摘要: A. heart B. brain C. husband D. spirit



  Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life.Relationships with family, friends, neighbours, even pets, will all help, but the biggest longevity(长寿)seems to come from marriage.The effect was first noticed in 1858 by William Farr, who wrote that widows(寡妇)and widowers(鳏夫)were at a much higher risk of dying than the married people.Studies since then suggest that marriage could add as much as seven years to a man's life and two to a woman's.The effect can be seen in all causes of death, whether illness, accident or self-harm.

  Even if the chances are all against you, marriage can more than compensate(补偿)you.Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart.Similarly, a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man who doesn't smoke.There's a flip side, however, as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their husband or wife's death, and caring for your husband or wife with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems.Even so, the chances favour marriage.In a 30-year study of more than 10,000 people, Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of social networks have similar effects.

  So how does it work? The effects are complicated, affected by socio-economic factors, health-service provision, emotional support and other more physiological mechanisms(生理机制).For example, social contact can promote development of the brain and immune(免疫)system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life.People in supportive relationships may handle stress better.Then there are the psychological benefits of a supportive partner.

  A life partner, children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100.The overall social network is still being mapped out, but Christakis says:“People are inter-connected, so their health is inter-connected.”


William Farr's study and other studies show that _________.

[  ]


social life provides an effective cure for illness


being sociable helps improve one's quality of life


women benefit more than men from marriage


marriage contributes a great deal to longevity


Linda Waite's studies support the idea that _________.

[  ]


older men should quit smoking to stay healthy


marriage can help make up for ill health


the married are happier than the unmarried


unmarried people are likely to suffer in later life


It can be inferred from the context that the “flip side”(Para.2)refers to _________.

[  ]


the disadvantages of being married


the emotional problems arising from marriage


the responsibility of taking care of one's family


the consequence of a broken marriage


What does the author say about social networks?

[  ]


They have effects similar to those of a marriage.


They help develop people's community spirit.


They provide timely support for those in need.


They help relieve people of their life's burdens.


What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

[  ]


It's important that we develop a social network when young.


To stay healthy, one should have a proper social network.


Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.


We should share our social networks with each other.


Carmen’s mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant  36 .

Both the mother and daughter knew that the  37 were very small: finding a donor(捐赠人)heart that  38 Maria’s blood type could take years. However, Carmen was  39 to save her mother. She kept  40 hospitals all over the country.

Days stretched out. By Christmas, Maria had trouble  41 from one end of the room to the other. Carmen lost all hope. She fell into a  42   of the hospital, crying.

“Are you okay?” a man asked.

Carmen sobbed as she told the  43 her story. This middle-aged man was named Frank,  44 wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn’t  45 it through the night. Suddenly, an idea came to Frank’s mind. He knew Cheryl had always wanted to  46 something from herself. Could her  47 go to Carmen’s mother?

After reviewing the data, doctors  48  Frank that his wife’s heart was by some miracle a perfect fit for Carmen’s mother. They were able to  49  the transplant.

That cold night, when Cheryl was  50  dead, Frank came to knock at Maria’s door. She was 51 for Frank’s family as she had been doing every day recently.  52 Maria had never met Frank before, they both felt a strange bond(凝聚力)as they hugged and cried.

On New Year’s Eve, Carmen attended Cheryl’s  53  Cheryl’s funeral(葬礼)with Frank’s family, who were singing their favorite song “My heart will go on.”

One day later, on New Year’s Day, Maria  54   with Cheryl’s heart. Yes, Cheryl’s loving heart would go on, for it was  55 in another loving mother’s chest.

