摘要:28.一We’d like a table for five.please 7 . 一Have you ? A.preserved B.reserved C.applied D.subscribed





W:Did you all enjoy the film yesterday?

M:John was the only one who didn’t.

1.Who enjoyed the film yesterday?


B.All except John.

C.Everyone, including John.

M:Aren’t you going to apologize for breaking that window?

W:Why should I?I didn’t throw the ball.

2.Who broke the window?

A.The boy.

B.The girl.

C.Someone else.

W:Have you moved into your new house yet?

M:Yes, already.

W:How do you like it?

M:It’s small but quiet.

3.What are they talking about?

A.A new house.

B.A new friend.

C.A new garden.

W:I’m returning the book you lent me.

M:That isn’t my book.

W:It’s not?That’s funny.It must belong to your brother then.

M:Should I give it to him?

W:Thanks.Here you are.

4.Who is the owner of the book?

A.The man himself.

B.The man’s brother.

C.The woman’s brother.

M:The study with all those bookshelves would be very useful.

W:And here is the kitchen with a large table and a fridge as well.

5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a house.

B.In a park.

C.In a library.




W:Sir!Please take me to the airport as quickly as possible.

M:OK!I will drive as fast as I can.When is your flight?


M:Don’t worry.We will be there on time.

W:You see, it takes quite a long time to pass the customs.

M:I know.Is this the first time you are travelling by air?

W:Yes, and this is the first time for me to go abroad.

M:No wonder you look a little nervous.Are you going alone?

W:No, five other teachers will go together with me.

6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Passenger and taxi driver.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Newly-made friends.

7.What time does the plane take off?

A.At 9∶13.

B.At 9∶30.

C.At 9∶20.

8.Why is the woman in such a hurry?

A.She is going to see five teachers off at the airport.

B.It’s almost time for her plane to take off.

C.It’s her first time to take a plane and she is a little nervous.


W:Do you have a plan for your holidays?

M:Yes, I’ll go back to my hometown.

W:To see your grandparents?

M:Yes, and also to do some farming.

W:You mean you know how to farm?

M:Yes.I did that every summer during holidays.

W:I didn’t know that a city boy can do farm work.Can I go there with you?I’d like to learn to do some farming.

M:Sure, my grandparents would be very happy to see you.

W:Are you sure?

9.What are the speakers mainly talking about?


B.Holiday plans.


10.Where did the man grow up?

A.In the country.

B.At the seaside.

C.In the city.


W:Why did you sell the car?

M:It was giving me too much trouble.I was spending so much money on it that I was…er…spending more money than it was worth.Unfortunately, of course, when you actually sell the car, you’ve already, spent the money on it, so you lose both ways.

W:What was wrong with your old car?

M:The engine needed a lot of repairs and the wheels were giving trouble now and then.When I set off on a journey, it gave me a sort of feeling that I might not get to the other end.So I decided to change it.

W:Is the new car good?

M:Yes.It’s newer, more comfortable, and it hasn’t given me any trouble at all.When I set off, I’m quite sure that I’ll be able to get to the other end safely.

11.What did the man do about his old car?

A.He sold it.

B.He repaired the engine.

C.He gave it to his friend as a present.

12.How did the man feel about his old car?

A.It would go far safely.

B.It was in pretty good condition.

C.He shouldn’t have spent money having it repaired.

13.How does the man feel about his new car?

A.We are not sure.

B.It’s even worse than the old one.

C.It’s much better than the old one.


M:Excuse me, Miss Smith, I cannot come to class tomorrow.

W:You missed two classes last week.You’ve missed a lot of lessons already.I think you should work a little harder to make up for them.

M:Yes, I will, Miss Smith.

W:Well, now, why can’t you attend my class tomorrow?

M:My grandfather is seriously ill and my family is going to visit him in the hospital tomorrow.

W:It seems to be an excuse.All right, you are excused.By the way, which hospital has your grandfather been in?

M:Which hospital? Er-er…he is in St.George’s Hospital.

W:St.George’s Hospital? That’s interesting.It has been closed for repair for the past two months.Tony Banks, you’re trying to cut my class again.You’re coming to my class tomorrow and staying after class for extra work.

14.What can we learn about the boy?

A.His grandfather is seriously ill.

B.He is tired of learning.

C.He is a good student.

15.What makes that woman know the boy is lying?

A.The fact that the hospital has been closed for 2 months.

B.The fact that the boy has cut classes before.

