摘要: A.从If no one looks your way可知.你打电话没有引起人们注意.故选A.


When the musical sound rings you, you immediately reach for your pocket ready to have a chat. But although you probably use it all the time, have you ever stopped to think about the manners related to talking on the phone? If you haven’t, here are some tips to guide you.

●Always give the person you are calling plenty of time to get to the phone before you hang up. If the person who answers is not the one you want,give your name and ask if you may speak to the person you want.

●Think about the time you call people. Try not to call too early in the morning(before about 9:00)or too late at night(after about 9:30). Also try not to call at mealtimes.

●If you go by plane to visit your relatives at Christmas, remember to follow airline instructions. Cell phones must be turned off as soon as the plane doors are closed and remain so until the doors open again on arrival.

●When face to face with someone, do not talk on the phone. It is rude to be on the phone when a waiter is trying to take your order in a restaurant, or when you are returning the shoes you have just been trying on in a shop. Finish any face-to-face business before taking a call. Continuing to use the phone while nodding to the person in front of you is quite impolite.

●When in a restaurant with your friends,keep phone conversations short. Make a call only if it is important. Practise speaking in a low voice. If no one looks your way, you’ve got it.

●If you go to a theatre, a concert or a cinema, consider the other people around you. Check that your phone is “off” before you enter. If you are expecting a very important call, put your phone on “vibrate”(振动)and run for the exit as soon as you feel it. If you forget both “off” and “vibrate” and your phone rings, don’t answer it, turn it off straight away.

Which is true according to the passage above?

A. You may call people anytime as you like.

B. You may talk loudly on the phone at dinner in the restaurant.

C. You may keep on talking on the phone while greeting somebody.

D. You may call people as soon as you get on the plane,but not after the doors are closed.

We may infer from these tips that__________.

A. some people don’t pay much attention to manners while making cell phone calls

B. you may ask to leave a message unless the person you are calling is in

C. calling people too early or too late in the morning is not polite

D. almost everyone has got a cell phone

What does the underlined sentence “…you’ve got it” mean in the passage?

A. You have succeeded in making a call without disturbing others.

   B. You have made the phone call brief and interesting.

   C. You’ve got the message you are waiting for.  D. You have made a phone call secretly.

From the tips given above, we can decide the writer is sure to share the opinion that______.

   A. 1ike the saying “clothes make a man”, nowadays cell phones make a man

   B. as the old saying goes, money talks; nowadays cell phones talk

   C. the way we use the cell phones tells what we are like    D. we are what cell phones we use


When the musical sound rings you, you immediately reach for your pocket ready to have a chat. But although you probably use it all the time, have you ever stopped to think about the manners related to talking on the phone? If you haven’t, here are some tips to guide you.

●Always give the person you are calling plenty of time to get to the phone before you hang up. If the person who answers is not the one you want,give your name and ask if you may speak to the person you want.

●Think about the time you call people. Try not to call too early in the morning(before about 9:00)or too late at night(after about 9:30). Also try not to call at mealtimes.

●If you go by plane to visit your relatives at Christmas, remember to follow airline instructions. Cell phones must be turned off as soon as the plane doors are closed and remain so until the doors open again on arrival.

●When face to face with someone, do not talk on the phone. It is rude to be on the phone when a waiter is trying to take your order in a restaurant, or when you are returning the shoes you have just been trying on in a shop. Finish any face-to-face business before taking a call. Continuing to use the phone while nodding to the person in front of you is quite impolite.

●When in a restaurant with your friends,keep phone conversations short. Make a call only if it is important. Practise speaking in a low voice. If no one looks your way, you’ve got it.

●If you go to a theatre, a concert or a cinema, consider the other people around you. Check that your phone is “off” before you enter. If you are expecting a very important call, put your phone on “vibrate”(振动)and run for the exit as soon as you feel it. If you forget both “off” and “vibrate” and your phone rings, don’t answer it, turn it off straight away.

Which is true according to the passage above?

A. You may call people anytime as you like.

B. You may talk loudly on the phone at dinner in the restaurant.

C. You may keep on talking on the phone while greeting somebody.

D. You may call people as soon as you get on the plane,but not after the doors are closed.

. We may infer from these tips that__________.

A. some people don’t pay much attention to manners while making cell phone calls

B. you may ask to leave a message unless the person you are calling is in

C. calling people too early or too late in the morning is not polite

D. almost everyone has got a cell phone

What does the underlined sentence “…you’ve got it” mean in the passage?

A. You have succeeded in making a call without disturbing others.

   B. You have made the phone call brief and interesting.

   C. You’ve got the message you are waiting for.  D. You have made a phone call secretly.

From the tips given above, we can decide the writer is sure to share the opinion that______.

   A. 1ike the saying “clothes make a man”, nowadays cell phones make a man

   B. as the old saying goes, money talks; nowadays cell phones talk

   C. the way we use the cell phones tells what we are like    D. we are what cell phones we use


When the musical sound rings you, you immediately reach for your pocket ready to have a chat. But although you probably use it all the time, have you ever stopped to think about the manners related to talking on the phone? If you haven’t, here are some tips to guide you.

●Always give the person you are calling plenty of time to get to the phone before you hang up. If the person who answers is not the one you want, give your name and ask if you may speak to the person you want.

●Think about the time you call people. Try not to call too early in the morning (before about 9:00) or too late at night (after about 9:30). Also try not to call at mealtimes.

