摘要: A. does B. moves C. grows D. plays




  The sun can make the wind blow! The faraway sun can make air move across the earth in a wind.

  First, sunshine heats the earth. Then the earth heats the air that is close to it. As the air gets warmer, it also gets lighter. Up it goes, while cooler air moves in to take its place. This is the kind of motion (运动) you can see in a turning wheelas one part is going up, another part in moving along the ground.

  High above the earth, the warm air grows cool, and down it comes again. Once more the earth warms it. Again it rises, and the great wheel of air keeps turning.

  You can feel it turning in a hot day at the seashore of beside a lake. The earth soaks(吸收)up more heat from the sun than the water does. This means that the air above the earth grows warm and light, while the air above the water stays cool. The warm, light air rises. Offshore, the cooler air begins to move. It flows in over the land to take the warm air's place. That is why you are likely to have a cool breeze at the shore on a sunshiny day.

  Some winds are caused by the spinning (旋转) of the earth itself.

1.When the wind blows, it gets through the following steps except ________.

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A.the earth spins by itself

B.sunshine heats the earth

C.the earth heats the air that is close to it

D.warm air goes up and cool air moves in to take its place

2.Which of the following plays an important part in making the wind blow?

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A.The sun.
B.The earth.
C.The warm air.
D.The cool air.

3.Which of the following pictures can explain the form of the wind?

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