摘要:55.A.cut B.force C.raise D.clear [2010济宁一模] 答案:36-40 DABAC 41-45 BCDAB 46-50 BCABB 51-55BCCBD Two old beggars were sitting on a busy corner. They watched helplessly as scores of people walked by, some purposely 36 them and others too caught up in their own cares to even notice their 37 . Every so often, a 38 woman or a small child would drop a few coins in the 39 which lay in front of them. As the crowd began to die down, they started to 40 their things and head for their evening shelters. Just as they were getting ready to leave, they noticed a man walking toward them. He was obviously a 41 man ----they could tell that from his finely tailored business suit. The first beggar whispered to the second with , “ He’s coming our way! The two tried not to look 43 at the man as he stepped closer to them, but they couldn’t 44 gazing up with anticipation as he reached into his pocket and took something out. “Trunk was the only sound they heard 45 what looked like a piece of hard 46 , wrapped in tissue paper hit each of their waiting hats. The rich man 47 and continued on his way, not making a backward glance. “How insulting ! said the first beggar. “He could have 48 left us a few coins or a spare bill, but he mocks us with a piece of rock candy. Who does he think we are ---- 49 ? There’s no way we can even eat this ---------we have no 50 . He picked up the object and threw it into the gutter. “I haven’t had anything like this for ages, the 51 beggar thought. “I can’t chew it, but I can suck on it for while, and the sugary juices will stay in my 52 for a long time. How nice of that man to offer me something so sweet. With that, he 53 the white tissue paper, but to his 54 , there was no hard rock candy inside. 55 , into his fell a shiny white pearl worth thousands of dollars. 36. A. aiding B. abusing C. abandoning D. ignoring 37. A. existence B. situation C. appearance D. expressing 38. A. young B. kind-hearted C. beautiful D. police 39. A. hats B. hands C. pockets D. bowls 40. A. give up B. cover up C. pack up D. build up 41. A. healthy B. wealthy C. kind D. generous 42. A. confusion B. determination C. excitement D. amazement 43. A. calmly B. happily C. sadly D. directly 44. A. help B. avoid C. stop D. prevent 45. A. because B. as C. since D. though 46. A. cake B. candy C. coin D. bill 47. A. quit B. declined C. turned D. resigned 48. A. easily B. hardly C. suddenly D. finally 49. A. students B. children C. adults D. old men 50. A. hands B. teeth C. bowls D. money 51. A. angry B. second C. old D. wise 52. A. pocket B. hand C. mouth D. hat 53. A. threw B. undertook C. unfolded D. wrapped 54. A. satisfaction B. surprise C. horror D. disappointment 55. A. However B. Fortunately C. Therefore D. Instead [2010德州一模] 答案:36-40 CBADD 41-45 BCDAA 46-50 CBCCA 51-55 DABCB I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman. It was hard to make a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out 36 he caught enough to feed the family. No just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad. When the weather was bad he would 37 me to school. He had this old truck that he used in his fishing 38 . Older than it was, that truck, out of 39 , coughed all the way with loud noise and heavy smoke. As he would drive, I would fall down into the seat hoping to 40 . He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and 41 . Then he would lean over to give me a big kiss and tell me to be 42 . It was so 43 for me now. Here, I was 12 years old, and he would 44 me good-bye! I remember 45 I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his 46 big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my 47 up and said, “No, Dad. It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this 48 look on his face. I said, “Dad, I’m too old for a goodbye kiss. I’m too old for any kind of kiss. My father looked at me for the longest time. When 49 came into his eyes, he turned and 50 . “You’re right’ he said, “You’re a big boy-. 51 . I won’t kiss you anymore. It wasn’t long after that when my Dad went to sea and never came back. It was a day when 52 of the ships stayed in, but not Dad. He had a big family to feed. You don’t know what I would give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek-. To touch his rough old face-, to 53 the ocean on him- to feel his arm around my neck. I 54 I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too 55 for a goodbye kiss.



May: Happenings from the past

May 5, 1884

Isaac Murphy, son of a slave and perhaps the greatest horse rider in American history, rides Buchanan to win his first Kentucky Derby. He becomes the first rider ever to win the race three times.

May 9, 1754

Benjamin Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette produces perhaps the first American political cartoon(漫画), showing a snake cut in pieces, with the words “ Join or Die" printed under the picture.

May 11, 1934

The first great dust storm of the Great Plains Dust Bowl, the result of years of drought(干旱),blows topsoil all the way to New York City and Washington, D.C.