C.She met the boy’s grandfather only minutes ago.

16.What does the teacher decide to do?

A.Give the boy permission to see his grandfather.

B.Punish the boy by having him stay for extra work after class.

C.Go to the hospital to see the boy’s grandfather

17.How might the boy feel in the end?





  It was about two o’clock in the morning, and…and suddenly I woke up, I heard a noise.I got out of bed and went slowly downstairs.There was a light in the living room.I listened very carefully.I could hear two men speaking quietly.

  “Burglars!” I thought.“Two of them!”Well, I was really frightened, so I went back upstairs, and immediately phoned they police from my bedroom.The police arrived quickly.They opened the front door with a special key and went into the living room.Then they came upstairs.“It’s all right now, sir, ”they explained.“We turned the television off for you!”

18.What did the speaker think had happened when he woke up?

A.The house was on fire.

B.Some guests had arrived.

C.The house was broken into.

19.Why didn’t the speaker get into the living room?

A.Because it was too dark there.

B.Because he was afraid.

C.Because the police were there.

20.What did the police find out?

A.The speaker had forgotten to turn off the TV before going to bed.

B.Two burglars (夜贼)were trying to steal valuable things.

C.Someone had opened the door with a special key.





M:How many students passed the College English Examination last term?

W:Well, let me see.1060 students took the exam, but half of them failed.

1.How many students did the woman believe had passed the examination?




W:Look here, darling.The paper says people tend to feel unwell if they sleep less than six hours a day.

M:That may be true for you, but it certainly isn’t true for me.

2.What can we conclude from the man’s reply?

A.He wants to have more sleep.

B.His wife doesn’t sleep well.

C.He doesn’t need as much sleep as his wife.

W:Did you see last night’s film on Channel 4?

M:Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me.We had a nice long talk about our school days.

3.What did the man do last night?

A.He watched TV with his friend.

B.He stayed at home talking with his friends.

C.He went to see a film with his friend.

M:Congratulations! I understand you’ve got a job.When will you start to work?

W:You must be thinking of someone else.I’m still waiting to hear the good news.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn’t need the job.

B.She hasn’t got a job yet.

C.She has got a job.

W:What can I do for you, gentleman? Maybe you like this suit, because the color matches your skin and it is the latest fashion.

M:Yes, it’s really a good suit and it’s a good color.But I just walk around and watch.Thank you just the same.

5.What did the man accept?

A.The color.

B.The suit.





W:Lovely day, isn’t it?

M:Oh yes, beautiful.

W:You’re not English, are you?

M:No, I’m from Italy.But my mother was born and brought up in England.

W:How long have you been learning English?

M:For three years now.

W:For three years? Goodness me! Your English is very good.

M:Thank you.But there’s still a lot more for me to learn.

W:How long are you going to stay in this country?

M:Another two months.Then I’ll have to go back to Italy to start work.

W:A cousin of mine went to Italy last year.He’s an engineer, you know.

M:Really? What did he think of Italy?

W:He must like it very much, because he hasn’t come back yet.I hope you’ll also enjoy your stay in England.

M:Thank you.I’m sure I will.

6.What nationality is the man?




7.When will the man go back home?

A.In half a year.

B.In about two months.

C.In three years.

8.What does the woman’s cousin do?

A.He is visiting all parts of Italy.

B.He works as an engineer.

C.He is learning English there.


GIRL:Hello.Is that Uncle George? Where are you? Wait a minute, please.I’ll call Mother, it’s Uncle George.

W:George, dear.Where are you? At the corner of Pine and State Street? Wait there.Michael can come and get you.

M:No.It’s not necessary.We drove the car.Give me the directions.I’ll find my way.

W:Go north on State Street to Main Street.There’s a large square there.Turn left.Continue to King Road.Turn right.Continue on King Road to Seventh Street.Turn left.We’re in the middle of the block.Can you repeat the directions, George?

M:I think so.I have to go north on State Street to Main Street.I turn left to King Road, I continue on King Road.I turn right to Seventh Street.I turn left and go to the middle of the block.

W:That’s it.I’ll see you soon, George.Mary, is the table set?

GIRL:Yes, Mother.Come and look.

W:It looks very pretty.Thank you, Mary.

9.What are Mother and Mary doing when Uncle George calls?

A.They are going to get Uncle George.

B.They are preparing the dinner.

C.They are setting a table.

10.Who answers the telephone?



C.Uncle George.

11.Where do Mary and her mother live?

A.At King Road.

