed

7. A. reminds           B. remains      C. recalls          D. remarks

8. A. alouder           B. weaker       C. clearer          D. louder 

9. A. realized          B. found            C. thought      D. recognized

10. A. Nobody           B. Everybody        C. Somebody     D. Anybody

11.A. once          B. Before           C. Since            D. After

12. A. were having      B. have         C. had          D. having had

13. A. tried         B. wanted       C. managed      D. attempted

14. A. arrived          B. reached      C. got          D. escaped

15. A. surprised     B. moved            C. frightened       D. excited 

16.A. paid          B. spent            C. cost         D. took

17. A. safety           B. classroom        C. yard         D. hospital

18. A. No problem       B. No wonder        C. Not sure     D. Not know

19. A. ever         B. just         C. never            D. even

20. A. possible         B. probable     C. likely           D. maybe




第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of   36   students in the classroom on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the   37   thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

It   38   the class some time to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one   39   the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the   40   of each student on a separate sheet of paper and 41   what everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the whole class was   42   . “Really?” she heard whispered. “I never knew that I   43   anything to anyone!” and, “I didn’t know others liked me so much” were most of the comments.

No one ever   44    those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn’t   45  . The exercise had completed its   46   . The students were   47   with themselves and one another.

That group of students moved on. Several years later, one of the students was   48   in Vietnam War and his teacher   49   the funeral of that special student.

After the funeral, most of Mark’s former classmates left. Mark’s mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak to his teacher.

“We want to   50   you something,” his father said, taking a   51   out of his pocket.

“They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might   52   it.”

Opening the wallet, he   53   removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded, and refolded many times. The teacher knew without   54   that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark’s classmates had said about him.

“Thank you so much for doing that,” Mark’s mother said. “As you can see, Mark   55   it.”

36. A. other          B. others            C. the others            D. the other

37. A. worst          B. nicest            C. smallest             D. biggest

38. A. cost           B. took             C. paid                 D. spent

39. A. handed in       B. took out         C. set down             D. turned off

40. A. number        B. address          C. name                D. home

41. A. read           B. explained        C. expressed            D. listed

42. A. smiling        B. crying          C. singing              D. playing

43. A. meant         B. marked           C. referred             D. concerned

44. A. wrote          B. recited           C. mentioned           D. examined

45. A. decide         B. conduct           C. include            D. matter

46. A. plan           B. decision          C. purpose             D. function

47. A. excited         B. worried          C. satisfied             D. disappointed

48. A. killed          B. injured           C. wounded            D. frightened

49. A. joined         B. attended          C. took                D. held

50. A. give           B. tell              C. ask                D. show

51. A. wallet          B. book            C. gift                D. watch

52. A. remind         B. recognize         C. review             D. recommend

53. A. suddenly        B. quickly          C. carefully           D. surprisingly

54. A. looking         B. saying           C. hearing            D. noticing

55. A. lost            B. found           C. remembered         D. treasured



  I was about six when I started doing gymnastice.I 36 going into the school's gymnasium full of equipment,with the other kids rushing in ,anxious to 37 ,and the scent in the air.
  I realized I wanted to get 38 with gymnastics when I watched the Olympics.When I saw those 39 use their bodies to gracefully throw 40 up in the air ,I was filled with admiration:It seemed that they could fly and I 41 myself flying like them.And when I finally tried,the 42 I got for that one 43 in the air was freedom,freedom from everything.It was a 44 ,and it was addicting.
  I was crazy when I was little.I was the boy parents didn't want their kids 45 for fear that they would 46 what I did and get hurt.Parents thought I was 47 because I would try tricks that others of my 48 wouldn't.Some of my coaches said kids as old as me don't have the courage and ability to achieve the tricks I could. What most people didn't 49 were the hours I put into learning those tricks.I practiced every step 50 until I put them together and my hard work would 51 something great.
  This hard work once stopped when I 52 ,and started at a new school.Everything there was 53 ,but the giggeset change was a lack of a gymnastics gym.
  Now I've restarted training in a team I can learn from.As a little kid I could only 54 wide-eyed as the gymnast flew high in the air. 55 I'm older,it's my time to fly.
  36.A.regret      B.remember      C.considered     D.avoided
  37.A.enter       B.leave         C.meet          D.learn
  38.A.serious     B.careful        C.busy          D.interested
  39.A.dancers     B.fans          C.athletes       D.winners
  40.A.others      B.themselves     C.everything     D.each other
  41.A.enjoyed     B.found         C.set           D.imagined
  42.A.feeling      B.lesson        C.courage       D.instruction
  43.A.second      B.effort         C.circle        D.stop
  44.A.bore        B.panic         C.high         D.trouble
  45.A.around      B.among        C.above        D.away from
  46.A.study       B.envy          C.notice        D.copy
  47.A.bad        B.crazy          C.excellent      D.dangerous
  48.A.place      B.age            C.time          D.size
  49.A.explain     B.understand     C.realize        D.experience
  50.A.now and then B.all theh time    C.over and over   D.little by little
  51.A.go through   B.belong to      C.turn into       D.give way to
  52.A.moved      B.changed       C.failed         D.finished
  53.A.all right     B.the same      C.terrible         D.different
  54.A.practice      B.watch       C.sigh            D.sit
  55.A.Simply because B.Even though  C.As soon as     D.Now that




I have learned to expect gifts from Cod in the form of people.People who I meet for a few

seconds,a few hours or even for   16 .

