摘要: B.根据上文.欧洲人的购物观念与美国人有所不同.因此电话购物公司也得采取不同的措施.固定结构be different form意为“不同于-- 为正确答案.


Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening. 

One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own. 

Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of one who has shared the secret of Nature. 

Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a fortnight’s (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night. 

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true? 

A.People who like country things prefer to live outside the city.

B.People who work in London prefer to live in the country.

C.Because of certain disadvantages of living outside London, some people who work in London prefer to live inside London.

D.Because of certain advantages of living outside London, many people who work in London prefer to live outside London.

2.One can use the same money for ________ to buy a little house with a garden in the country.

A.getting a small flat with a garden

B.having a small flat with a garden

C.renting a small flat without a garden

D.buying a small flat without a garden

3.When the flowers and vegetables in the garden come up, those _______ have the reward of one who has shared the secret of Nature. 

A.who live in the country

B.who have spent time working in the garden

C.who have a garden of their own

D.who have been digging, planting and watering

4.People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that _______ if they had to live it outside London. 

A.their life was meaningless

B.their life was invaluable

C.they didn’t deserve a happy life

D.they were not worthy of their happy life

5.The underlined word rest in the last paragraph refers to ________.

A.the rest time

B.the rest people

C.the rest of the country

D.the rest of the parks and of the sea



A.GOLD According to the True Colors system people who choose GOLD as their primary color like to fit in or belong.They tend to be reliable people who enjoy serving others.Things like tradition, home are very important to them.They need order and structure.They don’t like waste or change.
B.ORANGE People who choose orange as their primary color need a lot of variety and freedom.They take pride in being highly skilled.They enjoy "hand-on" work and often are good in a crisis.They are risk taker, seeking challenges.
C.YELLOW People who choose yellow as their primary color are curious about everything.They are confident and knowledgeable.They love sports very much and they work high efficiently.
D.GREEN People who choose green as their primary color are competent and want to control the realities of life.They are analytical and enjoy solving problems and developing systems.They love intelligence and logic.They are often critical of themselves and others.
E.BLUE People who choose blue as their primary color enjoy close relationships.Harmony and integrity are very important.These people are often very creative or they enjoy the creative work of others.
F.RED People who choose red as their primary color are always full of vigor(活力) and they tend to be confident all the time.It seems like they are ready to do anything and they will be successful.And they have a strong desire for power.
【小题1】Creating a warm and personal working atmosphere; establishing a peaceful working environment and
trying to avoid conflict; allowing them the freedom to express their feeling; praising their creative
approach to the job; praising them with their good jobs. 
【小题2】Assigning work which needs detailed planning; defining the tasks in clear terms; providing a stable work environment and avoiding sudden change; giving standard rules and regulations and setting a good examples; praising them with their good jobs. 
【小题3】Assigning work which needs analytical thinking and problem solving; encouraging them to think independently and taking their ideas to the next step; praising them with their good jobs. 
【小题4】Assigning work which are action-packed; providing opportunities to be skillful and adventurous; allowing them the freedom to the job in their own ways; praising them with their good jobs. 
【小题5】Assigning work which needs full energy; providing opportunities for job competition; if he does well, let him know he is very likely to get promotion; praise them with their good jobs.


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