B.At Main Street.

C.In the Middle of the block.


W:Christmas is coming near.Li Ming, would you allow me to ask you a question?

M:Go ahead.

W:Do you celebrate Christmas in your country?

M:It all depends.Most Chinese people don’t celebrate Christmas, but now in many big cities people begin to do.

W:Oh, I see.But in the west it is the biggest holiday of the year.Everyone is busy shopping to get presents for friends and relatives before Christmas Eve.

M:That sounds exciting.

W:Children hang stockings in Christmas trees so that Santa Claus can put some candy and toys into them.

M:Really?I can’t imagine it.

W:In fact, it’s a kind of celebration.

12.Do people in the man’s country celebrate Christmas?

A.People in the countryside do.

B.People in many big cities do.

C.All the people do.

13.What do people in the west do before Christmas Eve?

A.Buying presents for friends and relatives.

B.Staying at home watching TV.

C.Going to the supermarkets to buy daily goods.

14.Why do children hang stockings in Christmas trees?

A.Their parents will give them new pairs.

B.Santa Claus can put candy and toys in them.

C.Santa Claus and toys can sleep in them.


M:Please, I’d like a ticket to Chicago.

W:For today?

M:No, early Monday morning.

W:We have a flight that will put you there at 9 a. m., is that OK?

M:Nothing earlier? I have an appointment at 8∶30.

W:I’m afraid not, unless you want a night flight.

M:A night flight?

W:Yes, with Northwest Airlines.It will get you there bright and early, at 6∶45 a. m. in fact.Is that too early?

M:I guess that will be OK.What’s the difference in price?

W:Better price.The night flight is cheaper.One way or round trip?

M:One way.Sounds good.I’ll take it.Sixty-two fifty you said?

W:Sixty-three seventy-five with tax.The flight number is 302 at Gate Five, Kennedy Airport.

M:I’ll be there on time.

W:Thank you, Mr.Li.Check-in time is one hour before take-off.Have a good trip.

15.Which flight will the man take?

A.A night flight.

B.An early morning flight.

C.A flight from Chicago.

16.What is the plane’s arrival time?

A.6∶45 a. m.

B.8∶30 a. m.

C.3∶02 p. m.

17.What conclusion can we draw?

A.There’s only one flight to Chicago.

B.A night flight is cheaper than a regular day-time flight.

C.Check-in time is after take-off.


  This topic is about greeting in China.A few years ago, people would greet each other with the words “Have you had your breakfast or lunch or supper?” “Yes, how about you?” Then politely, both would leave with a smile on their faces.

  This kind of greeting tells us what people cared about many years ago.For many years, having enough to eat was the most important thing for the Chinese people.The life of most people in China has become much better now.They do not worry about their food and clothing any more.The greeting has changed to “What are you going to do?” or “Where are you going?”

  Though the greeting has no other meaning than saying hello, it often puzzles other people who are not familiar with China.Nowadays, more and more people are using “How are you?” to greet each other.It is certainly the best way for people to say hello to each other.

18.What did people mostly care about many years ago?

A.Are you full or hungry?

B.Where are you going?

C.Good manners.

19.What does the change of greetings in China show?

A.People are less polite to each other.

B.People have bad manners now.

C.People’s life is better.

20.Which is the best way for people to say hello to each other?

A.How do you do?

B.How are you?

C.Good morning.





M:Do you have any trouble with your pronunciation, Mary?

W:Not too much.I can pronounce English words well, but I write them poorly.

1.-Do you have any trouble ________, ________?

-________.I can ________ English words well, but write them ________.

M:Why don’t you go and ask the man sitting in the chair?

W:Oh, thank you very much.

2.Why ________ and ask the man ________?

John, a quite ordinary playwriter, is now in high debts.

3.John, ________, is now in high debts.


M:Mondays are the worst.Our timetable is full of difficult subjects.

W:Like what?

M:Well, like English, French and geography in the morning.

W:What’s your favorite day of the week?

M:Oh, the day after Tuesday without doubt.We have an easy morning:just art and music, followed by sports all the afternoon.

W:That sounds nice.

4.What’s their favorite day of the week?




M:I’d like to see Mr.Stone.I hear he is an expert on heart disease.

W:I’m sorry, Mr.Stone will be busy the whole afternoon.He is having a medical conference.Can you manage at 10∶30 tomorrow morning?

5.Who is Mr.Stone?

A.A doctor.

B.A nurse.

C.A secretary.

