摘要: He would tell the conductor what he wanted. 翟雪梅 If you’re looking for a new pet, don’t even think about Komodo dragons, which are the world’s largest lizards and can grow to be 10 feet long and weigh more than 300 pounds. Komodo dragons run fast and eat almost any kind of meat, including dead or live animals, other Komodo dragons and people. “ These things are powerful killing machines, says Bryan Fry, a biologist. If those reasons aren’t good enough, consider the bite of a Komodo dragon. According to a new study, it may kill prey like snakes by injecting venom. This chemical, according to Fry and his team of scientists at the University of Melbourne in Australia, can cause shock in the unlucky victim. A person or animal goes into shock when the body cannot offer enough blood to the organs to keep functioning. As a result, the body starts to shut down. Scientists have only recently begun to understand why a Komodo dragon is so deadly. Some people used to believe that a Komodo dragon’s bite contained bacteria from the mouth that would cause a severe infection in the victim’s blood. The infection would finally kill the animal. Fry says that after being bitten by a Komodo dragon, animals usually die quickly. After more studies, Fry and his team found that the Komodo dragon venom contained some of the same ingredients as snake venom. These ingredients thin the bolld and cause blood vessels to become larger. To test the venom, the scientists injected rats with it and observed that the rats became still. Fry’s work show that Komodo dragons kill their prey with venom, and not by bacteria-and gives us another reason why we should avoid coming across them. That is easy to do, since they live only on a few islands in the tropical country of Indonesia.


Dou Te, a 54 – year – old single man, sleeps for extremely long periods of time in winter, thinking it helps him to lose weight and brings him good luck. Sometimes he sleeps for a week, sometimes for a month, waking only occasionally for a drink of water. This unusual habit of his attracted (吸引) the attention of a professor at a local university, who is studying him.

Dou Te is an agricultural consultant (顾问) and has no fixed working hours. He says he has had this habit of hibernation since the 1960’s, when one winter he felt particularly tired and became seriously overweight. Because of bad weather, he had to stay at home for several weeks, and he found that sleeping is the only way to get rid of the boredom, and from then on, he started to sleep in winter, whether it was day or night. As a result he lost 50 pounds that first year. At the beginning, he would get up in the mornings and have something to eat and take a shower, but then he read some materials and learned that every kind of need could be reduced during the hibernation, and he gradually learned to control his instincts. Now when he hibernates, he need only drink some water once a week; all his system slows down. And he hardly needs any food and certainly doesn’t need to wash.

Says he “For four months, I don’t eat or play. I save a lot of money, and when I wake up, I can use the money to improve my quality of life. Hibernation is really a good idea. If anyone else is interested, it is worth trying.”

1.Dou Te sleeps for a very long period of time in winter for the thinks          .

       A.it helps him to lose weigh and brings him good luck.

       B.it helps him to get rid of work and worries of life.

       C.he can have a very good rest.

       D.it helps him to gain weight and brings him good luck.

2.He started his hibernation in one winter when            .

       A.he felt a little tired and became slightly overweight.

       B.he particularly felt bored and became seriously overweight.

       C.he was particularly tired and became seriously overweight.

       D.he particularly felt tired and lost 50 pounds.

3.After hibernation, Dou Te thinks           .

       A.he can get rid of the boredom.

       B.he can get rid of the troubles of eating and drinking.

       C.he can save money and improve the quality of his life.

       D.he can be free from his work and away from people.


There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard(橄榄园). He was very hardworking, and the  36  always prospered(繁荣)under his care. But he knew that his three  37  looked down upon the farm work, and were eager to make wealth.
When the farmer was  38  and felt that he would die, he  39  the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a pot of gold  40  in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.”
The sons tried to  41  him to tell them in what part of the orchard the  42  was hidden, but he would tell them nothing more.
After the farmer was  43 , the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not  44  where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one  45  of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.
They  46  until they had turned up the  47  from one end of the orchard to the other,  48  the tree-roots and between them.  49  no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering in his wits. The three sons were bitterly  50  to have all their work for nothing.
The next olive  51 , the olive trees in the orchard bore(结果实)more fruit than they had  52  given; when it was  53 , it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.
And when they saw how much money had  54  the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had  55  when he said, “There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.”

