摘要: Mary is ill today. If she . she absent from school. A. were not ill. wouldn't be B. had been ill. wouldn't have been C. had been ill. should have been D. hadn't been ill. could be



1.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

A.Mary is ill.

B.Mary enjoyed the dance.

C.She has had no chance to talk to Mary.

2.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.He is not prepared.

B.He is well prepared.

C.He will start.

3.What does the woman tell the man to do?

[  ]

A.She tells him to sit with them.

B.She tells him to order the same thing.

C.She tells the man to leave.

4.What time will the man's bus leave?

[  ]

A.At 8:00.  B.At 8:15.  C.At 8:30.

5.What news did the woman get from the man?

[  ]

A.Sam Peterson will leave New York very soon.

B.Sam's sister will leave for New York very soon.

C.Sam's sister will leave for San Francisico very soon.



6.Why is the patient seeing the doctor?

[  ]

A.Because his wife told him to.

B.Because he feels tired.

C.Because his wife feels tired.

7.When did the man return to work the last time he was ill?

[  ]

A.When he felt better

B.When he had to.

C.When his wife told him to.

8.What does the doctor think his problem is?

[  ]

A.His wife.  B.His job.  C.His operation.

9.What can we learn about the doctor?

[  ]

A.She isn't fit for her job.

B.She didn't give the man any examination.

C.She will give the man further examination tomorrow.


10.Where does Mary work?

[  ]

A.In a construction company.

B.At McDonald's.

C.With Tom.

11.When will Tom's father's company hire workers?

[  ]

A.In September.  B.In June.  C.In August.

12.Is Mary going to the party?

[  ]

A.No, she doesn't want to.

B.Yes, she's going with Joe.

C.No, she can't.


13.What do you think the woman is?

[  ]

A.A member of a political club.

B.A camera woman.

C.A waitress.

14.What is the woman going to do?

[  ]

A.Take part in a meeting.

B.Shake hands with people she hates.

C.Have some photos taken.


15.What did the boy mean by speaking “Mary, how did you do that”?

[  ]

A.How Mary went on the holiday.

B.Why Mary went to Denvery.

C.How Mary was able to miss so much schoo.

16.What can we infer (推断) about Washington's Birthday from the dialogue?

[  ]

A.Maybe there was a national holiday near that day.

B.It was fine that day and nobody wanted to stay in.

C.All the students were on their winter holiday that day.

17.What did Mary do on Washington's Birthday?

[  ]

A.She stayed at home.

B.She went to the mountain by car.

C.She went to the mountain by train for a holiday.


18.What can we learn about North Dakota?

[  ]

A.A block party is an early sign of summer there.

B.Indoor sports are popular there in winter.

C.Winter snows are ususlly deep there.

19.What do the people in North Dakota think of the season of winter?

[  ]

A.Quiet and satisfying.

B.Long and dull (乏味).

C.Short but exciting.

20.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.People in North Dakota like answering questions.

B.People in North Dakota have various (各种各样的) interests.

C.People in North Dakota dislike answering questions.



1.What are they talking about?

[  ]

A.Driving in England.

B.How to drive a car.

C.Whether to have the right to drive a car in England.

2.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

A.Mary is ill.

B.Mary thinks well of the concert.

C.She hs no chance to talk to Mary.

3.Does Jane know Arvid Brown?

[  ]

A.She doesn't know him.

B.She knows something about him.

C.She knows him very well.

4.What can we learn from the conversation?

[  ]

A.They are neighbours.

B.They are classmates.

C.They are not from the same country.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A.In a clothing store.

B.At the woman's home.

C.In the sitting room.



6.What is the man going to do tonight?

[  ]

A.Come to the woman's home for dinner.

B.Go to a concert with the woman.

C.Go to a concert with his sister.

7.What does the man think of the woman?

[  ]

A.He thinks she is a good cook.

B.He thinks she does everything very quickly.

C.He thinks she isn't good at cooking.


8.What is the woman worried about?

[  ]

A.Mary's carelessness.

B.Bad traffic

C.Mary's being late.

9.What do you know about Mary from this conversation?

[  ]

A.She is a good diver and always very careful.

B.She is a careless girl.

C.She likes driving fast.


10.Where will they have dinner that night?

[  ]

A.In the hotel.

B.At the airport.

C.In a restaurant nearby.

11.What kind of food are they going to eat?

[  ]

A.American food.

B.Chinese food.

C.French food.

12.How many people will have dinner with the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Three.  B.Four.  C.Five.


13.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A.At school.  B.At home.  C.In the office.

14.How many hours will the girl work a day?

[  ]

A.2.  B.4.  C.6.

15.How much could she get in a week?

[  ]

A.24 dollars.  B.80 dollars.  C.120 dollars.


16.Why is there no performance?

[  ]

A.Because the audience want a repayment.

B.Because the actors are sick.

C.Because there is no electricity.

17.When will tickets be exchanged?

[  ]

A.This evening.

B.Next Tuesday.

C.Tomorrow morning,

18.What can't they do according to the message?

[  ]

A.Get their money back.

B.Come to see the performance tomorrow morning.

C.Come to see the performance next Tuesday.


19.Where does the sandwich come from?

[  ]

A.England.  B.America.  C.Germany.

20.From the passage we learn that ________.

[  ]

A.the sandwich has a long history

B.the sandwich was invented by Americans

C.the sandwich is pretty new to us


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