摘要: It can be harmful for them. /It is an “anti-social act . Technology is the application of knowledge to production. Thanks to modern technology, we have been able to increase greatly the efficiency of our work force. New machines and new methods have helped cut down time and expense while increasing overall output. This has meant more production and a higher standard of living. For most of us in America, modern technology is thought of as the reason why we can have cars and television sets. However, technology has also increased the amount of food available to us, by means of modern farming machinery and animal breeding techniques, and has extended our life span via medical technology. Will mankind continue to live longer and have a higher quality of life? In large measure the answer depends on technology and our ability to use it widely. If we keep making progress as we have over the past fifty years, the answer is definitely yes. The advancement of technology depends upon research and development, and the latest statistics show that the united States is continuing to pump billions of dollars annually into such efforts. So while we are running out of some scarce resources, we may well find technological substitutes for many of them through our research programs. Therefore, in the final analysis the three major factors of production (land, labor and capital) are all influenced by technology. When we need new skills on techniques in medicine, people will start developing new technology to meet those needs. As equipment proves to be slow or inefficient, new machines will be invented. Technology responds to our needs in helping us maintain our standard of living.


Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or only there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find a shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon totally unaware of your surroundings. You soon become interested in some books or others, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent too much time there and have to rush off to keep some forgotten appointment.

This chance to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can walk around such a place to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will come up to you with the greeting "Can I help you?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished reading. Then, and only then, are his services necessary.

Once a medical student had to read a textbook which was far too expensive for him to buy. He couldn't borrow it from the library and the only copy he could find was in a certain bookshop. Every afternoon, therefore, he would go along to the shop and read a little of the book at a time. One day, however, he was disappointed to find the book missing from his usual place. He was about to leave, when he noticed the owner of the shop beckoning to him. Expecting to be told off, he went towards him. To his surprise, the owner pointed to the book which was tucked away in a corner. "I put it there in case anyone tries to buy it !"He said, and left the delighted student continuing his reading.

1.According to the passage the main attraction of a bookshop is that ________.

A. people can learn something from books    

B. it can be a shelter from a sudden rain

C. it is the surrounding of new knowledge   

D. it offers a chance to get free from realities

2.The writer thinks that the assistant in a good bookshop should ________.

A. always greet customers pleasantly and warmly   

B. help the readers to find what they want to read

C. not say a word to the customers while they read   

D. not stand behind the bookshelf all the time

3.The underlined word "beckoning" in the last paragraph means ________.

A. waving somebody to come up      B. laughing at a person openly

C. shouting at somebody angrily     D. shaking one's head to show disagreement

4.The purpose of the writer in writing the third paragraph is to ________.

A. tell us a story that happened in a bookshop   

B. support his idea of what a good bookshop is like

C. teach us how to read in a shop without buying books

D. advise us to help other people whenever we can



III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Advertising in America offers some great advantages to consumers. For example, in order to keep prices low through mass production, companies must have a mass market for their products. Mass advertising creates mass markets. Producers cannot afford to develop new products, put them on the market and wait for customers to discover them. This would take too long. Demand for some products must be created. This is done through advertising.
  But advertising sometimes makes it difficult for consumers to make wise decisions. The fact is that when people are constantly flooded with messages through the mass media persuading them to buy particular products, many respond by buying them.
  Advertising is designed to influence an individual to buy a product. Sellers often study human behavior to discover what will convince consumers to buy a certain item. This reason for buying is called a buying motive.
  Buying motives are usually broken down into two categories: rational and emotional. Rational buying motives include the desire to save money, the desire for comfort, or the desire for good workmanship. Emotional buying motives include buying out of fear, wanting to be liked, and wanting to have something better than your friends have.
  Emotional appeals are found in most consumer advertising today. Certain cars promise to make the driver feel "younger" and " freer". Shoes promise to make the buyer's whole life "springier". Life insurance policies promise to take the "care out of living".
  Most consumers believe that they are not easily influenced by emotional appeals. However, corporations that sell consumer products obviously think differently. They spend many millions of dollars every day on radio, television, newspaper and magazine ads that use these appeals.  
1. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the advantages of advertising for consumers is that ________.
A. it can create a big demand for consumer goods
B. the mass market created by it leads to low prices
 C. producers can introduce new products to consumers
 D. it helps consumers discover new products
2. Consumers sometimes find it difficult to make a sensible decision when buying a particular product     because __________ .
 A. many advertisements are too difficult for them to understand
 B. they are afraid to be taken in by dishonest advertisements
 C. mass advertising offers them a range of good and cheap products
 D. they are confused by the quantity of advertisements promoting it
3. According to the passage, a toothpaste ad promising that people who use the product will make a lot of friends is an example of an ad that appeals to __________ .
 A. rational buying motives                              B. the consumer's commonsense
 C. emotional buying motives                          D. the desire for a good product
4. The reason why companies spend enormous amounts of money on advertising is that ________ .
 A. they believe people can be influenced to buy a certain produce
B. it takes a lot of advertising to convince people to buy a certain product
 C. most consumers are not easily influenced by emotional appeals
 D. advertising based on emotional appeals are very effective
5. The best title for this passage would be ________ .
 A. Advertising can create demand                   B. The advantages of advertising
 C. What effective advertising can do               D. The role of advertising in selling products