36. A. change          B. danger        C. disorder             D. pain

37. A. chances       B. challenges     C. effects      D. waves

38. A. matched      B. replaced        C. controlled      D. cooperated

39. A. arranged      B. decided       C. determined    D. attempted

40. A. finding       B. phoning         C. touring          D. interrupting

41. A. rolling       B. running          C. walking         D. jumping

42. A. corner        B. bed            C. man           D. nurse

43. A. neighbor     B. stranger          C. friend       D. candidate

44. A. who      B. which       C. whom          D. whose

45. A. put          B. support          C. pass           D. make

46. A. save             B. recycle          C. donate(捐赠)  D. separate

47. A. heart         B. brain           C. husband         D. spirit

48. A. informed      B. warned         C. congratulated      D. reminded

49. A. give up       B. carry out        C. search after       D. put off

50. A. noticed       B. predicted         C. found          D. declared

51. A. praying    B. begging      C. decorating      D. singing

52. A. But       B. And       C. Though       D. If

53. A. attended      B. tended           C. joined            D. rejected

54. A. passed away    B. woke up         C. left behind        D. dressed up

55. A. active     B. alive       C. necessary       D. changeable


Carmen’s mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant   1  .

       Both the mother and daughter knew that the chances were very small: finding a donor heart that   2   Maria’s blood type could take years. However, Carmen was determined to save her mother. She kept   3   hospitals all over the country.

       Days stretched out. By Christmas, Maria had trouble   4  from one end of the room to the other. Carmen lost all hope. She fell into a   5   of the hospital, crying.

“Are you okay?” a man asked.

Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her story. This middle-aged man was named Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn’t   6   it through the night. Suddenly, an idea came to Frank’s mind.He knew Cheryl had always wanted to   7   something from herself. Could her   8  go to Carmen’s mother?

After reviewing the data, doctors   9   Frank that his wife’s heart was by some miracle a perfect fit for Carmen’s mother. They were able to   10   the transplant.

That cold night, when Cheryl was   11  dead, Frank came to knock at Maria’s door. She was   12   for Frank’s family as she had been doing every day recently. Though Maria had never met Frank before, they both felt a strange bond as they hugged and cried.

On New Year’s Eve, Carmen attended Cheryl’s  13  with Frank’s family, who were singing their favorite song “My heart will go on.”

One day later, on New Year’s Day, Maria  14  with Cheryl’s heart. Yes, Cheryl’s loving heart would go on, for it was  15  in another loving mother’s chest.

1. A.change              B.danger             C.particular                D.pain

2. A.matched          B.replaced             C.controlled           D.cooperated

3. A.finding                B.phoning                  C.touring                   D.interrupting

4. A.rolling               B.running                   C.walking                  D.jumping

5. A.corner                B.bed                        C.man                       D.nurse

6. A.put                            B.support                   C.pass                       D.make

7. A.save                    B.recycle                   C.donate                    D.separate

8. A.heart                   B.brain                       C.husband                  D.spirit

9. A.informed            B.warned                  C.congratulated          D.reminded

10. A.give up             B.carry out                C.search after            D.put off

11. A.observed           B.predicted                 C.found                    D.Declared

12. A.praying          B.begging            C.decorating          D.disturbing

13. A.funeral          B.operation                 C.performance           D.anniversary

14. A.passed away      B.woke up                 C.left behind               D.dressed up

15. A.optimistic       B.alive                  C.depressed              D.changeable


Carmen’s mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack.But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant   21 

    Both the mother and daughter knew that the chances were very   22  : finding a donor heart that   23  Maria’s blood type could take years.  24  , Carmen was determined to save her mother.She kept   25   hospitals all over the country.

    Days stretched out.By Christmas, Maria had trouble   26  from one end of the room to the other.Carmen lost all hope.She fell into a   27  of the hospital, crying.

“Are you okay?” a man asked.   

Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her   28  .This middle-aged man was named Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn’t   29  it through the night.Suddenly, an idea came to Frank’s mind.He knew Cheryl had always wanted to   30  something from herself.Could her   31  go to Carmen’s mother?

After reviewing the data, doctors   32  Frank that his wife’s heart was by some miracle a perfect   33  for Carmen’s mother.They were able to   34  the transplant.

That cold night, when Cheryl was   35  dead, Frank came to knock at Maria’s door.She was   36   for Frank’s family as she had been doing every day recently.Though Maria had never met Frank before, they both felt a strange   37  as they hugged and cried.