A.friendsB.sons C.relativesD.children
A.weakB.lost C.dead D.sick
A.thinkB.know C.wonderD.realise
A.endB.topC.surface D.bottom
A.dugB.searched C.discoveredD.expected
A.sandB.soil C.ground D.floor
A.SinceB.AndC.Before D.But
A.season B.partC.distance D.degree
A.alreadyB.even C.ever D.still
A.made B.sold C.shippedD.saved
A.come onB.come aboutC.come upD.come from
A.thoughtB.plannedC.guessed D.meant


Mother’s Day was coming,but John had been visiting customers.He was now in a small town just outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.
He went into the shop and saw a young man  26  the clerk to sell him some roses for six dollars,but the clerk just explained that roses were  27 
The clerk looked up at John, 28  her head.Something inside of John was  29  by the boy’s voice.John had been  30  in his business,and he looked at the clerk and  31 mouthed that he would pay for the roses.
The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dollars.The young man almost jumped into the  32  and ran from the store with the  33 .It was worth the extra dollars just to see that kind of  34
John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the  35  would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.He drove away from the shop,feeling very  36 .He caught a light about two blocks away.As he  37  at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk.He watched him cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates.Suddenly,he  38  that it wasn’t a park but a cemetery(公墓).
The light  39 ,and John slowly crossed the intersection.He  40  and on an impulse(冲动)got out and began to fclllow the boy.The young man stopped by a small monument and went to his  41 .He began to cry after he carefully  42  the roses on the grave.He stared at the little boy’s heaving(起伏的) body and listened to his crying.
John turned with  43 ,and walked back to his car.He drove  44  to the shop and told the clerk he would  45  the flowers personally.He wanted to tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her.

A.beggingB.orderingC.forcing D.urging
A.cheapB.beautifulC.expensive D.special
A.shakingB.wavingC.nodding D.holding
A.recalledB.touchedC.hurt D.lightened
A.influencedB.ruinedC.buried D.blessed
A.loudlyB.silentlyC.gently D.calmly
A.riverB.air C.lake D.hole
A.moneyB.flowers C.basket D.cards
A.surpriseB.horrorC.excitement D.sadness
A.relaxedB.disappointedC.good D.sorry
A.sangB.waitedC.looked D.stood
A.rememberedB.foundC.discovered D.realized
A.drove backB.pulled overC.broke down D.burst out
A.armsB.palmsC.feet D.knees
A.laidB.decoratedC.set D.grew
A.laughterB.angerC.tears D.astonishment
A.slowlyB.quicklyC.carefully D.excitedly
A.bringB.fetchC.take D.catch


A successful business man was growing old and wanted to choose a successor to take over the business. He called all the young executives together and said, "I have to __36__ and choose the next CEO from you."
They were __37__, but the boss continued. "I am going to give you a very __38__ seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back one year from today with __39__ you have grown from the seed. I will then __40__ the plants, and choose the next CEO."
Jim went home __41__. Everyday, he would water the seed and see __42__ it had grown. Although he kept __43__ his seed, nothing ever grew. Many weeks went __44__, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn't have a plant and he felt like a __45__.
A year later, they brought their plants to the CEO for __46__. When Jim arrived, he was __47__ at the variety of plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful.
The CEO greeted them. "What great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown," said the CEO. "Today one of you will be__48__ the next CEO!"
All of a sudden, the CEO __49__ Jim at the back with his empty pot. The CEO asked him what had happened - Jim told him the story. He looked at Jim, and then __50__, "The next CEO is Jim!"
Jim couldn't believe __51__. Jim couldn't even grow his seed. "How could he be the new CEO?" the others said.
Then the CEO said, "The seeds I gave you were boiled seeds; they were dead - it was not __52__ for them to grow. Jim was the only one with the courage and __53__ to bring me a pot with my seed in it. __54__, he is the one who will be the new CEO!"
If you plant honesty, you will reap __55__. So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap later. 
36. A. step down           B. sit down            C. settle down        D. hand down
37. A. exhausted           B. shocked             C. annoyed            D. embarrassed
38. A. special                B. valuable            C. common            D. expensive
39. A. how                   B. which               C. where               D. what
40. A. compare             B. observe             C. judge                D. examine
41. A. heatedly             B. excitedly           C. desperately        D. disappointingly
42. A. if                       B. unless               C. until                 D. though
43. A. checking             B. planting            C. appreciating       D. counting
44. A. down                 B. away                 C. by                    D. back
45. A. fool                   B. failure               C. successor           D. onlooker
46. A. direction             B. application        C. instruction         D. inspection 
47. A. amazed               B. discouraged              C. amused             D. puzzled
48. A. performed          B. voted               C. considered         D. appointed
49. A. spotted               B. glanced             C. stared                D. noticed
50. A. announced          B. stated                C. confirmed         D. whispered
51. A. it                       B. those                 C. themselves         D. him
52. A. likely                 B. sure                  C. necessary           D. possible
53. A. confidence          B. honesty             C. optimism           D. diligence
54. A. Moreover           B. However           C. Therefore          D. Besides
55. A. trust                   B. success              C. power               D. reputation 


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