III 阅读(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Advertising in America offers some great advantages to consumers. For example, in order to keep prices low through mass production, companies must have a mass market for their products. Mass advertising creates mass markets. Producers cannot afford to develop new products, put them on the market and wait for customers to discover them. This would take too long. Demand for some products must be created. This is done through advertising.

  But advertising sometimes makes it difficult for consumers to make wise decisions. The fact is that when people are constantly flooded with messages through the mass media persuading them to buy particular products, many respond by buying them.

  Advertising is designed to influence an individual to buy a product. Sellers often study human behavior to discover what will convince consumers to buy a certain item. This reason for buying is called a buying motive.

  Buying motives are usually broken down into two categories: rational and emotional. Rational buying motives include the desire to save money, the desire for comfort, or the desire for good workmanship. Emotional buying motives include buying out of fear, wanting to be liked, and wanting to have something better than your friends have.

  Emotional appeals are found in most consumer advertising today. Certain cars promise to make the driver feel "younger" and " freer". Shoes promise to make the buyer's whole life "springier". Life insurance policies promise to take the "care out of living".

  Most consumers believe that they are not easily influenced by emotional appeals. However, corporations that sell consumer products obviously think differently. They spend many millions of dollars every day on radio, television, newspaper and magazine ads that use these appeals.  

1. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the advantages of advertising for consumers is that ________.

A. it can create a big demand for consumer goods

B. the mass market created by it leads to low prices

 C. producers can introduce new products to consumers

 D. it helps consumers discover new products

2. Consumers sometimes find it difficult to make a sensible decision when buying a particular product     because __________ .

 A. many advertisements are too difficult for them to understand

 B. they are afraid to be taken in by dishonest advertisements

 C. mass advertising offers them a range of good and cheap products

 D. they are confused by the quantity of advertisements promoting it

3. According to the passage, a toothpaste ad promising that people who use the product will make a lot of friends is an example of an ad that appeals to __________ .

 A. rational buying motives                              B. the consumer's commonsense

 C. emotional buying motives                          D. the desire for a good product

4. The reason why companies spend enormous amounts of money on advertising is that ________ .

 A. they believe people can be influenced to buy a certain produce

B. it takes a lot of advertising to convince people to buy a certain product

 C. most consumers are not easily influenced by emotional appeals

 D. advertising based on emotional appeals are very effective

5. The best title for this passage would be ________ .

 A. Advertising can create demand                   B. The advantages of advertising

 C. What effective advertising can do               D. The role of advertising in selling products



  Kids will often ignore your requests for them to shut off the TV,start their chores(杂事),or do their homework as a way to avoid following your directions.Before you know it,you’ve started to sound like a broken record as you repeatedly ask them to do their assignments,clean their rooms,or take out the trash.Rather than saying “Do your chores now.” you’ll be more effective if you set a target time for when the chores have to be completed.So instead of arguing about starting chores,just say,“If chores aren’t done by 4 pm,here are the consequences.”Then it’s up to your child to complete the chores.Put the ball back in their court.Don’t argue or fight with them,just say,“That’s the way it’s going to be.”It shouldn’t be punitive(惩罚性的)as much as it should be persuasive.“If your chores aren’t done by 4 pm,then no video game time until chores are done.And if finishing those chores runs into homework time,that’s going to be your loss.”On the other hand,when dealing with homework,keep it very simple.Have a time when homework starts,and at that time,all electronics go off and do not go back on until you see that their homework is done.If your kids say they have no homework,then they should use that time to study or read.Either way,there should be a time set aside when the electronics are off.

