摘要: A. to B. around C. between D. from



Life has changed in Mexico City.Streets normally filled with people are empty.One of the most popular professional soccer teams recently played a game in an empty stadium that can seat more than100,000 people.It's swine (猪)flu that has made life in Mexico City grind to a halt (慢慢停了下来).

Seemingly out of nowhere, swine flu has caused confirmed deaths in 12 countries as of April 30.It has sent a wave of alarm around the world.Governments are trying to find ways to prevent further out-breaks.The World Health Organization has raised its swine flu global threat level to five out of six.

People may be familiar with bird flu, but they know little about swine flu.Swine flu is a contagious(传染性) respiratory(呼吸的)disease in pigs.It is caused by a type-A influenza virus.

Humans can also catch swine flu.The virus causes regular outbreaks in pigs, but people usually do not catch it.However, there have been cases of the virus spreading to people, and then from one person to another.

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the common flu.They include fever, lethargy (无精打采), lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea(恶心), and vomiting (呕吐).The high proportion of young adults among the deaths is one of several mysteries about this virus.Most of the dead had lung damage.What caused it is not yet known.

The virus spreads the same way the common flu does.When an infected person coughs or sneezes around another person, the latter is put at risk.People can get the disease by touching something with the flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.

There are medicines to treat swine flu.Doctors suggest using anti - viral drugs.They keep the virus from reproducing inside the body.

And there are vaccines for it now, several everyday steps can also help prevent the spread of the virus: washing hands frequently; avoiding close contact with people who are sick; and avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on it.

People may worry that they will get swine flu from eating or preparing pork.In fact, you cannot catch the virus from pork products if they have been properly prepared and cooked.Cooking food at temperatures of 71℃ kills the virus.

69.What is the main idea of the passage?

       A.It mainly tells us how swine flu broke out in Mexico City.

       B.It presents the reader with some information concerning swine flu.

       C.It tells us the differences between swine flu and bird flu.

       D.It mainly tells readers the dangers caused by swine flu.

70.The following tips can protect us from swine flu EXCEPT _________.

       A.keeping us away from other people

       B.washing hands frequently

       C.avoiding close contact with sick people

       D.avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on them

71.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?

       A.Mexico City is really a place of horror now.

       B.People in Mexico City like staying at home.

       C.People in Mexico City don't like soccer.

       D.Swine flu has seriously affected people's life in Mexico City.

72.What can we infer from the passage?

       A.At present there still aren't effective vaccines for swine flu.

       B.Swine flu is preventable,controllable and curable.

       C.From now on, people can't eat pork if they want to be safe.

       D.All of the dead killed by swine flu had lung damage.


A car that runs on coffee is unveiled(shown to the public for the first time)today but at between 25 and 50 times the cost of running a car on petrol, the invention won’t please any motor industry accountants.
Nicknamed the Car-puccino, it has been created using a 1988 Volkswagen Scirocco bought for £400 and it was chosen because it looked like the time-traveling DeLorean in the movie Back To The Future.The car will be driven the 210 miles between Manchester and London powered only by roasted coffee granules (颗粒).It has been built by a team from the BBC1 science programme Bang Goes The Theory and will go on display at the Big Bang science fair in Manchester to show how fuels other than traditional petrol can power vehicles.
The team calculates the Car-puccino will do three miles per kilo of ground coffee (咖啡粉) — about 56 cups of espressos (浓咖啡) per mile.The journey will use about 70 kilos of ground coffee which, at supermarket prices of between £13 and £26 a kilo depending on brand and quality, will cost between £910 and £1,820, or between 25 and 50 times the £36 cost of petrol for the journey.In total, the trip will cost 11,760 espressos, and the team will have to take ‘coffee breaks’ roughly every 30 to 45 miles to pour in more granules.They will also have to stop about every 60 miles to clean out the ‘coffee filters’ to rid them of the soot and tar which is also generated by the process.So despite a top speed of 60mph, the many stops mean the going will be slow, with the journey taking around ten hours.
Sadly, the inventors will still have to pay duty on their coffee fuel---even though tax collectors at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Custom haven’t yet worked out how much.
Nick Watson, producer of Bang Goes The Theory, said, “Coffee, like wood or coal, has some carbon content so you can use it as a fuel.The coffee needs to be very dry and in granules to allow the air to move through the pile of coffee as it burns.The brand doesn’t matter.” He said the same technology could be used to power a car on other unusual fuels, such as woodchips or nut shells, construction or agricultural waste.
【小题1】Which is the right way to choose the coffee used as fuels to run the Car-puccino?

