摘要: B whether-or无论-还是


信息匹配A. Happiness lies in persistent pursuit.
B. Happiness is in your own hand.
C. Self-knowledge is positively related to happiness.
D. Happiness is based on comparison.
E. There does not exist a guide to happiness.
F. Happiness is all about doing what you want to.
【小题1】 Heather Mccoy
 Entering a bookstore, one cannot help but notice entire shelves devoted to books boating knowledge of the true path to happiness.
 Whether this wave of commercials and books can actually make people happier is the question. Happiness cannot be found by sticking to a narrow set of steps or rules. Finding happiness is not as simple as following a how-to-do handbook. It’s something that every person must find in his or her own way.
【小题2】 Gary Russell
 Does happiness grow proportionally with wealth? Hardly.
 Experiences teaches us material satisfaction comes only when one finds himself wealthier than those around him; and, in a similar manner, one feels of being lowered when facing a billionaire, while a worker with a monthly salary of several hundred dollars becomes the envy of the villagers in remote mountainous regions.
【小题3】 David Niven
 True happiness is not a result from human action. Results are temporary while happiness is everywhere and can neither be created nor destroyed. With true happiness there is no place for disappointments! True happiness may mean pain and restraint in the beginning but will lead to everlasting joy and freedom. To achieve true happiness, we should separate and remove the negatives. True happiness is realized by understanding one’s own self.
【小题4】 Joshua Party
 Happiness is a state of mind. you can be happy in almost any situation. Likewise, you can be unhappy in an equal number of situations.In the end, it’s your decision.
 If one can control one’s unhappiness, then one must be able to control one’s happiness. As far as I know, the human genome project has not been able to identify a single part of any human chromosome(染色体) which is responsible for happiness.
【小题5】 Laura Johnson
 So what makes me a happy person? Studying to be a journalist because I loved to write, not because it pays a lot of money. Skiing in the winter snow and swimming in the summer sun. Spending time with my close friends from home. Being in a stable family. Reading romance novels and watching movies. Having a boyfriend who knows more about rock and roll history than I do.



  Over the past few years, people seem to have become tired of being told what they can't eat.They also have taken too much advice that doesn't seem effective.They want to hear messages about healthy food.They are understandably worried about some food industry practices and problems.

  The food industry puts money-making first.Buyers and companies have been less informed on food safety than they should have been.The result is human cost has been high.

  The food industry defends(保卫)itself.It says that it tries to provide as good a product as possible at low prices, as cost is a major consideration in buying food.It is the buyers who are to blame.They are waking up to the hidden costs of cheaper food.Chicken burgers, for example, may have only a little chicken in them.

  The increasing organic(有机的)food market shows that people are prepared to pay more for fruits and vegetables that haven't been grown purely(纯的)for its outside look and money business.

  There is now a new kind of food called functional food.It contains so-called beneficial(有益的)additives(添加剂), such as fruit drinks with added Vitamin C.It is believed that adding this makes a product healthier.In fact, this unnatural food will become a problem in the future.

  If a mother-to-be wants to protect her unborn baby from illness, she needs to eat a special breakfast to which certain additives have been added.Yet she can get these things much more cheaply from other healthier foods, like orange juice or green vegetables.We shouldn't be led to believe that we need to eat these“special,”expensive products to be healthy when most of the good things we need are found in cheaper natural foods.

  I buy as much fresh organic food as possible.I believe that future studies will show that eating organically will make us healthier.I also enjoy them more and feel strongly like supporting the organic farmer's cause.


According to the passage, many people are paying attention to ________.

[  ]


what they should or should not eat


whether the food is harmful


which food product is new


who produces the food


In the opinion of the writer, adding extra things into the food ________.

[  ]


is good for the baby


makes food healthier


causes prices to go high


may not be a wise way


What information is the passage trying to give people?

[  ]


We should have special breakfast.


Functional food gives good value.


Natural food is better than anything else.


We shouldn't waste money on organic food.


Because people are told less about the food they are eating, they ________.

[  ]


may choose to eat harmful things


talk less about the food than before


are not supporting the farmers enough


need more advice from the food industry


This was no ordinary class. The students who came together were all science or engineering professors at Cornell University. They had interrupted their research to accept an invitation to take part in an unusual experiment: “an interesting week of poetry.” This class was part of a study to answer the questions: Why is science difficult for many nonscience students? What can teachers learn about teaching if they take a class that is not in their field?

The students in the poetry class listened to lectures and took notes. They had reading tasks and had to write three short papers. All students noticed one thing – the importance of spoken words. In science and engineering classes, the instructors put tables and drawings on the blackboard. But in this poetry class, the instructors just talked. They didn’t write anything on the board.

The scientists and engineers noticed one similarity between science and poetry. In both subjects, students need to find layers (层次) of meaning . Some layers are simple, clean, and on the surface; other layers are deeper and more difficult. This search for different levels of meaning doesn’t happen much in undergraduate(本科) science classes, but it is important later, in graduate school. And it is always important in humanities(人文科学).

Both the poetry instructors and their students learned something about teaching from this experience. One poetry instructor, for example, now sees the importance of using informative as he teaches. Most of the scientists agreed on several points. First, humanities classes might help science students to see patterns and decide which information is important. Second, the poetry class was fun. One engineer decided, “We need to change the way we teach engineering to make to make it an enjoyable experience for students.”

But perhaps the most important result of the experience was this; All of the professors began to think about how they teach and how they cam teach better.

1.What do we know about this unusual class?

A.The teachers did lots of writing on the board

B.The teacher were invited to attend several lectures.

C.The student were professors from a university

D.The students were studying science and humanities.

2.The experiment was designed to find out             

A.how to teach the students in the science class

B.whether poetry is difficult for science students

C.what to be taught in the humanities class

D.why many humanities students find science hard.

3.Finding levels of meaning is            .

A.important for graduate students in humanities

B.difficult for graduate students in humanities

C.common for undergraduate students in science

D.easy for undergraduate students in science.

4.What did the science professors learn after the experiment?

A.They should change the way they teach

B.A poem could be explained in clear definitions.

C.A poetry class could be more informative.

D.Their teaching was an enjoyable experience.



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