On New Year’s Eve, Carmen attended Cheryl’s   38  with Frank’s family, who were singing their favorite song “My heart will go on.”

One day later, on New Year’s Day, Maria   39  with Cheryl’s heart.Yes, Cheryl’s loving

heart would go on, for it was   40  in another loving mother’s chest

A.change            B.danger       C.disorder        D.pain

A.small             B.distant          C.hard          D.precious 

A.matched           B.replaced      C.controlled    D.cooperated

A.Certainly           B.Otherwise     C.However       D.So

A.finding           B.phoning       C.touring         D.interrupting

A.rolling             B.running        C.walking       D.jumping

A.corner             B.bed             C.man            D.nurse

A.mother           B.story           C.error           D.dream

A.put               B.support         C.pass            D.make 

A.save               B.recycle         C.donate          D.separate

A.heart             B.brain         C.husband         D.spirit

A.informed           B.warned          C.congratulated   D.reminded

A.copy              B.fit              C.variation        D.baby

A.give up            B.carry out        C.search after     D.put off

A.noticed            B.predicted        C.found          D.declared

A.praying          B.begging       C.decorating      D.singing

A.belief             B.love          C.bond         D.relief

A.funeral            B.operation        C.performance     D.anniversary

A.passed away        B.woke up       C.left behind      D.dressed up

A.active            B.alive           C.necessary        D.changeable


Carmen’s mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack.But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant   1  . 

    Both the mother and daughter knew that the chances were very   2  : finding a donor heart that   3  Maria’s blood type could take years.  4  , Carmen was determined to save her mother.She kept  5   hospitals all over the country.

    Days stretched out.By Christmas, Maria had trouble   6  from one end of the room to the other. Carmen lost all hope.She fell into a   7  of the hospital, crying.

“Are you okay?” a man asked.

Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her   8 .This middle-aged man was named Frank, whose wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn’t   9  it through the night.Suddenly, an idea came to Frank’s mind.He knew Cheryl had always wanted to   10  something from herself.Could her   11  go to Carmen’s mother?

After reviewing the data, doctors   12  Frank that his wife’s heart was by some miracle a perfect  13  for Carmen’s mother.They were able to   14  the transplant.

That cold night, when Cheryl was   15  dead, Frank came to knock at Maria’s door.She was  16   for Frank’s family as she had been doing every day recently.Though Maria had never met Frank before, they both felt a strange   17  as they hugged and cried.

On New Year’s Eve, Carmen attended Cheryl’s   18  with Frank’s family, who were singing their favorite song “My heart will go on.”

One day later, on New Year’s Day, Maria   19  with Cheryl’s heart.Yes, Cheryl’s loving heart would go on, for it was  20  in another loving mother’s chest

1.A. change                 B. danger             C. disorder                D. pain

2.A. small                      B. distant                   C. hard                            D. precious 

3.A. matched                B. replaced            C. controlled         D. cooperated

4.A. Certainly                 B. Otherwise             C. However               D. So

5.A. finding                    B. phoning                C. touring                  D. interrupting

6.A. rolling                   B. running                 C. walking                D. jumping

7.A. corner                   B. bed                      C. man                     D. nurse

8. A. mother               B. story              C. error              D. dream

9. A. put                       B. support                 C. pass                            D. make 

10.A. save                            B. recycle                  C. donate                  D. separate

11.A. heart                     B. brain                     C. husband                D. spirit

12.A. informed              B. warned                 C. congratulated        D. reminded

13.A. copy                     B. fit                        C. variation               D. baby

14.A. give up                 B. carry out              C. search after          D. put off

15.A. noticed                 B. predicted               C. found                   D. declared

16.A. praying               B. begging            C. decorating         D. singing

17.A. belief                    B. love                      C. bond                     D. relief

18.A. funeral               B. operation               C. performance          D. anniversary

19.A.passed away           B. woke up               C. left behind             D. dressed up

20. A. active               B. alive                C. necessary            D. changeable


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