摘要:A提示:set about+sth意为"开始为--忙碌".set down意为"放下--.写下".set out意为"出发".set out+to do意为"着手--".set up意为"搭.建立.设立".




第一节 对话填空 (共10小题, 共10分)


M:It’s hard to believe it’s become so (76) c___________ and expensive to buy a pair of glasses.

W:I know. Not that long ago, buying eyeglasses was about as simple as buying a pair of socks. Do you really need new (75) g___________?

M:Yes. I’ve noticed that things are soft of unclear sometimes, but I haven’t seen an eye doctor yet.

W:Oh, so you’re looking for a place to go. Have you checked around?

M:Yes. I’ve just found out that designer eyeglasses can (78) c___________$200 or more just for the frame.

W:And a pair of lenses could add well over $100 (79) t___________ that.

M:Yes, (80) d___________ on the material and special lens coatings.

W:So, (81) i___________ the cost of an eye exam, a pair of spectacles can cost as (82) m___________ as a color TV set.

M:It’s incredible. It’s a good thing that I don’t need to buy anything fancy. But it sounds like you have a lot of (83) i___________ about glasses. Did you just buy some?

W:I did. A few months ago. You might check the optometrist in the new mall. Maybe they’re still having a sale.

M:I did. They’re having a promotion now. They’ll include a protective lens coating with new lenses, if you have your (84) e___________ exam there.

W:Great. I hope you’ll find a (85) p___________ of good glasses that you really like.



____This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.

____ He decided to turn his little school house into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. ____ This was the first hostel.

Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other. When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country. ____

Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel. They may put their meal together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes. Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period. ____ For this reason, a few weeks spent “hostelling” can be just as useful a part of one’s education as classes in school.

In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation.

People can stay in the hostel if they brought enough equipment with them.

One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places.

As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.

For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the beauties of the countryside.

More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.

This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for low prices.


Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune , largely to the cause of global health , during the course of his lifetime . With an estimated(估计)worth of more than $ 40 billion , according to Forbes , the project will be no small feat (功绩)for Gates . Having already provided the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $ 24 billion to address global health issues , Gates said that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids.”

So what has made the richest man in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest ? Gates believes that “the equality of opportunity” in which Americans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world . Improving the health of the populations , he says , has proven to be an essential method in helping poor countries to be financially successful . “National borders allow inequalities ,” said Gates : “We all need to take a more global view , rather than just saying my country is doing well . We have to step up these health issues , knowing how few resources are going into them .”

Gates said that both his parents set an example for him as a child . His father , William H. Gates , was the head of the local Planned Parenthood , and his mother , Mary , volunteered for the United Way . As he gathered his fortune , Gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well , but he didn’t expect to devote himself whole-heartedly to one project until he was about 60.

However , Gates , 47 , began to question his ability to wait that long . “It seemed there was a real time urgency,” Gates said . “I started to think , How many lives could I save before then ?”

1.Bill Gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is          .

A.to set up more foundations for them

B.to aid them with natural resources

C.to put more effort into the health issues in them

D.to help them take a more global view

2.It can be learned from the text that Bill Gates thinks          .

A.Americans should care about people in other countries

B.Americans should treat fellow citizens well

C.Americans should devote themselves to certain projects

D.Americans can be world-famous by giving away vast fortune

3.Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of          .

A.his weakening health condition

B.his parents’ suggestions

C.his great success in business

D.his concerns for suffering people



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