摘要: D.由句子a calm middle-aged woman was selling a great variety of small rubbish可知“小摊开门营业 .


When Dave was eighteen,he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more  1  than by bus.It worked quite well for a few years,but then it got so old,and it was costing him  2  much in repairs that he decided that he had better  3  it.

He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly  4   to buy a cheap car,but they all knew that it was falling to pieces,so  5   of them had any desire to buy it.

Dave's friend Sam saw that he was  6   when they met one evening,and said,“What's  7  ,Dave?” Dave told him and Sam answered,“Well,what about advertising it in the paper? You may   8   more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam's   9   was sensible,he put an advertisement in an evening paper,which read:“For sale:small car,  10   very little petrol,only two owners.Bargain at £50.”

For two days after the advertisement first appeared,there was no   11  .But then on Saturday evening a man rang up and said he would like to  12   him about the car.“All right,” Dave said,feeling happy.He asked the man whether ten o'clock the next morning would be   13   or not.“Fine,” the man said.“And I'll  14   my wife.We intend to go for a ride in it to   15   it.”

The next morning,at ten quarter,Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,  16   to wait there for the person who had   17   his advertisement.Even Dave had to   18   that the car really looked like a wreck.Then soon after he had got the car as   19   as it could be,a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out.He looked at Dave's car and then said,“Have you reported this   20   to us yet,sir?”

1.A.directly            B.safely       C.properly      D.easily

2.A.so                    B.such            C.very         D.too

3.A.keep                B.repair       C.sell             D.throw

4.A.anxious            B.lucky          C.ashamed   D.generous

5.A.some                B.neither        C.none           D.no one

6.A.calm                   B.upset           C.delighted   D.astonished

7.A.no                         B.up                     C.it                D.that

8.A.learn                      B.miss            C.get              D.find

9.A.message                 B.advice         C.request     D.description

10.A.uses                            B.loses           C.has             D.spends

11.A.doubt                   B.help            C.trouble        D.answer

12.A.tell                       B.see              C.agree          D.call

13.A.exact                    B.suitable       C.early           D.late

14.A.follow                  B.meet           C.bring      D.introduce   

15.A.test                      B.obtain         C.admire       D.recognize

16.A.failing                  B.meaning      C.turning    D.happening

17.A.read                            B.placed      C.answered  D.understood

18.A.forget                   B.show           C.disagree      D.admit

19.A.clean                    B.crowded      C.fast             D.light

20.A.bargain                 B.sale             C.accident      D.result


第二部分:语言知识及运用   第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

As waiters, we deal with customers every day and when something goes wrong, somehow we have the ability to keep on going.It’s our responsibility to  16  the customer.   

I remember my first waiter job was at a fine restaurant. One afternoon,the manager informed all the cooks and waiters that a VIP group were coming for lunch. The group were  17  VIPs in the city’s fashion industry.

After the group arrived and got  18  comfortably, drinks were ordered. Normally, the head waiter would be in charge of wine service. However, the manager asked me to serve that afternoon. I had never done wine service, nor had l ever served a group of twelve.

I arranged 12 wine glasses on the tray and went to the table. As I set one of the glasses in front of the first customer, somehow I had  19  my grip and six glasses fell on top of a young woman, and then to the floor and lay in pieces. I felt frightened and my face turned red. I apologized many times to the woman and to the rest of the group. 

Quickly, the manager  20  my aid and helped in the clean-up and sent out their drinks right away. I didn’t understand why, but the group were forgiving me and the young woman  21  informed me it was OK.

My manager pulled me to the side and said, “If you know why an accident happened, learn from it and move on. You still have a table to serve and you can’t show your  22 or your disappointment. Mistakes and accidents do happen. Keep your  23  up and be confident. The glasses are replaceable.”

I understood why he was truly a well-respected restaurant manager within the neighborhood. His  24  relationship with the group made the situation  25  and the group forgave me for that.

16.A. welcome         B. feed                       C. invite                    D. please

17.A. let in as             B. made up of          C. added up to              D. recognized as

18.A. introduced         B. satisfied               C. seated                      D. dressed

19.A. got                    B. caught             C. forgot                   D. lost

20.A. took over        B. came to             C. gave up                     D. rushed against

21.A. repeatedly          B. regretfully       C. impatiently            D. angrily

22.A. apology            B. excitement           C. nervousness        D. carelessness

23.A. nose               B. face                       C. head                    D. hand

24.A. new                     B. famous                 C. terrible                    D. close

25.A. calm                B. comfortable       C. special                  D. possible




I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people. Luckily there're small ways of helping them and you needn't have a lot of__1__. One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine.__2__doing this one day, I got to__3__a young homeless man. He was often_4__the magazine at the train station.

