摘要: C.根据下文飞机把Farley送到了一个没有房屋和人的地方, 说明了这个地方不可能是城市,小镇和村庄故a far place为正确答案.



One day a few years ago we had an uninvited guest—a sparrow.  36  the little bird had flown into our open garage. Then I  37  the bird before I saw it.

“What’s that?”I asked when I first heard the sound.

“It’s coming from the  38  .”my wife, Anita, said. “Maybe it’s one of the little  39  .”

I looked into the garage. No children at all. But there was that sound again, coming from right up there. And that’s  40   I saw the sparrow. It was flying  41  just inches below the ceiling. It was clearly  42  to get out, but couldn’t see the way out was not up, but  43  and and out through the garage door. So the bird continued flapping its wings and bumping its little head 44  the ceiling.

I tried to terrify it out, but only succeeded in driving it into the  45  open space between the door and the ceiling. Then I tried to show the bird how to fly down a few feet  46   it could get outside, but that only seemed to  47  it more.

“Why don’t we just leave for a few minutes,” Anita  48  .“I’m sure he’ll figure it out eventually.”

We went back into the house, where we  49  to hear the ongoing struggle between the sparrow and the ceiling. Then suddenly, it was  50  and our uninvited guest was gone.

I’ve  51  that little sparrow through the years, and I’ve decided that birds are not different much from people. We think we were  52  to fly ever upward, and we don’t even consider the  53  that something good might happen if we just fly down a little bit. Once we figure out that we can make  54  without banging(碰)our heads against ceilings, we can usually save ourselves much  55  .

36.A. Still              B. Somehow          C. Instead              D. Perhaps



37.A. heard            B. caught               C. searched           D. observed


【解析】根据下文when I first heard the sound, 可知本句的意思是“未见其鸟,先闻其鸣”。

38.A. house           B. backyard           C. garage               D. basement


【解析】根据36题所在的句子可知, 小鸟进入了garage,所以声音应该从garage传来。

39.A. birds            B. guests               C. cats                  D. kids


【解析】根据下文no children at all.可知, 作者的妻子认为是期中一个孩子

40.A. when            B. how                  C. why                  D. whether



41.A. quickly         B. anxiously           C. cautiously          D. slowly



42. A. deciding       B. hesitating           C. trying                D. choosing


【解析】try to get out努力要出去。

43. A. up               B. backward          C. forward            D. down



44. A. against         B. off                    C. along                D. into


【解析】bump its little head against the ceiling 小脑袋撞击天花板

45. A. free             B. small                 C. wide                 D. dark



46. A. in case         B. even if               C. as though          D. so that


【解析】so that 引导目的状语从句。

47. A. puzzle          B. confuse             C. frighten             D. disturb


【解析】但是这样似乎使它更害怕。Frighten sb使某人害怕, 吓唬某人

48. A. suggested     B. explained           C. insisted             D. demanded


【解析】why don’t sb do 是表示建议的用语。 所以选择A。

49. A. attempted     B. continued          C. refused             D. failed


【解析】continue to do sth继续干某事

50. A. fierce           B. empty               C. safe                  D. silent


【解析】根据下文our uninvited guest was gone, 所以没有声音了,很安静

51.A. looked after   B. worried about    C. thought about    D. brought up


【解析】A.照看 B.担心 C.思考  D. 提出。下文题到“鸟和人没有什么不同”,所以作者是在思考。

52. A. forced         B. determined         C. born                 D. urged


【解析】be born to do 天生就是干某事的。 “我们认为我们天生就是往上飞的”

53. A. idea             B. possibility          C. challenge           D. problem



54. A. progress      B. peace                C. decisions           D. efforts


【解析】make progress取得进步

55. A. panic           B. pressure            C. loss                  D. trouble


【解析】save some trouble 省去很多麻烦。



Four Steps to Better Learning

  Sheela and Nisha had almost the same level of intelligence and came from similar family backgrounds.Sheela found it hard to memorise a poem for an oral test while Nisha did it without any difficulty.  1   Why was there a difference?

  The answer is : Nisha just knew how to learn better than Sheela did.  2   Here are four steps to better learning.

  Preview the matter first.Scan or skim over a material quickly.Read the first sentence of each paragraph, glance at the table of contents and the preface.

    3   Speed reading is fine for the easy material.But for more complex works, slower reading is much more effective.Good learners actively think about what they read and assimilate(吸收)it.

  Be focused.To improve concentration and focus, fix a particular time and place for studying.Use a variety of methods, like writing down what you’ve read, taping it and then listening to it, making an outline or even drawing a diagram.  4   It will improve your learning capacity(能力).

    5   Each person has his own way of learning.If given the pieces of an object to assemble(聚集), each of us uses a different method to arrive at the same result.Analyse your approach and follow the method that you feel most comfortable with.

A.Follow your own learnign style.

B.Slow down and read it aloud to yourself.

C.Take a break if you become too tense or tired.

D.Turn to your heroes or tutors for advice and follow their advice.

E.She increased the capacity of her brain by applying some skills.

F.She only scanned a new poem twice before reciting it from memory!

G.Nisha had a better intelligence than Sheela, which was not true in fact.



    1   Such as runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel miserable.But experts believe that there is no link between cold weather and catching colds.  2  

  Internal Medicine expert, Dr Meenakshi Jain of Max Hospital says, “One reason could be that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily.  3  

  The common cold is a viral infection that can be caused by any of up to 250 strains of virus, the most common group of which are the rhinovirus that hit the nose.

    4   “They are transmitted through the nose respiratory passages, by touch, and by contact with airborne particles that are created by sneezing or coughing,” says Dr Jain.

  There is no cure for the common cold and antibiotics are of no help.However, there are some precautions which can help:

    5   In this case, you can protect your hands from getting germs.

  Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth, which can limit your chances of infection.

  Don’t share drinking glasses or utensils with anyone as this will prevent the spread of the virus.

  Make sure to eat enough fruits to boost your immune system.
A.Also the virus thrives in humidity.

B.Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

C.They are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all common colds.

D.Get enough sleep and you’ll certainly feel better.

E.So why are we particularly vulnerable(脆弱的)this season?

F.Wash your hands regularly.

G.It’s winter and you have probably noticed germs are everywhere.



  “OK, class.Count off(报数)by five.”  1   Sometimes, breaking into small groups lasts as long as the class does.Other times, it signals the start of a “group project”-which means you'll be working with a few classmates for a day, several days, or longer on an assignment(任务).

    2   Most things are done with the help or ideas of other people.Group projects are great practice for high school, college, and real life, when you will probably have a job that requires working with others.Right now, group projects can be fun and they often allow you to do a bigger, more interesting project than you could alone.  3  

  Group projects also give you a chance to get to know kids you might not know or talk with-maybe the quiet kid in the third row, or the boy who lived down the street when you were in kindergarten.  4   For example:working on a deadline(最后期限), staying organized, or being patient.And if you're a little nervous talking in front of a group, a joint(联合的)project can help you become more comfortable with it.

    5   If so, you'll know your whole group is rooting for you!

A.Few of us act alone in the real world.

B.Why is this type of project so popular in school?

C.With group work, you can actually learn more in less time.

D.Maybe your group will pick you to tell the whole class about your project.

E.Group projects are also a great way to practice skills you're not so sure of.

F.When your teacher gives you that instruction, you know what's coming next.

G.One key to a good meeting is having a leader, who should help the group stay focused.


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