My wife and I   17   a short train ride on an old train.It was   18   of her birthday plan.I was expecting to meet someone new who would   19   at our table.That was to be my

20   for that day.

We weren’t seated for two minutes   21   I heard,“Would you mind if I   22   you?”I replied,“  23 .1 was expecting you!”

He was in his early sixties and   24   introduced himself.But for the following 45    minutes,he never stopped   25   loudly.If there was a pause in the conversation,it was because   26   on the train was giving us some background information about the old train

27 ,this gentleman kept speaking to us about himself.Some things he said were very interesting.but most was a complaint about his experience as a   28   and different types of law.He never asked   29   of us what we did

So.if   30   did send him,what was the message this time?

He needed   31   and I needed to be reminded how important it was to listen to people,

32   for a few seconds.a few hours or for a lifetime.Perhaps I was sent to him.Maybe he was

33   to God to meet someone who   34 .

God gave us two ears and one mouth,because we need to listen   35   as much as we speak.

16.A.a lifetime            B.a few months      C.several years           D.a long time

17.A.put                     B.enjoyed              C.took                             D.planned

18.A.part                    B.gift                    C.dream                    D.intention

19.A.explain               B.glare                  C.come                     D.sit

20.A.inspiration                 B.expectation         C.gift                        D.conversation

21.A.after                   B.when                  C.suddenly                D.before

22.A.seated                 B.joined in             C.talked with             D.joined

23.A.Go ahead            B.Never mind         C.Forget it                D.With pleasure

24.A.formally             B.politely               C.immediately           D.intelligently

25.A.complaining         B.weeping              C.talking                   D.laughing

26.A.a tour guide          B.a conductor         C.a consumer             D.a trainer

27.A.However            B.Sometimes          C.Moreover               D.Otherwise

28.A.supporter            B.professor            C.mayor                    D.1awyer

29.A.each                   B.every                  C.either                     D.one

30.A.someone             B.God                   C.my wife                 D.the train

31.A.to improve          B.to talk                C.to control               D.to target

32.A.once                   B.by contrast          C.if only                   D.other than

33.A.praying              B.talking                C.desiring                 D.begging

34.A.should listen         B.maybe listen        C.must listen             D.would listen

35.A.much more           B.twice                  C.with two                D.a lot more





One Monday morning, the class were excited about the rumor(流言)that the science room was on fire over the weekend.Mr. Johnson, my fifth grade teacher  36  it and explained that science class would be cancelled  37  the fire. He also  38  us not to go near the room because it could be dangerous.

During the morning break, Kim and I  39  to check out the damage.A first hand observation would make us heroes at lunch.We safely  40  the science room.We stood on tiptoes(脚尖)looking hard through the door window, trying to see what was like inside  41  suddenly a firm hold on our shoulders stopped us.

"Where do you belong? Certainly not here!"

I turned around to find a teacher staring  42  at us, shouting.In those frozen seconds millions of  43  flashed through my mind.My father would kill me for disobeying teachers.Worse than that, my mother might be so mad that she might not  44  him.My heart  45  even lower when I thought of how angry Mr. Johnson would be.Soon the teacher led Kim and me back to the classroom, leaving us  46  before Mr. Johnson.

But to our  47  , there was no yelling and no anger from Mr. Johnson. 48  , he bent slowly to look me in the eye.I was met with a look of  49  rather than anger.He spoke softly and carefully as he explained why he was  50  in my decision to go where I might have got  51 .As I looked into the eyes of the man who could send me to unimagined  52  at home, tears welled up in my eyes.The thought of disappointing Mr. Johnson  53  me while I felt a gentle touch of Mr. Johnson's hand on my shoulder.I glanced up and he smiled.My  54  for Mr. Johnson grew greatly the moment I discovered that he still liked me even after I'd disappointed him.I could see that he cared more about my  55  than the fact that I'd broken a rule.It was the first time I felt the power of forgiveness.

1.                A.confirmed      B.believed        C.heard    D.studied


2.                A.in spite of       B.due to          C.in terms of D.other than


3.                A.reminded       B.informed        C.warned   D.convinced


4.                A.pretended      B.asked          C.promised D.decided


5.                A.entered        B.found          C.examined D.reached


6.                A.as             B.while           C.when D.since


7.                A.curiously       B.patiently        C.silently   D.angrily


8.                A.thoughts        B.excuses         C.words    D.feelings


9.                A.help           B.stop           C.hate D.seize


10.               A.flew           B.beat           C.sank  D.moved


11.               A.whistling        B.chatting        C.whispering D.shaking


12.               A.delight         B.surprise        C.regret D.sorrow


13.               A.However       B.Therefore       C.Instead    D.Otherwise


14.               A.concern        B.guilt           C.comfort   D.complaint


15.               A.frightened      B.puzzled         C.disappointed   D.discouraged


16.               A.burnt          B.hurt           C.lost   D.blamed


17.               A.consequences   B.destructions     C.influences D.surroundings


18.               A.shocked        B. confused      C.bored D.shamed


19.               A.care           B.hope          C.love  D.desire


20.               A.behavior       B.freedom        C.dignity    D.safety




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