摘要:A.He B. It C. Everyone D. Who



Everyone’s at it, even my neighbors. I thought I might be the only person left in the world who hadn’t done an eBay deal. So, I decided to try my hand at online auction(网上拍卖).

Buying for Beginners

Sign up on www. eBay. co. uk. Most items (e.g. tables, computers and books) ready for auction will come with a picture and a short description; others may be marked with “Buy It Now ” and have a fixed price. You can buy these right away.

If the item is being auctioned, you offer the highest price you are prepared to pay and eBay bids (出价) for you. The bid will be increased little by little until it goes beyond your highest bid, then you are emailed and asked if you would like to bid again. Auctions last up to 10 days and when they finish, you get an email telling you whether you have won the item.

How to Pay

Sellers decide how they would like to be paid and you need to check this before placing a bid as you might not want to post a check or postal orders. The easiest way is through PayPal, an online payment system that takes the money away from your credit card.

Selling Made Simple

If you plan to sell on eBay, it helps to include a picture of the item. I followed my friends’ advice and put up the items I wanted to sell for a 10-day auction, starting on a Thursday. This way buyers had two weekends to bid.

The big Things in Life

It’s easy to post a small item, but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be collectively sent by deliverymen. Check the ways of delivery before you bid.

64. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to make payment online.                       B. Ways of making delivery online.

C. How to use an online-auction system.             D. Advantages of an online auction system.

65. After bidding for an item, a buyer ________.

A. has chances to make higher bids                    B. will get what he wants in ten days

C. should make payment immediately          D. may check its picture and description

66. The easiest way of making payment mentioned in the passage is ________.

A. through a local banking system                      B. by sending the money to the seller

C. through an online payment system                 D. by paying the deliveryman directly



It is important that you make a good impression at work. If you make a good impression on your boss, he or she is more likely to give you more responsibilities which can lead to promotions and raises. Here are some ways to make a good impression at work.

Use Proper Office Etiquette (礼仪)

Using proper manners will help you make a good impression on your boss and also your co-workers. Office etiquette includes everything from the proper way to use e-mails to knowing when, where, and how to use your cellphone at work。

Face Up to Your Mistakes

When you make a mistake at work, which everyone inevitably (不可避免地) does at some point, face up to it. Don’t ignore your mistake or blame others. Take the responsibility and come up with a solution to your mistake. Your boss may not be happy about it, but he or she will at least be impressed with your response.

Know to Call in Sick

Do you think coming to work when you are sick instead of staying at home will impress your boss? Reasonable bosses know that the sick employee not only is unproductive but also he or she can spread an illness around the office. Call in sick when you are ill.

Come through in a Crisis

When the unexpected thing happens at work, who will make a better impression on the boss? Of course it’s the employee who deals with the crisis quickly and effectively.

60. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Use Good Etiquette

B. How to Deal with Mistakes at Work

C. How to Be a Good Worker in the Future

D. How to Make a Good Impression at Work

61. What should you do if you make a mistake at work?

A. Try to ignore the mistake.

B. Put the blame on others.

C. Think out a solution to your mistake.

D. Leave the company as soon as possible.

62. According to the writer, when you are ill you’d better _______.

A. go to work on time as usual

B. stay at home without telling others

C. go on working but stay away from others

D. stop working and ask for a leave

63. Who will make good impressions on the boss?

A. Employees who deal with the crisis quickly and effectively.

B. Employees who often make mistakes.

C. Employees who go to work though they are ill.

D. Employees who often use their cellphones at work.


Everyone has got two personalities—the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behaviour,but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you.In a normal night,of course,people frequently change their position.The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.

If you go to sleep on your back,you're a very open person.You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas.You don't like to upset people,so you never express your real feelings.You're quite shy and you aren't very confident.

If you sleep on your stomach,you are a rather secretive(不坦率的)person.You worry a lot and you're always easily upset.You're very stubborn(顽固的),but you aren't very ambitious.You usually live for today not for tomorrow.This means that you enjoy having a good time.

If you sleep curled up(卷曲),you are probably a very nervous person.You have a low opinion of yourself and so you're often defensive.You're shy and you don't normally like meeting people.You prefer to be on your own.You're easily hurt.

