


One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?” I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain,   36   you can just wait until we make a quick   37   at the grocery store. I have something   38   to show you. ”

At the grocery store, we   39   some apples —red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to   40   your question.” I put one apple of each   41   on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a   42   look on his face. 

 “People are like apples. They come in all   43   colors, shapes and sizes. On the   44   ,  some of the apples may not   45   look as delicious as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was   46   each one carefully.

Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them,   47   them back on the table, but   48   a different place. 

 “Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.” He said, “I   49   tell. They all look the same now. ” “Take a bite of   50  . See if that helps you 51   which one is which. ” He took   52  , and then a huge smile came cross his face.” People are   53   like apples! They are all different, but once you   54   the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside.” He totally   55   it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else. 

A. although  B. so         C. because      D. if

A. stop B. start        C. turn        D. stay

A. expressive       B. encouragingC. informative       D. interesting

A. bought    B. counted      C. saw         D. collected

A. check      B. mention     C. answer           D. improve

A. size  B. type        C. shape      D. class

A. worried   B. satisfied     C. proud      D. curious

A. ordinary  B. normal      C. different     D. regular

A. outside    B. whole     C. table       D. inside

A. still  B. even       C. only        D. ever u

A. examining      B. measuring  C. drawing     D. packing

A. keeping   B. placing       C. pulling       D. giving

A. on    B. toward      C. for          D. in

A. mustn’t   B. can’t       C. shouldn’t    D. needn’t

A. each one  B. each other  C. the other    D. one another

A. admit      B. consider     C. decide     D. believe

A. big bites  B. deep breathsC. a firm hold       D. a close look

A. just  B. always      C. merely           D. seldom

A. put away B. get down    C. hand out     D. take off

A. made       B. took        C. got        D. did



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 - 55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并填写到答题纸表格。

One Saturday afternoon, my daughter Alice asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”

 I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain,   41   you can just wait until we make a quick   42   at the grocery store. I have something   43   to show you. ”

At the grocery store, we    44    some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Alice, “It’s time to   45   your question.” I put one apple of each   46    on the table. Then I looked at Alice, who had a   47   look on her face.  

 “People are like apples. They come in all   48  colors, shapes and sizes. On the    49  , some of the apples may not  50   look as the others. ” As I was talking, Alice was    51   each one carefully.  

Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them,  52   them back on the table, but   53   a different place.  

 “Okay, Alice, tell me which is which.”

She said, “I   54   tell. They all look the same now. ” “Take a bite of   55  . See if that helps you   56   which one is which. ”

She took   57  , and then a huge smile came across her face. “People are   58   like apples! They are all different, but once you _ 59   the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”

She totally   60   it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.  

1.A. although                 B. so                          C. because                 D. if         

2.A. stop                        B. start                       C. turn                      D. stay         

3.A. expressive               B. encouraging            C. informative           D. interesting      

4.A. bought                    B. counted                  C. saw                      D. collected       

5.A. check                      B. mention                  C. answer                  D. improve        

6.A. size                        B. type                       C. shape                    D. class         

7.A. worried                   B. satisfied                  C. proud                   D. curious        

8.A. ordinary                  B. normal                   C. different               D. regular        

9.A. outside                    B. whole                     C. table                     D. inside         

10.A. still                       B. even                       C. only                     D. ever         

11.A. examining             B. measuring               C. drawing                D. packing        

12.A. keeping                 B. placing                   C. pulling                 D. giving         

13.A. on                        B. toward                   C. for                       D. in          

14.A. mustn’t                 B. can’t                      C. shouldn’t              D. needn’t        

15.A. each one                B. each other               C. the other               D. one another     

16.A. admit                    B. consider                 C. decide                  D. believe

17.A. big bites                B. deep breaths            C. a firm hold           D. close look  

18.A. just                       B. always                    C. merely                  D. seldom

19.A. put away               B. get down                C. hand out               D. take off  

20.A. made                    B. took                       C. got                       D. did



第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Pass Your Love On

Waiting for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by myself. Just then, an air hostess approached me and asked, “Would you mind   36   your seat? A couple would like to sit together.” The only   37  seat was next to a girl with her arms in casts (石膏绷带),a black-and-blue face, and a sad expression. “   38   am I going to sit there,” I thought immediately. But a soft voice spoke, “She needs help.” Finally, I     39 _  to move to that seat.

