摘要: B inner strength 意为“内心的力量 ,full strength 意为“全力 ,fighting strength 意为“战斗力 .Brave 与 courage 语意重复.故答案选 B. 7 Mrs Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time, Mrs Amatuli asked me if she could 36 my sandwiches. She explained that I could use the money to buy a 37 lunch from the cafeteria. I was 38. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was 39 expensive for my family, and I always carried my lunch and brought the bag back home to 40 again the next day. You can understand my 41 when I had the opportunity to buy a hot lunch. Kids always 42 about the cafeteria food but I was very 43 of them. When we 44 lunch that day, Mrs Amatuli took me aside and said she wanted to 45 why she had bought my sandwiches. I really didn't care why, 46 it gave me a few minutes of her precious 47 so I was very quiet as she explained. You 48 , she was a Catholic and she told me that Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays-they ate 49 on Fridays. Oh, I couldn't 50 to get home and tell my Mama that from then on I wanted fish on Fridays. 51 my Mama understood why, she gladly fixed fish for me on Friday. From then on, every Friday I could get in 52 with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about the cafeteria food-it 53 great to me! I realize now that Mrs Amatuli 54 have fixed herself a fish sandwich on Fridays. She bought my sandwiches because she saw a little girl who was pleased over the simple 55 of having a hot lunch.


Birds that are half-asleep — with one brain hemisphere (半球) alert(警觉) and the other sleeping — control which side of the brain remains awake, according to a new study of sleeping ducks.

    Earlier studies have recorded half-brain sleep in a wide range of birds. The brain hemispheres take turns sinking into the sleep stage characterized by slow brain waves. The eye controlled by the sleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere’s eye stays open and alert. Birds also can sleep with both hemispheres resting at once.

    Decades of studies of bird groups led researchers to predict extra alertness in the end-of-the-row sleepers which tend to be attacked more easily. Sure enough, the end birds tended to watch carefully on the side away from their companions. Ducks in the inner spots showed no preference for gaze(注视) direction.

    Also, birds napping (打盹) at the end of the line depend on single-hemisphere sleep, rather than total relaxation, more often than inner ducks did. Turning 16 birds through the positions in a four-duck row, the researchers found that compared with 12 percent for birds in inner spots, outer birds half-asleep during some 32 percent of napping time.

    “We believe this is the first evidence for an animal behaviorally controlling sleep and wakefulness at the same time in different regions of the brain,” the researchers say.

    The results provide the best evidence for a long-standing assumption that single-hemisphere sleep developed over time as creatures scanned for enemies. The preference for opening an eye on the lookout side could be widespread, he predicts. He’s seen it in a pair of birds napping side-by-side in the zoo and in a single pet bird sleeping by a mirror. The mirror-side eye closed as if the reflection were a companion and the other eye stayed open.

    Useful as half-sleeping might be, it’s only been found in birds and such water animals as dolphins, whales, and seals. Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allows a sleeping animal to surface occasionally to avoid drowning.

    Studies of birds may offer unique insights into sleep. Jerome M. Siegel of the UCLA says he wonders if birds’ half-brain sleep “is just the tip of the iceberg.” He supposes that more examples may turn up when we take a closer look at other species.

1.According to the passage, birds often half sleep because ______.

    A. they have to watch out for possible attacks

    B. their brain hemispheres take turns to rest

    C. the two halves of their brain are differently organized

    D. they have to constantly keep an eye on their companions

2.What is implied about the example of a bird’s sleeping in front of a mirror?

    A. An imagined companion gives the bird a sense of security.

    B. Birds prefer to sleep in pairs for the sake of their security.

    C. The phenomenon of birds napping in pairs is widespread.

D. A single pet bird enjoys seeing its own reflection in the mirror.

3.It can be inferred that _______.

A. Birds never sleep with both hemispheres resting at once.

B. Inner ducks depend on single-hemisphere sleep, rather than total relaxation, as often as birds napping at the end of the line do

C. It is not the first time for scientists to research on birds’ half-brain sleep 

D. Birds hardly sleep without a companion

4.By saying “just the tip of the iceberg”, Siegel suggests that _______.

    A. half-brain sleep has something to do with icy weather

    B. the mystery of half-brain sleep is close to being solved

    C. most birds living in cold regions tend to be half sleepers

    D. half-brain sleep may exist among other species



I close my eyes and can still hear her—the little girl with a ___1___ so strong and powerful we could hear her halfway down the block. She was a(n)  ___2___ peasant who asked for money and ___3___ gave the only thing she had——her voice. I paused outside a small shop and listened. She brought to my mind the ___4___ of Little Orphan Annie. I could not understand the words she  ___5___, but her voice begged for ___6___. It stood out from the noises of Arbat Street, pure and impressive, like the chime of a bell. She sang ___7___ an old-style lamp post in the shadow of a building, her arms extended and ___8___ thrown back. She was small and of unremarkable looks. Her brown hair ___9___ the bun(发髻) it had been pulled into, and she occasionally reached up to ___10___ a stray piece from her face. Her clothing I can’t recall. Her voice, on the other hand, is ___11___ imprinted in my mind.

