摘要: , water can be changed into gas. A. Heated B. Being heated C. Having heated D. Having been heated 2. in the strange city, poor Bill fell to . A. Lost; crying B. Lost; cry C. To lose; cry D. Having been lost; crying 3. His career has been an active one: . A. writing poetry, working on magazines, and the war in Greece B. poetry, editing magazines, and the Greek War C. writing poems, editing magazines, and serving in the Greek War D. poetry work, editing magazines, and fighting in Greece 4. -Did you enjoy the movie? -No, it was . A. very boring B. very bored C. much boring D. much bored 5. Written in great haste, . A. Jim made a lot of mistakes in the report B. there are plenty of mistakes in the report C. we found several mistakes in his letter D. the book is full of mistakes 6. He was so careless that he left the work half and went to the cinema. A. do B. doing C. done D. to do 7. The ground is with leaves. A. coving; falling B. covered; falling C. covered; fallen D. covering; fallen 8. The girl in red is my second daughter. A. dressing B. dressed herself C. dressed D. is dressing 9. in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia. A. Found B. Finding them C. To find them D. They are found 10. We’ll have more meetings like this in the weeks . A. coming B. to be coming C. to come D. came 11. Did you notice the little boy away? A. take the candy and run B. took the candy and run C. taking the candy and run D. who taking the candy and running 12. When he awoke, he found himself by an old woman. A. looked after B. be looked after C. being looked after D. be looking after 13. Many things impossible in the past are common today. A. considered B. to consider C. considering D. being considered 14. If a story is , you’ll become when you read it. A. exciting; excited B. exciting; exciting C. excited; excited D. excited; exciting 15. The next morning she found the man in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying 16. -Good morning. Can I help you? -I’d like to have this package , madam. A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed 17. The scientists were waiting to see the problem . A. settle B. to settle C. settled D. settling 18. The murderer was brought in, with his hands behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 19. Your idea surprised me, it is a(n) . A. idea surprised B. surprised idea C. surprising idea D. idea surprising 20. more attention, the trees could have grown better. A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having give 21. hard, you will succeed. A. Having worked B. Being worked C. To working D. Working 22. if he had any difficulties, he made no answer. A. Ask B. To ask C. Asked D. Asking 23. Deeply , I thanked him again and again. A. move B. moved C. moving D. to move 24. Why do you have the water all the time? A. ran B. to be running C. running D. being running 25. I can’t you running up and down all day long. A. permit B. let C. have D. allow 26. The first textbooks for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. being heard B. to be written C. being written D. written 27. Asked if he could come to the party that night, . A. nobody said anything B. they did not get an answer from him C. nothing was said by him D. John nodded his head and left the room 28. Is there anything you want from town? I’m going to get . A. those letters mailed B. mailed letters C. to mailed those letters D. those letter mail 29. Mother caught the boy in the corner. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. being smoked 30. At present, English is the main subject here. A. to be taught B. being taught C. teaching D. to be teaching 31. Look around when the street. A. across B. crossing C. crossed D. to be crossing 32. We walked as fast as we could, to catch the 9:30 train. A. hoping B. to hope C. we hoped D. being hoped 33. Chinese, the foreigner didn’t know the way. A. Knowing not; where to ask B. Not knowing; how to ask C. Not to know; where to ask D. Don’t know; how to ask 34. The report was so that they were all . A. inspiring; exciting B. inspiring; excited C. inspired; excited D. inspired; exciting 35. Having arrived at the station, . A. it was found that the train had left B. the train had left C. the train was found left D. he found that the train had left 36. From his voice, I have to say that he is really . A. disappointing; disappointed B. disappointed; disappointing C. disappointing; disappointing D. disappointed; disappointed 37. The glass of water is too hot. I prefer some cold water. A. to boil B. having boiled C. boiled D. boiling 38. I have collected the money . A. to need B. needed C. need D. needing 39. It’ll do harm to you to lie in bed . A. read B. and reading C. to read D. reading 40. It was getting dark. I found a car in a pool by the side of the road. A. to be stuck B. stuck C. sticking D. stick 解析: 1.选A. 句子的主语是water.因此加热的动作是被动的,being heated是正在加热,having been heated是加热完之后,而heated没有时间概念.表示条件. 2.选A. lost翻译成“迷路 .在句中作原因状语,fall to表示“开始 .后面用动名词. 3.选C. 句中的三个动名词结构构成并列关系. 4.选A. boring是“令人厌烦的 .bored是“感到厌烦的 . 5.选D. 过去分词作状语时与句子主语之间是被动的关系. 6.选C. leave后面用过去分词作宾补.表示与宾语之间是被动的关系. 7.选C. be covered with表示“被--覆盖 .falling leaves是“正在落下的叶子 ,fallen leaves是“落在地上的叶子 . 8.选C. 短语be dressed in表示“穿著--衣服 . 9.选A. 句子的主语是pines.与found之间是被动的关系. 10.选C. the weeks to come是不定式作后置定语,单个的分词作定语时需前置. 11.选A. 动词原形作宾补表示动作已经完成. 12.选C. being looked after表示“正在被照顾 . 13.选A. 本句的意思是“在过去被认为是不可能的事情现在已经很普遍了 .过去分词作定语表示动作是被动的. 14.选A. exciting是“令人兴奋的 .excited是“感到兴奋的 . 15.选A. lying是lie的现在分词.表示“躺着 . 16.选D. have后面用过去分词作宾补.表示“使某事被完成 . 17.选C. 在感官动词see后面用过去分词作宾补.表示“看到--被-- . 18.选D. tied表示动作已经完成,being tied表示动作正在进行,to be tied表示动作将要进行. 19.选C. surprising是“令人惊奇的 .surprised是“感到惊奇的 ,单个的分词作定语时需前置. 20.选A. 过去分词作条件状语.与句子主语之间是被动的关系. 21.选D. 现在分词作条件状语.与句子主语之间是主动的关系. 22.选C. 句子的主语是he.asked作时间状语.表示“当他被问到的时候 . 23.选B. moving是“令人感动的 .moved是“感到感动的 . 24.选C. have-doing表示“让某事持续进行 . 25.选C. permit和allow后面用动词不定式作宾补,let后面用动词原形作宾补,have后面用现在分词作宾补. 26.选D. 过去分词作定语表示动作是被动的.而且已经完成. 27.选D. 过去分词和句子主语之间是被动的关系.因此只有he才能作为ask动作的承受者. 28.选A. get后面用过去分词表示被动. 29.选C. catch sb. doing表示“抓住某人正在做某事 . 30.选B. being taught表示“正在被教授 . 31.选B. 当现在分词作时间状语时.前面可以加上when和while. 32.选A. 希望赶上火车是我们匆忙赶路的伴随动作.因此用现在分词. 33.选B. 把not放在非谓语动词之前构成否定形式. 34.选B. 现在分词表示主语的性质,过去分词表示主语所处的状态. 35.选D. having done是现在分词的完成形式.与句子的主语之间是主动的关系.因此只有he能够执行这个动作. 36.选D. 本句的意思是“从他失望的声音中.我可以看出他的确很失望 .两处都用过去分词.表示主语所处的状态. 37.选C. boiling是“沸腾的 ,boiled是“煮过的 . 38.选B. 过去分词作后置定语.表示被动. 39.选D. reading是lie in bed的伴随动作. 40.选C. stick在这里是“陷入 的意思.它是一个不及物动词.因此用现在分词.


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