May 19,1994

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, former first lady and one of the most famous people of the 1960s, died of cancer in New York City at the age of 64.

May 24,1844

Samuel F. B. Morse taps out the first message, “What hath God wrought, "over the experimental long-distance telegraph line which runs from Washington, D.C. , to Baltimore, Md.

1. We know from the text that Buchanan is ______

A. Isaac's father         B. a winning horse

C. a slave taking care of horses   D. the first racing horse in Kentucky

2. What is the title of the first American political cartoon? 

A. Join or Die                   B. Pennsylvania Gazette

C. What Hath God Wrought            D. Kentucky Derby          

3. In which year did the former first lady Jacqueline die? 

 A.1934.    B.1960.    C.1964.    D.1994.

4. Which of the following places has to do with the first telegram in history?

A. Washington, D. C.             B. New York City.        

C. Kentucky                          D. Pennsylvania



In recent years, especially during the l960s, there was much discussion about “the brain drain (排干, 流失),” which dealt with the problem of students and learned people who left their own countries for other countries that offered better chances for study, research, and employment.For example, according to a report from U.N., between 1962 and l966 more than 50 percent of all engineering graduates of Iran and 14 percent of Iranian scientists left their country for work abroad.Over 30 percent of Chilean engineers and 15 percent of Turkish physicians also went to work in other countries.Probably the greatest brain drain occurred among young scientists who had gone abroad to study.Many of them had planned to return to their countries to teach but chose to remain in more industrialized nations where they were able to continue their work and their research in fields in which there were no job possibilities at home.The countries that attracted most of these scientists were the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, and Australia.

  Recent studies show that the brain drain to the United States may be decreasing.Many foreign scientists are going home again, and in some cases American scientists are leaving the United States for employment in other countries.The main reasons are that good jobs are becoming fewer here, money for national research has been sharply cut, and university fellowships reduced too.However, in the field of medicine the drain to the United States still goes on.Today more than one of every five American doctors is foreign - born, and several thousand foreign doctors immigrate to the United States each year.Over eighty countries have asked the State Department to send students who are skilled in important fields such as medicine back home when their study programs are over.

1.Which of the following is not the reason for “the brain drain”?

A.Good housing.             B.Better research condition.

C.Good job possibility        D.Better chances of study..

2.The brain drain to the United States may be decreasing mainly because __________.

A.many foreign scientists are ordered to return to their motherlands

B.they don't need any foreign scientists now

C.there are fewer and fewer good jobs in the USA

D.the universities refuse to provide money for the foreign scientists

3.How many American doctors are foreign - born?

A.About half of them.    B More than 20 percent 

C.Several thousand.      D.About 15 percent.

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.How to seek a job in the USA.    B.Doctors' immigration to the USA.

C.A strange case.                  D.The brain drain. 



 A few months ago, it wasn't unusual for 47-year-old Carla Toebe to spend 15 hours per day online. She'd wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programs – leaving her bed for only brief breaks. Her household bills piled up, along with the dishes and dirty laundry, but it took constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.

  "I was starting to feel like my whole world was falling apart – kind of slipping into a depression," said Carla. "I knew that if I didn't get off the dating sites, I'd just keep going," detaching (使脱离) herself further from the outside world.

  Toebe's conclusion: She felt like she was "addicted" to the Internet. She's not alone.

  Concern about excessive Internet use isn't new. As far back as 1995, articles in medical journals and the establishment of a Pennsylvania treatment center for overusers aroused interest in the subject. But as reliance on the Web grows, there are signs that the question is getting more serious attention: Last month, a study published in CNS Spectrums claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse. The American Psychiatric Association may also consider listing Internet addiction in the next edition. And scores of online discussion boards have popped up, on which people discuss negative experiences tied to too much time on the Web.

    The new CNS Spectrums study was based on results of a nationwide telephone survey of more than 2,500 adults. Like the latest survey, this one was conducted by Stanford University researchers. About 6% of respondents reported that "their relationships suffered because of excessive Internet use." About 9% attempted to conceal "nonessential Internet use," and nearly 4% reported feeling " still occupied by the Internet when offline."

  "The Internet problem is still in its early stage," said Maressa Orzack, a Harvard University professor. No single online activity is to blame for excessive use, he said. "They're online in chat rooms, checking e-mail, or writing blogs. The problem is not limited to porn (色情) or gambling websites.”

  “Excessive Internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but in terms of losses.”said Maressa Orzack. "If it's a loss where you're not getting to work, and family relationships are breaking down as a result, then it's too much."

