摘要: A. as B. since C. when D. before


[A]. As we know, Beijing is an international city and many foreigners come to visit Beijing. The taxi drivers think it is kind to greet the foreigners in English. They need someone who can teach them English at night when they are not so busy.
[B]. Tom is crazy about on-line games that he cannot focus on his study like before. Now he often misses school in order to play games, and tell lies to his teachers and parents. He needs someone's help and advice.
[C]. Mane, a old woman, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket because she doesn't know which bus to take. Since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list and even can’t recognize the goods because she couldn’t read.
[D]. "Helping hand" organization will hold an event to help the starving(饥饿的) children in Africa. Those who take part in it will go without food for 30 hours in order to raise money for the poor children.
[E]. "Green Earth" cares a lot for the animals in danger. This summer holiday a lot of events will be organized to call on people to protect animals.
[F]. A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers. The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can change the children's future.
( )1. Stephen: Last summer I joined in a training program and became a literacy(识字,读写能力) volunteer. When I found what other people's lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.
( )2. Ben: After graduation I plan to spend a year helping those poor children and improving their lives. You know, education is important to poverty relief(扶贫)
( )3. Susan: I'm a foreign student in Beijing University studying Chinese. I’d like to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know more about China. Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.
( )4. Tim: I understand young people's problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. But I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others.
( )5. Lisa: I burst into tears when I saw those children who are dying because of lack of food in a TV program. I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education. I hope I can do something for them.


[A]. As we know, Beijing is an international city and many foreigners come to visit Beijing. The taxi drivers think it is kind to greet the foreigners in English. They need someone who can teach them English at night when they are not so busy.

[B]. Tom is crazy about on-line games that he cannot focus on his study like before. Now he often misses school in order to play games, and tell lies to his teachers and parents. He needs someone's help and advice.

[C]. Mane, a old woman, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket because she doesn't know which bus to take. Since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list and even can’t recognize the goods because she couldn’t read.

[D]. "Helping hand" organization will hold an event to help the starving(饥饿的) children in Africa. Those who take part in it will go without food for 30 hours in order to raise money for the poor children.

[E]. "Green Earth" cares a lot for the animals in danger. This summer holiday a lot of events will be organized to call on people to protect animals.

[F]. A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers. The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can change the children's future.


( )1. Stephen: Last summer I joined in a training program and became a literacy(识字,读写能力) volunteer. When I found what other people's lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.

( )2. Ben: After graduation I plan to spend a year helping those poor children and improving their lives. You know, education is important to poverty relief(扶贫)

( )3. Susan: I'm a foreign student in Beijing University studying Chinese. I’d like to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know more about China. Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.

( )4. Tim: I understand young people's problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. But I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others.

( )5. Lisa: I burst into tears when I saw those children who are dying because of lack of food in a TV program. I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education. I hope I can do something for them.



As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.

    Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities, others lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice between "flight or fight" and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Since we can't remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.

46. People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because _____.

A. they regard working as their greatest enjoyment

B. they believe that work is superior to relaxation

C. they are traveling fast all the time

D. they are becoming busier with their work than ever before

47. According to the author, the most important character for a good manager is his _____.

A. strong will to hold out stress

B. knowing the art of relaxation

C. high sense of responsibility

D. having control over performance

48. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. We can find quite a few ways to avoid stress.

B. Stress is always harmful to people's health

C. It's easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work.

D. Different people can bear different amount of stress.

49. In the last sentence of the passage, "do so" refers to _____.

A. "expose ourselves to stress"

B. "find ways to deal with stress"

C. "remove stress from our lives"

D. "establish links between diseases and stress"

50. According to the author, the right attitude toward stress is _____.

A. to avoid it                         B. to try to cope with it

C. to regard it as a vital motivation        D. to find some relaxation   


A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo.It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication.Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth.I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either.He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple.I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper.After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money.I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town.I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same.I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week.This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise.I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself.I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book.You won’t regret it.

The author wrote this passage to _________ 

       A.strongly recommend an e-book.

     B.show the author's attitude to money.

     C.introduce the general idea of an e-book.

     D.point out Rich Ezzo isn't money hungry.

According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______.

       A.is what the author really cares for

       B.deals with how to make money

       C.is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

       D.is more popular than e-books

The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book because________.

     A.he was too excited to write anything

     B.he was not sure whether he did well

     C.he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

     D.he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably __________.

     A.shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

     B.shows how bad the traffic is in town

     C.describes the difficulty in understanding the book

     D.explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

Which of the following is supported by the passage?

      A.The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

     B.The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

     C.The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

     D.The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.


A severely handicapped teenager who cannot walk,talk or hold a paintbrush has won a place at Oxford to study fine art.

Hero Joy Nightingale,16,who communicates through hand movements,is to be given assistants to paint and sculpt on her behalf.Her mother Pauline Reid “translated for” her daughter during interviews for the place at Magdalen College.

The teenager is the most severely handicapped student ever to be granted a place at Oxford.She suffers from “locked-in syndrome”,a profound apraxia caused by brain damage that renders her body useless and her voice mute.

She is unlikely ever to be able to walk,feed or care for herself but,thanks to the efforts of her mother,she can communicate.When Hero was four,Pauline devised a complicated system of hand gestures that equate to the alphabet.

A spokesperson for Oxford said,“The university welcomes applications from students with disabilities.In cases where students are profoundly disabled,there may be many issues that need to be carefully addressed before an individual can take up a place,such as establishing how the student can best be taught and examined.”

Hero,who suffers almost daily epileptic fits and has a hole in her heart,has not attended school since she was six.She has been taught at home by her mother and father,the pro-vice chancellor of Kent University.

Peter Giles,her art tutor until last year,said she has a genuine talent for art.“She is ferociously gifted.We would sit together and her mother would grab her daughter’s hand and then we would begin work,”he said.

Together,they built several modern sculptures from plaster and metal.“The instructions would take a while to decipher.But eventually,they would come,and eventually make sense.”

Hero’s classes will be held at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art.

Hero communicates with others _________.

A.through common hand movements

B.by typing words on computer

C.through a complicated system of hand gestures devised by her mother

D.by drawing pictures on a board

According to the passage,how does Hero paint or sculpt?

A.She instructs her assistants to paint or sculpt through hand movements.

B.She gives instructions,and her mother paints or sculpts following her instructions.

C.She paints or sculpts with her own hands.

D.She gives instructions,her mother “translates” them,and her assistants paint or sculpt according to the “translations”.

From the story we can infer _________.

A.Oxford welcomes any handicapped student who is good at fine art

B.Hero has not attended school since she was six

C.Hero is gifted in fine art

D.Hero is a strong-minded girl who loves life very much

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Hero is the most seriously handicapped student ever to be admitted to Oxford.

B.Oxford will admit a disabled student without any requirements.

C.Hero has been taught by her parents at home for10 years.

D.Hero is not able to walk,talk or hold a paintbrush.


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