●If you go by plane to visit your relatives at Christmas, remember to follow airline instructions. Cell phones must be turned off as soon as the plane doors are closed and remain so until the doors open again on arrival.

●When face to face with someone, do not talk on the phone. It is rude to be on the phone when a waiter is trying to take your order in a restaurant, or when you are returning the shoes you have just been trying on in a shop. Finish any face-to-face business before taking a call. Continuing to use the phone while nodding to the person in front of you is quite impolite.

●When in a restaurant with your friends, keep phone conversations short. Make a call only if it is important. Practice speaking in a low voice. If no one looks your way, you’ve got it.

●If you go to a theatre, a concert or a cinema, consider the other people around you. Check that your phone is “off” before you enter. If you are expecting a very important call, put your phone on “vibrate” (振动) and run for the exit as soon as you feel it. If you forget both “off” and “vibrate” and your phone rings, don’t answer it, turn it off straight away.

1. Which is true according to the passage above?

A. You may call people anytime as you like.

B. You may talk loudly on the phone at dinner in the restaurant.

C. You may keep on talking on the phone while greeting somebody.

D. You may call people as soon as you get on the plane,but not after the doors are closed.

2. We may infer from these tips that__________.

A. some people don’t pay much attention to manners while making cell phone calls

B. you may ask to leave a message unless the person you are calling is in

C. calling people too early or too late in the morning is not polite

D. almost everyone has got a cell phone

3. What does the underlined sentence “…you’ve got it” mean in the passage?

A. You have succeeded in making a call without disturbing others.

  B. You have made the phone call brief and interesting.

  C. You’ve got the message you are waiting for.

D. You have made a phone call secretly.

4. From the tips given above, we can decide the writer is sure to share the opinion that______.

  A. 1ike the saying “clothes make a man”, nowadays cell phones make a man

  B. as the old saying goes, money talks; nowadays cell phones talk

  C. the way we use the cell phones tells what we are like

D. we are what cell phones we use



第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
Education is not only the teaching and learning of   36 ,  but also the developing of a person's   37  .
Now liberal(开明) education has a great   38   on the world.  Much work has been done to   39   better ways of teaching. Students are   40   to have their own thoughts and their own ideas when they have lessons which are often held in the form of group discussions. They are  41  guided to use the knowledge   42  .  In liberal education punishment  43  exists. Teachers and students are just like   44  . The idea is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out. However, it only   45   in the imagination and will never be   46 . We must admit that children should   47   be guided properly. Just close your eyes and think how many students  48   in every hundred   49   will carry out the duties of a student if they are not   50  ? What is the use of advice only if it is not supported by a   51  degree of control and punishment?  It is   52   for us to judge the success and failure of this kind of education now, but from the bad behavior of children that is actually the   53  of   54  ,  we can see that something must be done to   55   these children.
36. A. schools       B. knowledge      C. books        D. teachers
37. A. politeness     B. habit           C. interests      D. character
38. A. effect        B. interest         C. power        D. strength
39. A. master        B. find           C. make         D. hold
40. A. ordered       B. encouraged     C. used         D. driven
41. A. strictly       B. wrongly        C. properly      D. carefully
42. A. seen          B. noticed        C. learned       D. met
43. A. still          B. no longer       C. always       D. forever
44. A. enemies       B. quarrelers      C. players       D. friends
45. A. goes          B. lives          C. comes        D. exists
46. A. realized       B. supported      C. understood    D. produced
47. A. at last         B. in the end      C. ever         D. in life
48. A. it is           B. it seems       C. there are      D. are
49. A. which         B. that           C. he           D. they
50. A. pulled        B. pushed         C. permitted     D. protected
51. A. reasonable    B. remarkable       C. strict        D. small
52. A. easy         B. hard            C. possible      D. proper
53. A. effect        B. result           C. power        D. end
54. A. liberal education  B. group discussion  C. education    D. teaching
55. A. punish        B. excuse         C. help          D. trust




Jame’s New Bicycle

James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully   21   the coins that lay on the bed . $24. 52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90!   22   on earth was he going to get the   23   of the money?

He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was   24   to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no   25   asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to   26  .

There was only one way to get money, and that was to   27  it. He would have to find a job.   28   who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice ,who usually had   29   on most things.

“Well, you can start right here, ”said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing. ”

That was the   30  of  James’ s odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the   31   of jobs that people found for him to do.  He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the   32   of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the  33   increased and he knew that he would soon have   34   for the bicycle he longed for.

The day   35   came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He   36    no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode   37   home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard   38    for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more   39   he had bought it with his own money. He had   40    what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even than the bicycle.

A. cleaned    B. covered  C. counted  D. checked

A. How B. Why  C. Who  D. What

A. amount B. part C. sum  D. rest

A. brave          B. hard C. smart    D. unfair

A. point   B. reason   C. result   D. right

A. split  B. spend    C. spare    D. save

A. borrow B. earn C. raise    D. collect

A. Or B. So   C. For  D. But

A. decisions  B. experience   C. opinions       D. knowledge

A. beginning   B. introduction C. requirement  D. opening

A. similarity B. quality  C. suitability  D. variety

A. brand  B. number   C. size D. type

A. effort B. pressure C. money    D. trouble

A. all    B. enough   C. much D. some

A. finally    B. instantly    C. normally D. regularly

A. gave   B. left C. took D. wasted

A. patiently  B. proudly  C. silently D. tiredly

A. applying    B. asking   C. looking  D. working

A. since   B. if   C. than D. though

A. deserved   B. benefited    C. achieved D. learned


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