He was a poor farmer from another country. After a while, I discovered that his__5_was close to mine. It_6__that we were born in the same month.

I met him last year_7__after his birthday, and after congratulating him, without__8__, I asked if he had had a good day. He__9__and said that he hadn't really celebrated. I felt so __10_.

I just couldn't bear the thought of this nice, young man being__11__on his 25th birthday with no presents, no cake, nothing! So I went home and looked in my yarn(纱线) basket.__12__for me, I had enough yarn__13__. I set to work and knitted a__14__for the young man. The yarn had become a little dirty__15_I didn't knit very often. Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be__16__when he got it.

I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping. I had__17__to meet him so I had__18__the scarf and a piece of my own birthday__19__around with me. He was very happy with these gifts and so was I. The_20__in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!

1..A. work          B.energy         C.money           D.experience

2..A. In             B.On            C.Besides         D.By

3.A. realize          B.ignore        C.know            D.recognize

4.A. selling          B.reading       C.covering        D.buying

5.A. birthday         B.house         C.height          D.hobby

6.A. said             B.found         C.guessed         D.meant

7.A. long             B.shortly       C.ever            D.even

8.A. stopping         B.helping       C.praising        D.thinking

9.A. looked up        B.turned up     C.looked down     D.got down

10.A. foolish         B.excited       C.clever          D.worried

11.A. calm           B.happy          C.alone           D.hungry

12.A. Suddenly       B.Luckily        C.Badly           D.However

13.A. used        B.done              C.left            D.produced

14.A. scarf           B.cap           C.sock            D.glove

15.A. when            B.because       C.so              D.and

16.A. different       B.dry           C.wet             D.clean

17.A. liked           B.hoped         C.promised        D.agreed

18.A. made            B.thrown        C.received        D.carried

19.A. cake            B.present       C.song            D.party

20.A. light           B.pain          C.sight           D.Tear



五、Cloze test(完形填空)20分

When Dave was eighteen,he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more  1  than by bus.It worked quite well for a few years,but then it got so old,and it was costing him  2  much in repairs that he decided that he had better  3  it.

He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly  4  to buy a cheap car,but they all knew that it was falling to pieces,so  5  of them had any desire to buy it.

Dave's friend Sam saw that he was  6  when they met one evening,and said,“What's  7 ,Dave?” Dave told him and Sam answered,“Well,what about advertising it in the paper? You may   8  more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam's   9  was sensible,he put an advertisement in an evening paper,which read:“For sale:small car,  10  very little petrol,only two owners.Bargain at £50.”

For two days after the advertisement first appeared,there was no   11 .But then on Saturday evening a man rang up and said he would like to  12  him about the car.“All right,” Dave said,feeling happy.He asked the man whether ten o'clock the next morning would be   13  or not.“Fine,” the man said.“And I'll  14  my wife.We intend to go for a ride in it to   15  it.”

The next morning,at ten quarter,Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,  16  to wait there for the person who had   17  his advertisement.Even Dave had to   18  that the car really looked like a wreck.Then soon after he had got the car as   19  as it could be,a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out.He looked at Dave's car and then said,“Have you reported this   20  to us yet,sir?”

1.A.directly           B.safely                 C.properly                    D.easily

2.A.so                          B.such                          C.very                          D.too

3.A.keep               B.repair                 C.sell                           D.throw

4.A.anxious                  B.lucky                        C.ashamed                    D.generous

5.A.some               B.neither               C.none                         D.no one

6.A.calm               B.upset                         C.delighted                   D.astonished

7.A.no                         B.up                            C.it                       D.that

8.A.learn               B.miss                          C.get                            D.find

9.A.message                 B.advice                C.request               D.description

10.A.uses                     B.loses                         C.has                           D.spends

11.A.doubt                   B.help                          C.trouble               D.answer

12.A.tell                B.see                            C.agree                        D.call

13.A.exact                    B.suitable                     C.early                         D.late

14.A.follow                  B.meet                         C.bring                        D.introduce   

15.A.test               B.obtain                C.admire               D.recognize

16.A.failing           B.meaning                    C.turning               D.happening

17.A.read                     B.placed                C.answered                   D.understood

18.A.forget                   B.show                         C.disagree                    D.admit

19.A.clean                    B.crowded                    C.fast                           D.light

20.A.bargain          B.sale                           C.accident                    D.result



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