摘要: A. slept B. went out C. cooked D. ate


Half of all bosses say a lack of sleep makes them irritable (易怒的) and prone to(有……倾向的) shout at their staff, a study said.

One in five managers also said being kept awake at night meant they were more likely to make mistakes, the Mori poll of 1,006 people revealed(显示).

Some 48% of people aged 35 to 44 said they did not get enough sleep compared to a national average 39%.

Among that age group, people with young children and managerial (管理的) jobs were most likely to suffer. 

The report, commissioned (委托) by the think tank De??mos and Ikea, said the issue of sleep had been forgotten in the work / life balance debate.

Report author Charles Leadbeater said, "On any working day, a quarter of all managers in Britain are likely to be in a bad mood because they have not slept well. "

"These sleep-deprived and shouty managers with a tend??ency to make mistakes are responsible for millions of British workers. It’s hardly a recipe for good management. "

And Mr. Leadbeater called on the government and em??ployers to take action.

A small loss of sleep is likely to have a big impact on people who lead stressful lives.

"Stressed out parents are already not sleeping enough. They are the people most likely to have their sleep disrupted and they are least able to recover."  

Apart from children keeping their parents awake, worrying about work is the biggest cause of wakefulness at night among managers.

Women are five times more likely than men to lose sleep because their partners snore (打呼噜).

The report predicted that there was likely to be a growing market of sleep-deprived people, with an increase in "public napping".

Opportunities to take a nap at work are also likely to in??crease, and the report recommended that employers take their responsibility for ensuring employees were well slept more se??riously.

Peter Jelkeby, marketing manager at Ikea, said the re??search confirmed suspicions Britons were not getting enough sleep.  

And he added: "This is having a detrimental effect on our society as a whole. "

9. Which of following is true according to the text?

A. Half of the people say a lack of sleep makes them irrita??ble.

B. 20% managers said being kept awake at night meant they were more likely to make mistakes.

C. Some 48% of people said they did not get enough sleep.

D. People with young children and managerial jobs were most likely to suffer.

10. What does the underlined word "detrimental" mean?

A 良好的.          B.有害的           C.片面的     D.致命的

11. Who that suffered sleep disrupted are least able to recover?

A. The bosses.                 B. Managers.

C. People aged 35 to 44.               D. Stressed out parents.

12. Apart from children keeping: their parents awake, ________is the biggest cause of wakefulness at night among managers.

A. worrying about work            B. their partners’ snoring

C. the relationship                        D. working conditions


It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That's what all doctors thought, until they heard about Al Herpin.

  Al Herpin, it was said, never slept. He was 90 years old when doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They expected to find out that he needed sleep of some kind. But they were surprised. Though they watched him every hour of the day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. He did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

  The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair(摇椅) and read some news papers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. Herpin offered the only probable explanation of his condition. He remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born.

The point of this story is that _______.

 A. We needn't feel surprised to find someone who doesn't sleep

 B. one person was found who actually didn't need any sleep

C. everyone needs some rest to stay alive

 D. not sleeping may help one to live longer

After watching him closely, the doctors believed that Al Herpin _______.

 A. needed some kind of sleep    B. slept while one was watching

 C. needed no sleep at all     D. nearly slept in a rocking chair

One suggested explanation of Herpin's sleeplessness was _______.

 A. his old age     

B. his not having a bed

 C. his magnificent physical condition

 D. his mother's injury while carrying him

The writer of the story obviously thinks that Al Herpin's sleeplessness ___.

 A. could be cured     B. could be explained

 C. was healthful      D. was uncommon  



  Every summer, a great many students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the 1 are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and 2 . The pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the 3 of travel. You can pick grapes in France, entertain kids on American summer camps, and, of course, there are 4 jobs in hotels and restaurants.

  But it is not easy now to find work.“ 5 you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings,”says Anthea Ellis, an adviser on 6 for students. If you work with a family in Italy, you'll have to speak Italian. When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will expect you to speak 7 . British students only have a language advantage 8 jobs in the USA and Australia. 9 Enjoys the experience. Sarah James was employed to help forty American children in Europe. The two teachers with the children had never been 10 . One child lost his passport another became seriously ill and was 11 home; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the 12 they made, and Sarah herself was robbed on her only 13 evening of the entire trip.“I did visit a lot of new places,”she says,“but it wasn't worth it. The pay was 14 and it really was a 24-hour a day job. The kids never slept!”

  “The trouble is, students except to have 15 time of it,”Anthea Ellis points out.“ 16 , they see it as a holiday. In practice 17 you have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual work. You'll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy. 18 , you'll work if it's convenient for the company that employs you. But you have 19 employment rights. As soon as the holiday season 20 they'll get rid of you.”