I asked one of the translators about the girl. Elaina told me that she and hundreds of others like her throughout the ___12___ Soviet Union add to their families’ income by working on the streets. The children are unable to ___13___ school, and their parents work fulltime. These children know that the consequence of an ___14___ day is no food for the table. Similar situations occurred during the Depression(萧条) in the United States, but those American children were ___15___ shoeshine boys of the ___16___. This girl was real to me.

When we walked past her I gave her money. It was not out of pity ___17___ rather admiration. Her smile of ___18___ did not interrupt her singing. The girl watched us as we walked down the street. I know this because when I looked back she smiled again. We ___19___ that smile, and I knew I could never forget her courage and ___20___ strength.

1. A. will B. strength      C. voice  D. determination

2. A. American       B. Chinese      C. Japanese     D. Russian

3. A. in return B. in turn       C. by hand      D. in silence

4. A. voice      B. image C. story   D. looks

5. A. said B. murmured  C. used    D. sang

6. A. attention B. love    C. help    D. mercy

7. A. across     B. from   C. under  D. from underneath

8. A. hands     B. feet     C. head   D. face

9. A. fell out   B. escaped      C. did up D. tied to

10. A. remove B. tear     C. cut off       D. dress

11. A. never    B. permanently      C. occasionally       D. sometimes

12. A. latter    B. rich    C. former       D. great

13. A. attend   B. finish  C. leave   D. enjoy

14. A. unhappy      B. unsatisfied  C. unusual      D. unsuccessful

15. A. faced    B. real     C. faceless      D. visible

16. A. twenties       B. thirties       C. forties D. teens

17. A. and      B. while  C. but     D. or

18. A. contempt     B. pity    C. bitterness    D. thanks

19. A. stopped B. shared C. won    D. exchanged

20. A. full      B. inner   C. brave  D. fighting


At the age of 13,I visited a doctor with my parents. As I sat in the examining chair,the doctor looked into my  31 .“She did inherit (继承) it,”he said with coldness.“You need to be prepared. There is no  32  for this disease.”

My father  33  a gene which,in most cases,results in blindness. I’d inherited the gene. He gradually  34  his eyesight and so did I. At last we were both  35  blind—he was fifty-seven years old, 36  I was only twenty-eight.

My world  37  as the darkness fell, 38  the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But  39  I tried to find some hope and  40 ,my eyes were opened to a new realization.

My father had  41  me not just failing eyesight,but an example of  42  in the face of hardships as well. We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to  43  the family to America. He worked tirelessly to  44 the right of living in the US.

Alone in the States,he  45  his helplessness and lack of fluency in English. He managed to rent a small apartment,and nine months later,sent airline tickets for my mom,my brother and me.

Decades later, 46 an American citizen,I look back at what he'd shown me. He set an example proving that determination is important to success. His  47  taught me valuable lessons for my own path in the darkness.

I did the same as I stepped into a  48  world. I fulfilled (完成) my own  49  as a wife,mom,Sunday school teacher and Spanish interpreter. What I inherited from my father helped me to 50  my life in a whole new light.

1.A.mouth           B.eyes          C.ears          D.throat

2.A.solution         B.reason         C.excuse          D.cure

3..A.carried            B.spread            C.infected      D.raised

4.A.damaged         B.lost         C.recovered     D.gained

5.A.rapidly         B.nearly         C.completely       D.terribly

6.A.though              B.but               C.so                D.since

7.A.broke down      B.broke off     C.broke away        D.broke out

8.A.realizing           B.sharing      C.disturbing        D.destroying

9.A.when            B.before         C.unless           D.until

10.A.honour         B.beauty            C.strength      D.failure

11.A.handed         B.rewarded      C.given         D.taught

12.A.contribution       B.determination C.challenge     D.honesty

13.A.move           B.settle            C.arrange           D.send

14.A.enjoy           B.declare          C.apply         D.win

15.A.accepted       B.admitted      C.overcame      D.met

16.A.as                 B.like          C.for            D.to

17.A.knowledge      B.journey           C.situation          D.event

18.A.cruel          B.inner             C.modern         D. dark

19.A.promises       B. hopes            C. roles            D. changes

20.A.touch          B. end          C. save           D. see



I close my eyes and can still hear her—the little girl with a ___1___ so strong and powerful we could hear her halfway down the block. She was a(n) ___2___ peasant who asked for money and ___3___ gave the only thing she had—her voice. I paused outside a small shop and listened. She brought to my mind the ___4___ of Little Orphan Annie. I could not understand the words she ___5___, but her voice begged for ___6___. It stood out from the noises of Arbat Street, pure and impressive, like the chime of a bell. She sang ___7___ an old-style lamp post in the shadow of a building, her arms extended and ___8___ thrown back. She was small and of unremarkable looks. Her brown hair ___9___ the bun(发髻) it had been pulled into, and she occasionally reached up to ___10___ a stray piece from her face. Her clothing I can’t recall. Her voice, on the other hand, is ___11___ imprinted in my mind.