If you sleep on your side,you have usually got a well-balanced personality.You know your strengths and weaknesses.You're usually careful. You have a confident personality.You sometimes feel anxious,but you don't often get depressed.You always say what you think even if it annoys people.

According to the writer,you naturally show your secret and real personality _____.

A.only in a normal night

B.only when you go to sleep

C.only when you refuse to show yourself to the world

D.only when you change sleeping position

Which is NOT mentioned in the second paragraph about a person's personality?

A.He or she is always open with others.

B.He or she always likes new ideas earlier than others.

C.He or she is always easily upset.

D.He or she tends to believe in others.

Point out which sentence is used to show the personality of a person who is used to sleeping on his or her stomach?

A.He or she is careful not to offend others.

B.He or she doesn't want to stick to his or her opinion.

C.He or she can't be successful in any business.

D.He or she likes to bring others happiness.

Maybe you don't want to make friends with a person who sleeps curled up.Why?

A.He or she would rather be alone than communicate with you.

B.He or she is rarely ready to help you.

C.He or she prefers staying at home to going out.

D.He or she wouldn't like to get help from you.

It appears that the writer tends to think highly of the person who sleeps on one side because ______ .

A.he or she always shows sympathy for people

B.he or she is confident,but not stubborn

C.he or she has more strengths than weaknesses

D. he or she often considers annoying people


A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车)on a very dark night in the middle of a terrible rainstorm, with no cars on the road.The storm was so strong that the man could hardly see a few feet ahead of him.Suddenly, he saw a car come towards him and stop.The man, without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door and only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the steering wheel(方向盘)!

       The car started to move very slowly.The man looked at the road and saw a curve (拐弯处)coming his way.Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life.He had not come out of shock when, just before the car hit the curve, a hand suddenly appeared through the window and moved the wheel.The man, paralyzed with fear, watched how the hand appeared every time the car was drawing near a curve.Finally, although terrified, the man managed to open the door and jump out of the spooky car.Without looking back, the man ran through the storm all the way to the nearest town.In a state of complete horror, the man walked into a nearby bar and asked for two glasses of Scotch whisky.

       Then, still shaking with fright, he started telling everybody in the bar about the horrible experience he just went through in the spooky car.Everyone in the bar listened in silence and became frightened, with hair standing on end, when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!

       About half an hour later, two other young men walked into the same bar and one said to the other, “Hey, there’s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”

When the car was first drawing near a curve, the man ________.

    A.felt very curious                 B.was extremely frightened

    C.cried for help                 D.remained as calm as possible

According to the passage, what made the man’s experience believable?

    A.His reasonable behavior.              B.His vivid description.

    C.His plain appearance.           D.His honest attitude.

We can infer from the passage that ________.

    A.it is unsafe for people to take a free ride

    B.the man was telling a lie to his listeners

    C.the car probably broke down on the way

       D.the two young men were familiar with the man


A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车)on a very dark night in the middle of a terrible rainstorm, with no cars on the road.The storm was so strong that the man could hardly see a few feet ahead of him.Suddenly, he saw a car come towards him and stop.The man, without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door and only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the steering wheel(方向盘)!  

    The car started to move very slowly.The man looked at the road and saw a curve (拐弯处)coming his way.Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life.He had not come out of shock when, just before the car hit the curve, a hand suddenly appeared through the window and moved the wheel.The man, paralyzed with fear, watched how the hand appeared every time the car was drawing near a curve.Finally, although terrified, the man managed to open the door and jump out of the spooky car.Without looking back, the man ran through the storm all the way to the nearest town.In a state of complete horror, the man walked into a nearby bar and asked for two glasses of Scotch whisky.

    Then, still shaking with fright, he started telling everybody in the bar about the horrible experience he just went through in the spooky car.Everyone in the bar listened in silence and became frightened, with hair standing on end, when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!

    About half an hour later, two other young men walked into the same bar and one said to the other, “Hey, there’s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”

When the car was first drawing near a curve, the man ________.

    A.felt very curious                B.was extremely frightened

    C.cried for help               D.remained as calm as possible

According to the passage, what made the man’s experience believable?

    A.His reasonable behavior.       B.His vivid description.

    C.His plain appearance.          D.His honest attitude.

We can infer from the passage that ________.

    A.it is unsafe for people to take a free ride

    B.the man was telling a lie to his listeners

    C.the car probably broke down on the way

    D.the two young men were familiar with the man


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