[  ]

A.work      B.luck

C.chances     D.services


[  ]

A.agriculture   B.industry

C.hotels     D.restaurant


[  ]

A.pains     B.comfort

C.difficulty   D.excitement


[  ]

A.always     B.hardly

C.never      D.seldom


[  ]

A.If       B.Unless

C.Because     D.Although


[  ]

A.health care    B.vacation work

C.language studies D.tourist safety


[  ]

A.Italian     B.English

C.French     D.Spanish


[  ]

A.of       B.on

C.from      D.for


[  ]

A.No one     B.None

C.Not everyone  D.Everybody


[  ]

A.abroad     B.employed

C.alone      D.respected


[  ]

A.driven     B.ridden

C.left      D.flown


[  ]

A.friends    B.decision

C.noise     D.damage


[  ]

A.busy      B.free

C.tiring      D.pleasant


[  ]

A.nice      B.reasonable

C.fair      D.poor


[  ]

A.a hard     B.an easy

C.a demanding   D.an adventurous


[  ]

A.After all    B.Worse still

C.However   D.Therefore


[  ]

A.besides    B.altogether

C.though    D.until


[  ]

A.In a word    B.In other words

C.And what's more D.More or less


[  ]

A.few       B.little

C.many      D.much


[  ]

A.starts      B.lasts

C.goes      D.finishes


After my husband died suddenly from a heart attack,my world crashed around me. My six children were all under 10,and I was burdened with the responsibilities of earning a living,and caring for the children. I was fortunate to find a wonderful housekeeper to care for the children during the week,but from Friday nights to Monday mornings,the children and I were alone.
One Friday evening I came home from work to find a big pretty German Shepherd(牧羊犬)on our doorstep. This dog seemed to intend to enter the house. The children liked “German” immediately and begged me to let him in. I agreed to let him sleep in the basement. That night I slept peacefully for the first time in many weeks.
The following morning we made phone calls and checked lost-and-found ads for German’s owner,but with no results.
On Sunday I had planned to take the children on a picnic. Since I thought it best to leave German behind in case his owner came by,we drove off without him. When we stopped to get gas,we were amazed to see German racing to the gas station after us. No way was he going to be left behind.
Monday morning I let him out for a run. He didn’t come back and we were all disappointed. We were convinced that we would never see him again. We were wrong. The next Friday evening,German was back on our doorstep. Again he stayed until Monday morning,when our housekeeper arrived.
This pattern repeated itself every weekend for almost 10 months. We grew more and more fond of German. We took comfort in his strong,warm presence,and we felt safe with him near us. As German became part of the family,he considered it his duty to check every bedroom to be sure each child was cozy in bed.
Each week,between German’s visits,I grew a little stronger,a little braver and more able to handle; every weekend we were no longer alone and enjoyed his company. Then one Monday morning we patted him on the head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time. We never saw German again.
56.The dog first came to the family when _______________.
A.it was needed most
B.the writer became strong enough
C.the writer was away on a business trip
D.the writer was busy on the weekday
57.The family planned to go on a picnic without the German Shepherd because ____.
A.it was too wild to control
B.it was too young to walk so far
C.the owner might come by to pick it up
D.it might spoil the trip
58.The writer was ____________ the German Shepherd.
A.afraid of  B.grateful to     C.cruel to   D.annoyed with
59.Which of the following can’t be used to describe the dog?
A.Loyal    B.Helpful    C.Lovely    D.Wild



  Most English people have two or three names, but some Spaniards have a lot more.

  A Spaniard and his wife went to a foreign country in their car and drove around in it for several weeks.They always slept in big hotels in towns at night, but then something in their car broke.They took it to a garage, and the men there repaired it, but it took a long time, and the Spaniard and his wife were very late after that.

  They did not reach a town that evening, but came to a small village in the middle of the night.They were very tired, and the next town was forty miles away.They got out of their car and looked for a hotel in the small streets.They walked around the village for a quarter of an hour, and then they found a small hotel.There were not any others in the village.

  There were no lights in the hotel, but the Spaniard went to the door and knocked at it.He waited for a minute, but nobody came to the door.

  He knocked again and waited another minute, but again no one came.

  Then he found a bell and rang it.He rang it for several minutes, and then a window at the top of the hotel opened.An old man looked out of the window and said, “What do you want?”

  “Good evening,” the Spaniard said “Have you got any free rooms? We’re very tired.”

  It was very dark in the street, and the old man said, “Who are you?

  The Spaniard said, “We are Don Ramon Roberto Nanuel Claudio Rodriguez Rafael Eduardo de Salas and Dona Maria Conchita Diana Marcelina Roberta Mercedes Manuela de Salas.”

  The old man did not speak for a few seconds, and then he said, “There are a lot of you.This is a small hotel, and we haven’t got more than two free rooms.”Then he closed the window.


The Spaniards did not reach a town that evening because ________.

[  ]


they had to leave their car in the garage


their car broke when they got to a small village


they had stayed in the garage too long


they couldn’t find the way to the next town


They found a small hotel ________.

[  ]


fifteen minutes after they got to the village


early in the morning


as soon as they got out of their car


after they walked around the village a long time


The old man opened the window ________.

[  ]


when he heard a knock at the door


after the Spaniard knocked for a while


as soon as the Spaniard rang the bell


after the bell rang for a few minutes


Why did the old man not let the Spaniards stay for the night in his hotel?

[  ]


He didn’t like Spaniards.


He thought their names were too long.


He had no empty rooms.


He thought there were too many Spaniards.


A free room is one which is ________.

[  ]


not being used


for sale


less expensive


prepared for a late traveler


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