I asked one of the translators about the girl. Elaina told me that she and hundreds of others like her throughout the ___12___ Soviet Union add to their families’ income by working on the streets. The children are unable to ___13___ school, and their parents work fulltime. These children know that the consequence of an ___14___ day is no food for the table. Similar situations occurred during the Depression(萧条) in the United States, but those American children were ___15___ shoeshine boys of the ___16___. This girl was real to me.

When we walked past her I gave her money. It was not out of pity ___17___ rather admiration. Her smile of ___18___ did not interrupt her singing. The girl watched us as we walked down the street. I know this because when I looked back she smiled again. We ___19___ that smile, and I knew I could never forget her courage and ___20___ strength.

1. A. will     B. strength      C. voice        D. determination

2. A. American     B. Chinese      C. Japanese       D. Russian

3. A. in return      B. in turn       C. by hand     D. in silence

4. A. voice       B. image       C. story         D. looks

5. A. said       B. murmured      C. used         D. sang

6. A. attention     B. love        C. help         D. mercy

7. A. across    B. from       C. under       D. from underneath

8. A. hands      B. feet        C. head         D. face

9. A. fell out      B. escaped      C. did up         D. tied to

10. A. remove     B. tear        C. cut off        D. dress

11. A. never     B. permanently    C. occasionally      D. sometimes

12. A. latter      B. rich        C. former         D. great

13. A. attend     B. finish       C. leave          D. enjoy

14. A. unhappy    B. unsatisfied    C. unusual     D. unsuccessful

15. A. faced      B. real        C. faceless        D. visible

16. A. twenties    B. thirties       C. forties         D. teens

17. A. and      B. while       C. but          D. or

18. A. contempt    B. pity        C. bitterness        D. thanks

19. A. stopped    B. shared       C. won          D. exchanged

20. A. full      B. inner       C. brave         D. fighting



Human .beings are born with a great gift that is “self-confidence”. It is not   36     in commercial markets. People can   37     their confidence. Self-confidence can be improved by having greater ambitions and by always trying to stand out in performance. When you fail,     38   it as a challenge and try to succeed in your next    39  .

Modern life is filled with fierce   40  .So, self-confidence is the key to survive in this fiercely competitive world. It is a strong driving force and   41   an important role in achieving our higher ambitions.

It's obvious that self-confidence is an energy booster(增强剂).Without confidence, even the experienced and   42   skilled people will miserably fail in what they attempt.   43   ,improve the power of self-confidence in order to reach the higher    44  in life.

Obviously, whenever people fail in what they attempt, they experience   45   and become upset. Stress     46  memory cells and thinking ability. But people with high level of self-confidence will never    47   stress even in failure. So, try to raise your confidence level.

In frustration(沮丧),you may      48       some common sense. In that case, it will have a(n)     49      impact on your spirit and enthusiasm. Life is     50     full of ups and downs. So, you need self-confidence to face all the types of mental pains.

Failures, mistakes and shortcomings are common in everyone's life. Try to be the same in all kinds of situation. Even in the worst, never    51  your confidence because self-confidence is a highly encouraging factor and produces ever-lasting inspiration.

 Self-confidence is a(n)   52     feeling of a person. It is a psychological(心理的)process that enriches our lives. We can improve self-confidence by regularly communicating with wise people and using positive thinking.   53    can be achieved without self-confidence.

In this fiercely competitive world, students have many academic   54    to survive so they need confidence to    55    their goals. Confidence is one's own ability, combined with sincere efforts, which helps one to reach unthinkable heights.

36. A. expensive           B. adoptable          C. available           D. cheap

37. A. make up             B. build up           C. turn up             D. use up

38. A. do                 B. change             C. make               D. take

39. A. attempt              B. failure              C. success             D. control

40. A. fighting         B. performance     C. competition           D. struggling

41. A. shows               B. plays              C. remains            D. occupies

42. A. terribly              B. highly              C. strictly             D. easily

43. A. But                    B. Even              C. Although         D. So

44. A. hope                B. roles               C. levels              D. speed

45. A. stress                  B. loneliness         C. pity            D. confidence

46. A. uses                 B. destroys            C. improves          D. frightens

47. A. touch               B. gain               C. express              D. feel

48. A. inform              B. lose               C. balance             D. keep

49. A. positive              B. important         C. slight               D. bad

50. A. at all                 B. above all          C. after all            D. in all

51. A. give up              B. put aside           C. get away           D. show off

52. A. true                 B. inner              C. outer            D. wrong

53. A. None            B. Everything       C. Nothing       D. Anything

54. A. research         B. challenges        C. reports·             D. theory

55. A. accomplish        B. achieve            C. enlarge        D. enrich


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