  Since the early 1990s, several clinics have been established in the U. S. to treat heavy Internet users. They include the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery and the Center for Internet Behavior.

  The website for Orzack's center lists the following among the psychological symptoms of computer addiction:

  ● Having a sense of happiness or excitement while at the computer.

  ● Longing for more and more time at the computer.

  ● Neglect of family and friends.

  ● Feeling empty, depremssed or irritable when not at the computer.

  ● Lying to employers and family about activities.

  ● Inability to stop the activity.

  ● Problems with school or job.

  Physical symptoms listed include dry eyes, backaches, skipping meals, poor personal hygiene (卫生) and sleep disturbances.

  “People who struggle with Internet overuse maybe depressed or have other mood disorders.” Orzack said. When she discusses Internet habits with her patients, they often report that being online offers a "sense of belonging, and escape, excitement and fun," she said. “Some people say relief…because they find themselves so relaxed.”

  Some parts of the Internet seem to draw people in more than others. Internet gamers spend countless hours competing in games against people from all over the world. One such game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction."

  Andrew Heidrich, an education network administrator from Sacramento, plays World of Warcraft for about two to four hours every other night, but that's nothing compared with the 40 to 60 hours a week he spent playing online games when he was in college. He cut back only after a full-scale family intervention (干预), in which relatives told him he'd gained weight.

  “There's this whole culture of competition that sucks people in with online gaming, ”said Heidrich, now a father of two. People do it at the expense of everything that was a constant in their lives." Heidrich now visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly “to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check”.

  Toebe also regularly visits a site where posters discuss Internet overuse. In August, when she first realized she had a problem, she posted a message on a Yahoo Internet addiction group with the subject line:“I have an Internet Addiction.”

  “I'm self-employed and need the Internet for my work, but I'm failing to accomplish my work, to take care of my home, to give attention to my children,”she wrote in a message sent to the group. “I have no money or insurance to get professional help; I can't even pay my loan and face losing everything.”

  Since then, Toebe said, she has kept her promise to herself to cut back on her Internet use. "I have a boyfriend now, and I'm not interested in online dating," she said by phone last week. "It's a lot better now."

1. What eventually made Carla Toebe realize she was spending too much time on the Internet?

 A. Her daughter's repeated complaints.

 B. Tiredness resulting from lack of sleep.

 C. The poorly managed state of her house.

 D. The high financial costs adding up.

2.What is the main idea of para4?

A. A study claimed to be the first large-scale look at Internet overuse.

B. The American Psychiatric Association plans to list Internet addiction in its edition.

C. There are heated discussions about negative experiences over internet overuse.

D. There is a growing concern towards internet addiction.

3. According to Professor Maressa Orzack, Internet use would be considered excessive if ______.

 A. it seriously affected family relationships

 B. one visited porn websites frequently

 C. too much time was spent in chat rooms

 D. people got involved in online gambling

4. According to Orzack, people who struggle with heavy dependence on    

the Internet may feel ______.

 A. discouraged   B. pressured    C. depressed    D. puzzled

5. Andrew Heidrich now visits websites that discuss online gaming addiction to _____.

 A. improve his online gaming skills

 B. control his desire for online gaming

 C. show how good he is at online gaming

 D. exchange online gaming experience

6.Which of the following best describes the tone(口吻) of the passage ?

 A. Humorous      B. Ironic       C. Objective      D. Casual




  Trees are useful to human beings in three important ways:they   1   them with food and other produces; they give them   2  ; and they help to   3   floods.  4   in many parts of the world, people haven't realized that the   5   of these services is the most important.To get quick profits from the tree, they have cut them in   6   numbers, only to find that they have   7   their good friends.Two thousand years ago a rich and   8   country cut down its trees to build warships, with which it seized an empire.It gained the empire,   9  , without its trees, its   10   became hard and poor.When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced with floods and starvation.

  It is difficult for the government to   11   the villagers to see this.They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees.  12   the government has a good system of control, the forest will slowly   13  .This does not only mean that the villagers' sons and grandsons will have fewer trees.The results are even more   14  .Where there are trees, their roots break the soil up-allowing rain to sink in.The roots also bind the soil,   15   preventing it from being washed away easily.If there are no trees, rain falls on hard ground and flows away from the surface, carrying away with it, the rich top-soil.When all the top-soil is gone, nothing   16   but a worthless desert.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

11.________ 12.________ 13.________ 14.________ 15.________



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