摘要:1.A.one of 后要用可数名词的复数形式.根据文章意思.可知答案是A.





1.When will the man be able to visit Mr.Black?

A.On November 1st.

B.On November 2nd.

C.On November 3rd.

2.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A football match

B.Today’s news

C.A story

3.What is the woman going to do first?

A.Go to the cinema.

B.Attend a party.

C.Go to the post office.

4.Who won the tennis match yesterday?



C.Sally’s brother

5.What can be said about the man?

A.He likes the shoes very much.

B.He doesn’t like the shoes.

C.He won’t buy the shoes because the size is not right.




6.According to the woman, what day is the Fool’s Day?




7.What is the man going to do on Friday?

A.Have an exam.

B.Play jokes with his girlfriend.

C.Invite his girlfriend to a dinner.

8.When is the man going to celebrate the Fool’s Day?

A.On Thursday.

B.Next Thursday.

C.At the weekend.


9.What did the woman do just now?

A.She went shopping.

B.She visited a friend.

C.She drew a picture.

10.Where was the man just now?

A.In a shop

B.In a restaurant.

C.At his own home.


11.Where was the man born?

A.In Montreal.

B.In Harbin.

C.In Calgary.

12.Why did the woman move there when she was a child?

A.Because her parents moved there when she was a child.

B.Because she went to college in Montreal.

C.Because she worked in Montreal.

13.Which city is the coldest one in the dialogue?





14.What’s happening outside?

A.A young couple are moving in

B.A young couple are quarreling loudly.

C.A young couple are playing with their children

15.What are they mainly talking about?

A.Their moving plan.

B.Their future house.

C.Their new neighbors.

16.When dose the dialogue happen?

A.In the morning

B.In the afternoon

C.In the evening

17.Who could be John?

A.One of the two daughters.

B.The speakers’ child.

C.The new neighbor.







Nick was not the kind of boy I had expected to spend my summer with. I was hoping to have a   21   the summer before my busy senior year, but my mother asked me to do her a  22  . One of her colleagues needed a full-time   23  . “You planned to volunteer at the local hospital, why not volunteer to   24   Nick instead?” Then she told me that this six-year-old boy was not a   25   child.

Nick was a lovely little boy who suffered from many disorders. Normal day-care centers would not   26   him. As a baby, he had serious ear infections which left him with equilibrium (平衡) problems. He couldn’t   27   or run properly. I was hesitating (犹豫)   28   I was to take the job when my mother   29  , “Don’t you want to be a nurse in the future? I doubt if you even have the   30  .”

Then I told her I was   31  for the job.

The day started at 7:00 a.m. Nick was my wake-up call! With so much energy and very little   32  , he was quite a mix.

At the park, when he saw all the other children play on the jungle gym and swings (秋千), the boy’s face   33   up — How he wished he belonged to the group of his age! You would think it would be   34   to get a child to go down a slide (滑梯). Believe me, it wasn’t !  It took time, a lot of time. But with patience and support, Nick took one step up the slide each day. We worked together to face his   35   and gradually he got closer to taking the slide of his life.

Halfway through the summer, he   36   it to the top of the slide. With my arms   37    him tightly, we flew down the slide! I waited for his reaction. After realizing that he was safe and sound, he gave me a big   38   and asked, “May I go down again, alone?”

I had never been happier in my life when I saw this little child climb the ladder and enjoy what other children   39   for granted.

This   40   child taught me that being a nurse means respect, kindness and patience.

21. A. grade                    B. course                   C. project                  D. relaxation

22. A. service         B. favour               C. business              D. trade

23. A. nurse            B. waitress              C. guard                 D. guide

24. A. protect          B. defend               C. attend               D. comfort

25. A. normal                B. naughty              C. clever             D. happy

26. A. admit            B. receive              C. accept              D. adopt

27. A. speak           B. play                   C. stand               D. walk

28. A. if                  B. what                C. why              D. where

29. A. suggested         B. argued               C. challenged          D. commented

30. A. energy           B. courage              C. faith                           D. time

31. A. eager            B. sorry                C. grateful            D. ready

32. A. awareness        B. balance               C. knowledge         D. control

33. A. delighted       B. cheered               C. lit                D. shut

34. A. difficult        B. simple               C. interesting          D. terrible

35. A. fears            B. worries              C. chances            D. situations

36. A. climbed          B. got                        C. managed           D. made

37. A. taking          B. holding              C. bringing          D. greeting

38. A. kiss            B. clap                 C. welcome           D. surprise

39. A. play            B. do                  C. take              D. enjoy

40. A. miserable        B. smart                C. brave             D. special



第二部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)  
Last year my wife and I spent a most interesting month in Turkey. Before we left, we were reminded of the difficulties of driving in Turkey. We certainly did not find this to be the case and, except for a few places in faraway mountain areas, the roads were wide, and well-paved (铺). We drove for 12 days along the Western Coast of Turkey and had no problems at all. We found the Turkish drivers most polite and well educated. We also found that eating lunch in the smaller towns was difficult so we picnicked almost every day.
The following day after our arrival was Turkey’s Children’s Day, started by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Ataturk loved children and he often said, “Children are a new beginning of tomorrow”. He even dedicated the day 23rd of April to the children. Today, it is celebrated as Children’s Day as well as the date when the Republic of Turkey was founded.
On that day certain children are picked to take over the places of the government, and a lucky kid will be the president of Turkey for a whole day. He can decide what’s going to happen and whether or not he is going to have the president sit next to him. There are a very large number of things you can do but some shops aren’t open because they are celebrating as well.
All in all, it was a more enjoyable trip. I would recommend a trip to Turkey to anyone with an adventurous spirit! 
36. Before the author and his wife went on a trip to Turkey, they were told that
A. it was difficult to travel in Turkey
B. it was not easy to drive in Turkey
C. the streets in Turkey were dangerous
D. there were many mountainous roads
37. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the first paragraph?
A. Places in mountain areas were difficult to reach.
B. The couple drove for 12 days during their journey.
C. The Turkish drivers had good manners.
D. It was difficult to eat meals in Turkey.
38. The underlined word “he” in the third paragraph refers to ______.
A. every one of us               B. the government
C. the president of Turkey     D. the lucky child
39. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The couple had no difficulty making their way in Turkey.
B. Turkey’s National Day was the 22nd of April.
C. The author joined in celebrating Children’s Day.
D. On Turkey’s Children’s Day everyone had a holiday.


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