



If you wake up this morning feeling healthy, you are more blessed than millions who will not survive this week.

 If you have never experienced the danger of battle, or the pain of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

 If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, or in your wallet, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

If you parents are still alive and still married, you are very rare, even in the United States.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

If you can read this, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.


1. 约30个词概括短文的内容要点;

2. 以“Should we complain about our life”为题,发表自己的观点,该部分大约120词,包括以下内容要点:






  1. 在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

  2. 不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。





News report

Four young female college students died Friday after falling or jumping from a blazing room on the sixth floor of Shanghai Business School. Witness said one woman who jumped appeared to be aiming for bushes on the ground, but missed and landed on concrete. Witnesses said the other three were desperately trying to climb to another room amid roaring flames when they fell to the concrete paving.

The fire broke out in Room 602 of the seven-floor dormitory at the school’s downtown campus on Zhongshan Road West, just after 6 a.m. The fire was caused by an electrical device used to heat water. This had ignited flammable objects, police said late Friday afternoon. After receiving reports of the fire at 6:12 a.m, police, firefighters and ambulances were quickly on the scene. The fire was extinguished by 6:30 a.m., according to the school.

There is only one public toilet on each floor to get water and fire extinguishers in the dormitory were outdated, students said.  (SZ-Agencies)


1. 以约30个词概括这篇报道的主要内容。

2. 针对此篇报道发表你对校园安全问题的看法, 至少包括以下内容要点,该部分词数大约120个词。




1.作文中可使用实例或其它方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接    引用原文中的句子;




Guangzhou, November 12 ---The One-Year Countdown Ceremony for the 16th Asian Games was held at Guangzhou Gymnasium on Thursday nigh. Present at the ceremony were Liu Peng, President of the Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, Wang Yang and Sheikh Ahmad , President of the Olympic Council of Asia , all of whom made speeches at the ceremony . The ceremony started at 8:30 and lasted one and a half hours. Artists from various Asian countries showed the appeal of diversity in Asia with their national songs and dances. Before the end, Sheikh Ahmad presented invitations to representatives from Asian National Olympic councils.

Meanwhile, the organizers recently announces that the construction of the Asian Games Town in Guangzhou's Panyu District is 67 percent complete. The three major buildings in the Asian Games Town - the Athletes’ Village, Technical Officials’ Village and Media Village topped off in June. Other projects such as the Asian Games Town’s hospital and school are under construction. The organizers are confident that the Asian Games Town could be delivered by June 30, next year.

[写作内容] Ks5u





3) 作为中学生,我们应该为亚运做点什么?







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