摘要: A. what B. how C. whether D. if


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68.We can probably read this advertisement__________.
A.in a newspaper               B.in a magazine          C.on the Internet    D.on TV
69.The information under RETURNING CUSTOMERS is , for those_________.
A.who have forgotten their BooksFirst account numbers
B.who haven’t not their BooksFirst account numbers
C.who have experienced BooksFirst online shopping before
D.who have never done online shopping before
70.Which of the following is True?
A.You must put what you choose in a basket as you do in a supermarket
B.You can find your Shopping Basket nowhere but in View basket
C.You can get an account number only after you place an order online
D.You will pay less if you buy over three books overseas at a time
71.The purpose of this advertisement is_______
A.to promote the sale of books
B.to show the ways of ordering
C.to help readers apply for account numbers
D.to supply account numbers to readers




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We'll send to you a personal account number after you have placed your first order. For following orders, all you need to do is enter your personal account number and email address.


If you have ordered from us before, online, by mail or telephone, you will have already owned a personal account number. You then only need to complete the full order form. Using your account number allows us to find your details from our records (they are not accessible online). However, you do not need your BooksFirst personal account number to place an order - simply present all the required details on the order form. If you don’t have a note of your account number , just Contact US so that we can supply it to you .

68.We can probably read this advertisement__________.

A.in a newspaper               B.in a magazine          C.on the Internet    D.on TV

69.The information under RETURNING CUSTOMERS is , for those_________.

A.who have forgotten their BooksFirst account numbers

B.who haven’t not their BooksFirst account numbers

C.who have experienced BooksFirst online shopping before

D.who have never done online shopping before

70.Which of the following is True?

A.You must put what you choose in a basket as you do in a supermarket

B.You can find your Shopping Basket nowhere but in View basket

C.You can get an account number only after you place an order online

D.You will pay less if you buy over three books overseas at a time

71.The purpose of this advertisement is_______

A.to promote the sale of books

B.to show the ways of ordering

C.to help readers apply for account numbers

D.to supply account numbers to readers





   Ordering from BooksFirst is easy and safe.


    When you have found a book you would like to order, just click on Add to Basket and it will be added to your shopping basket T0 make it easy to keep track of the books you've selected. My Shopping Basket will display your choices wherever you are on the site. When you're ready to place your order, select View Basket.


     This is where you select the postal destination for your order, indicate whether you would like Next Day Delivery in the UK and choose gift - wrapping. You can also amend(修改) the contents of your basket by making any changes and then selecting Update Basket. Overseas customers ordering three or more books can also request reduced airmail charges here When you're happy with the contents of your shopping basket, go to the

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    After you've completed the order form you  will receive an on – screen acknowledgment. This wilt be followed by an email confirming the details of your order. We will then inform you when your order has been sent. if this is your first order, we will

also inform you of your personal BooksFirst account number.


   We'll send to you a personal account number after you have placed your first order. For following orders, all you need to do is enter your personal account number and email address.


   If you have ordered from us before, online, by mail or telephone, you will have already owned a personal account number. You then only need to complete the full order form. Using your account number allows us to find your details from our records (they are not accessible online). However, you do not need your BooksFirst personal account number to place an order - simply present all the required details on the order form. If you don’t have a note of your account number , just Contact US so that we can supply it to you .

68.We can probably read this advertisement__________.

       A.in a newspaper               B.in a magazine          C.on the Internet     D.on TV

69.The information under RETURNING CUSTOMERS is , for those_________.

       A.who have forgotten their BooksFirst account numbers

       B.who haven’t not their BooksFirst account numbers

       C.who have experienced BooksFirst online shopping before

       D.who have never done online shopping before

70.Which of the following is True?