M:I’m so tired.I’ve spent the entire morning in selling my car.

W:Selling your car?Don’t you like it or isn’t it new?

M:No, my company is moving me to Europe next month.So I intend to buy a new one over there.

6.Why did the man sell his car?

A.He doesn’t like it.

B.He is going abroad.

C.It’s too old.

W:What’s the matter, Tom?You look unhappy.

M:No, not really.I’m only worrying about my maths exam.

7.What makes the man worried?

A.Maths test.

B.An English exam.

C.His headache.

W:I find listening most difficult.What can I do?

M:Don’t worry.Listen to English tapes every day, and you will make great progress.The more you listen, the easier you will find.

8.What does the man advise her to do?

A.Listen more.

B.Speak more.

C.Write more.


听第9段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

  Food is a subject that interests me.I like food that is good and well-cooked.I dislike watery cabbage, soup that looks and tastes like water, and beef or mutton that is burned or not cooked enough.But when you get real English beef and mutton, bread and cheese, or eggs and bacon, there is nothing like it.I didn’t know any apple that has a better taste than a good English one, and no other cup of tea ever tastes as good to me as the tea that we make in England.

  I know that coffee is not good in many English hotels.But it is good in many English homes when it is made with fresh coffee by people who know how to make it.My wife is going to make some coffee for us tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock.You’ll see then that English coffee can be good.

9.The speaker is interested in food, especially in English food.

10.According to the speaker, soup that looks and tastes like rain interests him.

11.The speaker likes to have a cup of tea made in England.

12.The speaker thinks coffee made in English homes is not better than in English hotels.

13.The speaker wants his friends to enjoy his wife’s coffee tomorrow morning.


  Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand clothes bought and sold.”He was carrying a jacket and asked the owner of the store how much he thought the jacket was worth.

  The man looked at the jacket and then said, “Two dollars.”

  “What?” said Jim.“But I was thinking you would say at least five.”

  “Five dollars?No, it isn’t worth a cent more than two dollars, ” said the owner of the store.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure!” said the man.

  “Well,” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his pocket, “Here’s the money.This jacket was hanging outside your store with a price-tag that said $8.5, but I thought maybe that was a typing mistake.And now I know it is!” Then he walked out of the store with the jacket in his hand before the store owner could think of anything to say.

14.Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand   (1)   bought and sold.”He was carrying a jacket and asked the   (2)   of the store how much he thought the jacket was   (3)  

  The man looked at the jacket and then said, “Two dollars.”

  “What?” said Jim, “But I was thinking you would say at least five.”

  “Five dollars?No, it isn’t worth a cent more than two dollars, ” said the owner of the store.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure!” said the man.

15.“Well, ” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his   (4)  , “here’s the money.This jacket was   (5)   outside your store with a price-tag(价格标签)that said $8.5, but I thought maybe that was a typing mistake.And now I know it is!” Then he walked out of the   (6)   with the jacket in his hand before the store owner could think of anything to say.


At the Cafe

Attendant:Good afternoon.

Tom:I’m Tom, Zhang.We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.

Attendant:Yes, sir.This way, please.Here’s your table.Is this all right?

Tom:Yes, it’s nice, indeed.Thank you.

Attendant:I’m so glad you like it.What would you like?We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.

Tom:What would you like, Mike?

Mike:I’ll try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.

Attendant:How about you, Mr.Zhang?

Tom:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.

Attendant:Anything else?

Tom:What’s your specialty today?

Attendant:We have strawberries with cream today.I suggest you try them.

Tom:Good, I will.

16.How many people are there in the dialogue?




17.Where is the menu?

A.On the plate-glass.

B.Beside the plate-glass.

C.Under the plate-glass.

听第12段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Check, please!

Waiter:Are you through with your meal?

Tom:Yes, we are.Could we have the check, please?

Waiter:Here is your check, 85 dollars in all.I can take care of it here when you’re ready.

Tom:Do you accept cheque?

Waiter:No, I’m sorry we don’t.We accept credit cards and cash.

Tom:Well, I don’t have any cash with me.So I’ll have to put it on credit.Here’s 90 dollars.Please keep the change.

Waiter:Thank you.I will be right back.

Tom:Oh, please wait for a minute.I want to go with the food left.

Waiter:I see.I will bring some to-go boxes for you.

Tom:Thank you.

18.The waiter preferred to be paid by cheque.

19.The waiter received 4 dollars for his tip(小费).

20.The customer took away his left food with to-go boxes.


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