A.It should be very dry.B.The stronger, the better.
C.The smaller the granules are, the better.D.It should be of a certain brand.
【小题2】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.All kinds of materials can be used as fuels.
B.The Car-puccino will be put into the market soon.
C.Nick Watson is the designer of the Car-puccino
D.Much remains to be improved for the Car-puccino.
【小题3】The Car-puccino has its disadvantages EXCEPT that ________.
A.it makes a lot of noise
B.it runs at a very high cost
C.it has to stop to be refueled very often
D.it’s not good enough for long-distance journey
【小题4】How much ground coffee will be used to cover a distance of 126 miles in this car?
A.About 70 kilosB.About 42 kilos.C.About 32 kilosD.About 30 kilos
【小题5】Why can coffee be used as a fuel?
A.It looks like wood or coal.B.It contains some carbon content.
C.It is very cheap.D.It is much better than woodchips or nut shells.


To Chinese immigrants, in the mid-1800s, California was “The Land of the Golden Mountain.” In their homeland they had heard the words, “There’s gold in California.” They sailed 7,000miles to join the gold rush and strike it rich.Between 1849 and 1882, more than 30,000 Chinese came to California.Most were men.They had been farmers in China.They came here to be miners and laborers.They ended up doing many other jobs, too.
Like many other immigrants, they did not plan to stay in America.They came because of their ties to their homeland and their families.They planned to return to China with their fortunes and help their families.
Only a few Chinese gold miners struck it rich.Most picked over the areas that had been mined already.But still, white miners resented the Chinese.Slowly, they drove the “yellow peril” from the mining camps.
By the end of the 1850s, many Chinese returned home.Those who stayed found other jobs.
Few women had come west in the gold rush.The Chinese saw a good business opportunity.They began doing the jobs women would have done.Many became house servants.Many more opened laundries.
The Chinese opened restaurants.Chop suey and show mein are popular Chinese-American dishes.The Chinese probably created these dishes to serve to the white miners.
Other Chinese became fishermen, farmers, and even cigar makers.
【小题1】Why did Chinese go to America in the mid-1800s?

A.Because they could find good jobs there.
B.Because they had found gold there.
C.Because they could open laundries and restaurants there.
D.Because they heard there was gold there.
【小题2】The underlined word “resented” mean “________”.
【小题3】Which of the following was NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Some Chinese became drivers.
B.Many Chinese opened shops to help wash clothes.
C.Many Chinese picked gold around the old mines.
D.Many Chinese returned to China by the end of the 1850s.
【小题4】Which should be the title of the passage?
A.Early Chinese immigrants in America
B.Dream to strike it rich
C.The difference between men and women
D.Gold miners in America