       A.You must put what you choose in a basket as you do in a supermarket

       B.You can find your Shopping Basket nowhere but in View basket

       C.You can get an account number only after you place an order online

       D.You will pay less if you buy over three books overseas at a time

71.The purpose of this advertisement is_______

       A.to promote the sale of books

       B.to show the ways of ordering

       C.to help readers apply for account numbers

       D.to supply account numbers to readers


If your recurring(经常性的)dreams are worrying you,you can rest assured and needn’t worry.Psychologists say in the vast majority of these cases,this is just the mind’s way of dealing with stress and conflicts,problems and concerns.It’s a good thing.
They call be surprisingly vivid and real,or fragmented and weird.They can be comforting or frightening.Our dreams can tell us a lot about what we are really thinking.Dreams give us an x-ray of our unconsciousness(潜意识).They tell us,particularly when we are at life’s passages or turning points.
Lisa Oppenheim had the same dream whenever she was about to move to a new home or a new city.It’s always just a feeling of needing to stay safe.Experts say disturbing dreams often occur around major life events.For Lisa,it was moving.For others,it can be marriage or divorce,the death of a loved one or pressure at work.
Doctor Siegel has studied the meaning of dream for nearly 30 years.He believes stressful or upsetting dreams can be a sign of what’s buried deep inside our minds.
He said.“Dreams are important to survival.They are crucial to the balance of our psyche(心灵).They help us work out problems that we’re having every single day.They go to the cutting edge of what’s stressful,what’s bothering us and what we’re working out in our lives.Dreams can guide us and in order to find that guidance,to find that deep source of wisdom that’s in our dreams every night,we need to pay attention to our dreams.”
But many dreams are scary and horrible.How can we understand these nightmares? Doctor Siegel says they are reflecting especially intense emotion or unresolved conflict.The stronger the emotion in the dream,whether it’s pleasure or fear,the likelier the dream is to be important.
Knowing what your recurring dreams or nightmares mean can be liberating.Some nightmares can be a sign of serious psychological problems,such as post-dramatic stress disorder.If they are extremely disturbing or violent or the cause of severe anxiety,you should see a professional therapist(治疗专家).

  1. 1.

    By saying “Dreams give US an x-ray of our unconsciousness,”  the author means that dreams

    1. A.
      do harm to our mind
    2. B.
      show us our real mind
    3. C.
      solve our stress in mind
    4. D.
      give us a turning point in mind
  2. 2.

    People will have recurring dreams when they_______________.

    1. A.
      1ive with great pressure or have great events
    2. B.
      do the same things all their lives
    3. C.
      move to a new home or a new city
    4. D.
      are comforted or frightened
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is true according to Doctor Siegel?

    1. A.
      Dreams play a very important role in the world’s balance.
    2. B.
      Dreams help us find out the problems we need to solve.
    3. C.
      We should pay attention to every dream we have.
    4. D.
      Only the dreams with pleasure are important to us.
  4. 4.

    How should we deal with the recurring nightmares?

    1. A.
      We should remember them because they are important to us.
    2. B.
      We can ignore them since they are just reflecting our emotions.
    3. C.
      We need to take some sleeping pills to stop this serious problem.
    4. D.
      We should see a psychological doctor if they are seriously disturbing
  5. 5.

    The purpose of the passage is_________________.

    1. A.
      to introduce a variety of dreams
    2. B.
      to offer some advice on avoiding nightmares
    3. C.
      to compare recurring dreams with nightmares
    4. D.
      to ease our anxiety on recurring dreams

A week ago, I had the great pleasure of reading an e-book, When Money Talks, Listen! By Rich Ezzo.It took only about an hour to read.

   When I first received a copy, I thought it was a Get Rich Quick type of publication.Nothing is wrong with Get Rich Quick, but my mind just doesn’t chase after dreams of wealth.I think that if God ever wants me to be rich, he knows where to find my purse.

   When I began reading When Money Talks, Listen!, I was overjoyed to find that Rich Ezzo isn’t money hungry either.He, too, is hungry far more important than money.

Since I love this e-book so much, why wait a week to write the review? Simple.I wanted to see if the effect it had on me was a keeper.After reading the last word of the e-book, I totally agreed with the subtitle which promised to forever change the way we thought about money.I had so many thoughts running around my mind that I had to install(安装) a stoplight to stop some while others made their way into the picture, then I yielded(让路) them as a few ones arrived in town.I had a mental traffic jam, which only goes to show how slow the traffic usually is

   It has been a week and the effect is the same.I truly do look at money differently and have even done a few things differently this week.This is an e-book you’ll want to read, I promise.I often recommend books to my daughter, and this is one that I didn’t just “suggest”---I left it open at the bottom of the computer and told each one, “Read it, you’ll love it.”

   I would never point someone in a direction I wouldn’t go myself.I urge you to visit the author’s website, Myster Money, and to download the e-book.You won’t regret it.

The author wrote this passage to _________ 

       A.strongly recommend an e-book.

     B.show the author's attitude to money.

     C.introduce the general idea of an e-book.

     D.point out Rich Ezzo isn't money hungry.

According to the passage, a Get Rich Quick type of publication ______.

       A.is what the author really cares for

       B.deals with how to make money

       C.is also an e-book written by Rich Ezzo

       D.is more popular than e-books

The author didn't write the review as soon as he finished reading the book because________.

     A.he was too excited to write anything

     B.he was not sure whether he did well

     C.he had to wait for Rich Ezzo's permission

     D.he wondered if the book would have long influence on him

By saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, the author probably __________.

     A.shows that the book brought him many new thoughts

     B.shows how bad the traffic is in town

     C.describes the difficulty in understanding the book

     D.explains it's hard to change one's attitude to money

Which of the following is supported by the passage?

      A.The author had known Rich Ezzo before.

     B.The author hasn't dreamed of getting rich immediately.

     C.The author always prefers e-books to paper books.

     D.The author likes Get Rich Quick-type of publications.


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