摘要:B 根据下一句I've got another one to spare判断.应为B"不着急"



  John:The final exam is coming; seems you are busy preparing for it.

  Mary:Of course.Nobody, except you, is idling around the whole day long.

  John:Don't say that.  1   In fact, I've been working very hard these days.

  Mary:  2  

  John:Believe me, I've really made good preparations this time and I'm staying up late every night…

  Mary:Very well, that's to say, you don't need my help any more.

  John:You may well say so, but en…en…, if possible, would you be kind enough to do me a little bit of favour?

  Mary:No way.Never expect me to do that.  3  

  John:I'm begging you, Mary, please, just this one time.  4   I'm remembering the new words time and time again but keeping forgetting them time and time again.Besides, it is so easy a job:just pass on a note, that's OK.

  Mary:It is everything but easy! I was almost caught last time!

  John:  5  

A.Truth to tell, I hate it.

B.You are always not believing me.

C.I am not so good at English as you.

D.You see, I was born with a poor memory.

E.I promise to buy you a lovely Barbie girl, OK?

F.You wrong me if you think I know nothing but fun.

G.You are always that way:making efforts at the last moment.



  Personally, patience is something I've been practicing for a long time.While I often fail, I believe I've progressed over the years, and things that used to get me bothered now just float past me.I still get upset, of course, but not nearly as much as I used to.Here are some tips that might help you become more patient:


  This is the first strategy(策略), if you have real problems with patience:start by simply keeping a record on a little sheet of paper every time you lose your patience.This is one of the most effective and important methods for controlling an impulse(冲动)by learning to become more aware of it.Once you become aware of your impulses, you can work out an alternative reaction.


  As you become more aware of losing your patience, pay close attention to the things that cause you to lose that patience.Is it when your coworker(同事)does something particularly annoying? When your spouse(配偶)leaves dirty dishes unwashed? When your child doesn't clean up his/her mess? Certain causes will happen more frequently than others-these are the things you should focus on the most.


  This one really works.When you first start to lose your patience, take a deep breath, and breathe out slowly.Then take another.And another.These three breaths will often help you.Count slowly to 10(you can do this in your head).When you're done, most of the impulse to yell or do something out of frustration will have gone away.


  Don't try to become very patient overnight.It won't happen.Start with something small and manageable.Look for a trigger that only causes mild impatience within you-not something that gets your blood boiling.Then focus on this, and forget the other triggers for now.Work on controlling your temper for that one trigger.If you can get this one under control, use what you have learned to focus on the next small trigger.One at a time, and with patience, you'll get there.


  Often it's best just to walk away for a few minutes.Take a break from the situation, just for 5-10 minutes, let yourself calm down, plan out your words and actions and solutions, and then come back calmly.Sometimes, we tend to get upset over little things.In the long run, these things tend not to matter, but in the heat of the moment, we might forget this.


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