Between their crazy schedules and upside-down circadian(昼夜节律的) rhythms, teens have always been somewhat sleep-deprived(剥夺).Now technology is making it worse.
Teens are not just texting, instant-messaging and surfing Facebook all day; they’re sleeping with their cell phones or laptops, too.Or rather, not sleeping.And doctors and parents, many of whom raised in an era when phones were attached to walls, are concerned.
“So many teens are having sleep issues, and parents aren’t necessarily regulating the use of the electronic devices enough,” says Margie Ryerson, a therapist.“It’s impossible to wind down and relax the body, the mind, the senses and be ready to fall asleep.”
“We all know teens don’t get enough sleep in general,” says San Francisco.“As long as parents allow teens to have these devices in their bedrooms at night, teens will be tempted(诱惑) to use them.”… Teens would socialize 24/7 if they could.
Ryerson calls it the CNN syndrome of teenhood— round-the-clock reports on breaking news about everything, from homework to wardrobe choices to ice-cream cravings.
Sleep deprivation is linked to memory and concentration problems, anxiety and depression, and moodiness.“Many people assume these problems arise directly from adolescence, which is not really true,” he says.“The real issue is sleep deprivation.Late-night texting can certainly make the situation worse.”
“The psychology behind this constant contact is certainly understandable,” Ryerson says.“It comes from wanting to avoid being left out.They won’t be considered important and significant in their peer group, if they don’t know what’s going on.If they’re on top of everything, they belong,” she says.
“What helps, at least for younger kids,” says Ryerson, “is parental involvement.If all of their friends are all able to text into the early hours of the night, it is hard for a middle or high schooler to set the limit themselves.Often they appreciate parents stepping in.”
“As parents, we want our kids to be happy, healthy and responsible,” she says, “and the most necessary requirement for achieving balance is to first take care of ourselves physically — eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep.”
【小题1】According to Ryerson, it seems that ____.

A.it is unnecessary to control teens’ using the electric devices
B.parents possibly don’t control teens in using the electric devices
C.there is no need for parents to make use of the electric devices
D.parents don’t learn enough how to use the electric devices
【小题2】By saying the underlined part “the CNN syndrome of teenhood”(in Para5), Ryerson means _.
A.teens are affected by CNN news reports very much
B.teens watch news report on CNN around the clock
C.teens text to tell each other everything possible
D.teens like the news report on CNN
【小题3】When teens felt depressed, people used to think it was because ____.
A.teens stayed up late to do homework
B.teens were easily anxious in character
C.teens didn’t have enough sleep at night
D.teens were going through a period of growth
【小题4】Why do teens keep texting all the time?
A.To have a sense of being accepted by others.
B.To keep informed of what is going on in the world.
C.To spread important news among their group.
D.To reduce the pressure from parents and schools.


When a storm is coming, most people leave the area as quickly as possible and head for safety…But there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight for the center of the storm.These people are willing to risk (冒…危险) being killed by floods or 100-Kilometer- an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the storm close up.
“Storm chasing (追逐)”is becoming an increasingly popular hobby (喜好) ,especially in the Midwest of the United States, where there are frequent storms between March and July.A storm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet for the latest weather reports, and then drives up to l,000 kilometers to where the storm will be and waits for it to develop.
Although anyone can do it,storm chasing is extremely dangerous.The power of a big storm  can throw a cow into the air or destroy a whole house in seconds.Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused by driving in a heavy rain.If you are a beginner, it is much safer to join a group for storm - chasing vacations during the storm season.
Even then,storm chasing is not all adventure and excitement.“Storm chasing is 95%driving,”says Daniel Lynch,who spends most of his summer storm-chasing.“Sometimes you
Can sit around for hours waiting for something to happen,and all you get is blue sky and a few light showers.”
However,for storm chasers,it is all worth it. “When you get close to a storm,it is the most exciting sight you will ever see in your life,”says Jasper Morley.“Every storm is an example of the power of nature.It is the greatest show on Earth.”
57.For storm chasing,the first thing storm chasers do is to       
A.head straight for the center of the storm   
B.get into the car for safety
C.wait patiently for the storm to develop
D.collect information about a coming storm
58.Beginners of storm chasing are advised_______
A.not to drive in a heavy rain   
B.to do it in an organized way
C.not to get too close to a storm
D.to spend more time on it in summer
59.By saying“it is all worth it”in the last paragraph,the author means that______
A.storm chasing costs a lot of money
B.storm chasing is worth hours of waiting
C.efforts in storm chasing are well paid
D.a storm presents the greatest show on Earth
60.What can we learn from the text?
A.Sometimes storm chasers get nothing but disappointment. 
B.Many storm chasers get killed in the storms.
C.Storm chasing is becoming popular around the world.
D.Storm chasing is only fit for young people


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