摘要: with regard to, about 关于,be relevant to 与-有关


Nowadays, we live in a global village, and many difficulties will arise if we can’t express ourselves fluently in English.
In spite of my awareness of its importance, I seldom find chances to practice and improve my oral English. So, I am still very weak with regard to this respect(方面). One reason is that my pronunciation and intonation aren’t good enough. The other is that I am so shy that I am always too nervous to find other exact words to express my ideas and feelings. As a result the best way for me to do is to remain silent when others are practicing and making great progress in their oral English every day.
Now I am attaching much more importance to oral English and I have made up my mind to seize every opportunity to practice. I begin to participate in activities, such as going to “English Corners”, talking in English with my classmates and with native speakers. As the Chinese saying goes, “Nothing is difficult in the world if you really put your heart into it.” If I can build up my confidence, if I am not afraid of losing face any more, if I really work hard at it, I am sure my oral English will be excellent some day
1. 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;标题自定。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permission or scan the websites you’ve visited. Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.

In fact, it’s likely some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend(配偶), a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal, Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen -- the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked.

Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that it’s important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain. The digital bread crumbs (面包屑)you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. In some cases, a simple Google search can reveal(泄露)what you think. Like it or not, increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.

The key question is: Does that matter?

For many Americans, the answer apparently is "no."

When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it A survey found an overwhelming pessimism(悲观)about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is "slipping away, and that bothers me."

But people say one thing and do another. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收费处)to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon (优惠券).

But privacy does matter -- at least sometimes. It’s like health: When you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it.

What would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?

A.Friends should open their hearts to each other.

    B.There should be a distance even between friends

   C.Friends should always be faithful to each other.

   D.There should be fewer disputes between friends.

Why does the author say "we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret" ?

   A.Modern society has finally evolved into an open society.

   B.People leave traces around when using modern technology.

   C.There are always people who are curious about others’ affairs.

   D.Many search engines profit by revealing people’s identities.

What do most Americans do with regard to privacy protections?

    A.They change behaviors that might disclose their identity.

   B.They use various loyalty cards for business transactions.

   C.They rely more and more on electronic devices.

   D.They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.

According to the passage, privacy is like health in that ______.

   A.people will make every effort to keep it

   B.its importance is rarely understood

   C.it is something that can easily be lost

   D.people don’t cherish it until they lose it


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