  When a kid wears his iPod or headphones when you’re trying to talk to him,make no bones about it;he is not ignoring you,he is disrespecting you.At that point,everything else should stop until he takes the earplugs out of his ears.Don’t try to communicate with him when he’s wearing headphones—even if he tells you he can hear you.Wearing them while you’re talking to him is a sign of disrespect.Parents should be very tough about this kind of thing.Remember,mutual respect becomes more important as children mature.

1.According to the passage,it seldom happens that     .

  A.kids turn a deaf ear to their parents’ requests

  B.parents’ directions sound like a broken record

  C.children are ready to follow their parents’ directions 

  D.parents are unaware of what they are repeating to their kids


2.Parents will be able to deal with their children more effectively if they     .

  A.avoid direct ways of punishment

  B.make them do things at their request

  C.argue and fight with their children

  D.allow their children to behave in their own way


3.When the kid is doing his homework,parents     .

  A.should provide him with a good learning environment

  B.can do whatever they like

  C.can stay aside watching TV

  D.must switch off the power


4.It can be inferred from the passage that     .

  A.parents should take off his headphones when trying to have a talk with their child

  B.it will make no difference that a kid is wearing his earplugs while talking to his parents

  C.parents shouldn’t give in to their kid when he shows no sign of respect

  D.kids’ purposely talking to their parents with iPod gives them a sense of power and control


5.The main idea of the passage is     .

  A.that respecting each other is more important than anything else

  B.how kids behave to ignore and disrespect their parents

  C.that children should make choices and decisions on their own

  D.how parents can deal with their kids’ behavior effectively



  In the atmosphere,carbon dioxide actd rather like a one-way mirror or the glass in the roof of a greenhouse which allows the sun's rays to enter but prevents the heat from excaping.
  According to a weather expert's prediction,the atmosphere will be 3 warmer in the year 2050 than it is today, if man continues to burn luels at the present rate. If this warming up took place,the ice caps in the poles would begin to melt,thus raising sea level several meters and severely flooding coastal cities.Also,the increase in atmospheric temperature would lead to great changes in the climate of the northern hemisphere(半球),psooicbly resulting in an alteration of earth's chief food growing zones.
  In the past,concern about a man - made warming of the earth has concentrated on the Arctic because the Antarctic is much colder and has a much thicker ice sheet.But the weather experts are now paying more attention to West Antarctic,which may be affected by a warming on the scale that will possibly take place in the next fifty years from on burning of fuels.
  Satellite pictures showthat large areas of Antarctic ice are already disappearing.The evidence available suggests that a warming has taken place.This fits the theory that carbon dioxide warms the earth.
  However,most of the fuel is burnt in the northern hemisphere,where temperatures seem to be falling.Scientists conclude,therefore,that up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man.The question is:Which natural cause has most effect on the weather?
  One possibility is the variable behavior of the sun.Astronomers at one research station have studied the hot spots and cold spots(that is,the relatively less hot spots) on the sun. As the sun rotates(旋转),every 27.5 days,it presents hotter or colder faces to the earth,and different aspects to different parts of the earth.This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth's atmospheric pressure,and consequently on wind circulation.The sun is also variable over a long term:its heat output goes up and down in cycles,the latest trend being downward.
  Scientists are now finding mutual relations between models of solar weather interactions and the actual climate over many thousands of years ,including the last Ice Age.The problem is that the models are predicting that the world should be entering a new Ice Age and it is not.
  One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia(不活动,惰性) of the earth's climate.If this is right,the warming effect of carbon dioxide might thus be serving as a useful counter balance to the sun's diminishing heat.
  68.It can be concluded that a concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would ___.
   A.mean a warming - up im the Arctic
   B.raise the temperature of the earth's surface
   C.prevent the sun's rays from reaching the earth's surface
   D.account for great changes in the climate in the northern hemiphere
  69.Although the fuel consumption is greater in the northern hemisphere,temperatures there seem to be falling.This is _______.
   A.mainly because the levels of carbon dioxide are rising
   B.partly due to variations in the output of solar energy
   C.possibly because the ice caps in the poles are melting
   D.exclusively due to the effect of the inertia of the earth's climate
  70.On the basis of their models,scientists are of the opinion that ________.
   A.the climate of the world should be becoming cooler
   B.the new Ice Age will be delayed by the greenhouse effect
   C.the man - made warming effect helps to increase the solar effects
   D.it will take thousands of years for the inertia of the earth's climate to take effect


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