The girl was named Kathy. She   40   in a car accident and now was on her way for_ 41   .

When the snack and juice arrived, it did not take me long to   42   that Kathy would not be able to   43   herself. I considered   44   to feed her but hesitated, as it seemed too   45   to offer a service to a   46___. But then I realized that Kathy’s need was more   47   than my discomfort. I offered to help her eat, and   48   she was uncomfortable to accept, she   49   as I expected. We became closer and closer in a short period of time. By the end of the five-hour trip, my heart   50   , and the   51   was really better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached   52   my comfort zone(地带) to sit next to Kathy and feed her. Love   53  flows beyond human borders(边界) and removes the fears that keep us   54  . When we   55   to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more rewarding world.

36. A. losing                 B. changing                  C. taking                      D. bringing

37. A. comfortable        B. suitable                    C. available                  D. favorite

38. A. No problem        B. No way                    C. Nowhere                  D. No doubt

39. A. decided                     B. wanted                     C. regretted                  D. promised

40. A. was                    B. would be                  C. used to be                 D. had been

41. A. treatment            B. travel                       C. pleasure                   D. business

42. A. see                    B. say                          C. realize                      D. recognize

43. A. eat                            B. feed                         C. choose                            D. support

44. A. offering                     B. needing                    C. stopping                   D. trying

45. A. impolite             B. far                           C. close                        D. fast

46. A. girl                    B. neighbor                  C. passenger                 D. stranger

47. A. unusual                     B. direct                       C. important                 D. shameful

48. A. when                  B. although                   C. since                        D. as

49. A. refused               B. wondered                 C. cried                        D. did

50. A. had warmed        B. had jumped                     C. had broken               D. had cheered

51. A. life                           B. money                     C. time                         D. energy

52. A. below                 B. through                    C. across                      D. beyond

53. A. seldom               B. never                       C. hardly                      D. sometimes

54. A. separate                     B. independent              C. silent                       D. upset

55. A. happen               B. offer                     C. wait                        D. continue





I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area.My parents  36    the necessities of life   37    they couldn’t give much more.If I asked my father   38    a pair of jeans,he would say,“If you want them,make the money and buy them   39   .”He wasn’t being mean;he just couldn’t   40    them.From age 12 on,I did part-time jobs after school.

When I   41    from high school,I joined the navy.Soon I was in a boot camp(新兵训练营) at Parris Island,S.C.,where I learned that life in the navy centered around completing daily   42   .These could be anything from cleaning the camp to conducting mock(模拟的) battles.Completing these tasks successfully   43    discipline,team-work and responsibility.It didn’t  44   whether you were black,white or Asian;everyone worked together for the  45    of the company.

I went   46    to graduate from the U.S.Naval Academy and later became an officer in the navy.The part of my job I   47    most was the consueling(咨询) meetings I   48    with the family members of the men and women in my   49   ,trying to help them deal with the long periods of   50   .These proved popular and word of them spread.   51    I was being asked to give encouraging   52    to business groups,educators and kids across the country.

But I consider the boot camp my first real  53  ,and my life is still guided by the  54    lessons I learned there.It taught me discipline,friendship and the pride related to setting a task every day and working hard to   55    it.

36.A.provided              B.got                           C.made                        D.bought

37.A.while                   B.but                           C.so                             D.or

38.A.about                   B.with                          C.for                            D.of

39.A.themselves            B.ourselves                   C.yourself                    D.myself

40.A.pay                      B.find                          C.produce                     D.afford

41.A.came                    B.returned                    C.escaped                     D.graduated

42.A.drills                    B.tasks                         C.exercises                   D.reports

43.A.included               B.asked                        C.required                    D.met

44.A.matter                  B.mean                        C.exist                         D.work

45.A.good                    B.boss                          C.rest                           D.right

46.A.out                       B.on                                   C.away                         D.off

47.A.took                     B.hated                        C.enjoyed                     D.did

48.A.ended                   B.began                        C.continued                  D.held

49.A.charge                  B.situation                    C.position                     D.choice

50.A.lessons                 B.meetings                   C.training                     D.separation

51.A.Long before                                             B.Before long

C.As usual                                                       D.Once again

52.A.performances                                           B.descriptions

C.speeches                                                       D.gifts

53.A.vacation               B.place                         C.job                           D.travel

54.A.important             B.bitter                        C.normal                      D.difficult

55.A.gain                            B.achieve                            C.show                         D.match


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