摘要:75.The woman' s dream is mentioned mainly to . A.tell us nothing but an interesting story B.show us what a nightmare is like C.tell us that women are always changable D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream [2010济南一模] 答案:56-60 ABCDD 6l一65 BCDBC 66-70 ACBAD 71-75 DBCAB A From the beginning of human history, wild animals provided food, clothing and sometimes medicine. We may not depend as much on wild animals now. But we hear about them every day. Americans use the names of animals in many ways. Automobile manufacturers and gasoline companies especially like to use big cats to sell their products. They like lions, tigers and wildcats. When Americans say wildcat, they usually mean a lynx, an ocelot or a bobcat. All these cats attack quickly and fiercely. So wildcats represent something fast and fierce. An early American use of the word wildcat was quite different. It was used to describe members of Congress who declared war on Britain in 1812. A magazine of that year said the wildcat congressmen went home. It said they were unable to face the responsibility of having involved their country in an unnecessary war. Wildcat also has been used as a name for money in the 1800s. At that time, some states permitted banks to make their own money. One bank in the state of Michigan offered paper money with a picture of a wildcat on it. Some banks, however, did not have enough gold to support all the paper money they offered. So the money had little or no value. It was called a wildcat bill or a wildcat bank note. The banks who offered this money were called wildcat banks. A newspaper of the time said those were the days of wildcat money. It said a man might be rich in the morning and poor by night. Wildcat then was also used for an oil well or gold mine that had almost no oil or gold in it. Dishonest developers would buy such property. Then they would sell it and leave town with the money. The buyers were left with worthless holes in the ground. Today, wildcat oil wells are in areas that are not known to have oil.



  What did you dream about last night?Did your teeth fall out or did you fly?Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.

  Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually, children have more flying dreams than adults, because children are more open to their possibilities, and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.

  Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream, it could signify that you feel ill - equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available, that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.

  High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past, and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.

  Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious(潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder, more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream, try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old, haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented, the old,woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied, "I represent your question of ' what if?' "


The text is mainly about ________.

[  ]


high school dreams


dreams' symbolism


dreams of flying




After you' ve got out of some difficulties, you might have a ________.

[  ]


high school dream


dream of flying


dream of teeth falling out


a nightmare


If you dream of being unprepared for a "high school test, it meams ________

[  ]


you' re trying to leam something


you will certainly fail in the test


you will be scolded by your teacher


you' re not well prepared for the test


The underlined word "identify" in the last paragraph most probably means ________

[  ]


break out




make out




The woman' s dream is mentioned mainly to ________.

[  ]


tell us nothing but an interesting story


show us what a nightmare is like


tell us that women are always changable


show us the way to deal with a recurring dream


         What did you dream about last night? Did your teeth fall out or did you fly? Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.

         Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually, children have more flying dreams than adults, because children are more open to their possibilities, and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.

         Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream, it could signify that you feel ill - equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available, that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.

         High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past, and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.

         Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious (潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder, more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream, try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old, haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented, the old,woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied, "I represent your question of ' what if?’ "

71.The text is mainly about ____.

         A.high school dreams   B.dreams' symbolism

         C.dreams of flying                D.nightmares

72.After you' ve got out of some difficulties, you might have a ____.

         A.high school dream             B.dream of flying

         C.dream of teeth falling out           D.a nightmare

73.If you dream of being unprepared for a "high school test, it meams      .

         A.you' re trying to leam something

         B.you will certainly fail in the test

         C.you will be scolded by your teacher

         D.you' re not well prepared for the test

74.The underlined word "identify" in the last paragraph most probably means     .

         A.break out        B.recall      C.make out D.explain

75.The woman' s dream is mentioned mainly to ____.

         A.tell us nothing but an interesting story

         B.show us what a nightmare is like

         C.tell us that women are always changable

         D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream


What did you dream about last night? Did your teeth fall out or did you fly? Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.

Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually, children have more flying dreams than adults, because children are more open to their possibilities, and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.

Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream, it could signify that you feel ill - equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available, that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.

High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past, and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.

Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious (潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder, more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream, try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old, haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented, the old woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied, "I represent your question of ' what if?’ "

1.The text is mainly about ____.

A.high school dreams

B.dreams' symbolism

C.dreams of flying


2.After you' ve got out of some difficulties, you might have a ____.

A.high school dream

B.dream of flying

C.dream of teeth falling out

D.a nightmare

3.If you dream of being unprepared for a "high school test, it means____.

A.you' re trying to learn something

B.you will certainly fail in the test

C.you will be scolded by your teacher

D.you' re not well prepared for the test

4.The underlined word "identify" in the last paragraph most probably means____.

A.break out


C.make out


5.The woman' s dream is mentioned mainly to ____.

A.tell us nothing but an interesting story

B.show us what a nightmare is like

C.tell us that women are always changeable

D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream



What did you dream about last night? Did your teeth fall out or did you fly? Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.
Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually, children have more flying dreams than adults, because children are more open to their possibilities, and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.
Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream, it could signify that you feel ill - equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available, that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.
High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past, and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.
Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious (潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder, more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream, try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old, haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented, the old woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied, "I represent your question of ' what if?’ "
【小题1】The text is mainly about ____.

A.high school dreamsB.dreams' symbolism
C.dreams of flyingD.nightmares
【小题2】After you' ve got out of some difficulties, you might have a ____.
A.high school dreamB.dream of flying
C.dream of teeth falling outD.a nightmare
【小题3】If you dream of being unprepared for a "high school test, it means____.
A.you' re trying to learn something
B.you will certainly fail in the test
C.you will be scolded by your teacher
D.you' re not well prepared for the test
【小题4】The underlined word "identify" in the last paragraph most probably means____.
A.break outB.recallC.make out D.explain
【小题5】The woman' s dream is mentioned mainly to ____.
A.tell us nothing but an interesting story
B.show us what a nightmare is like
C.tell us that women are always changeable
D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream


What did you dream about last night? Did your teeth fall out or did you fly? Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.

Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually, children have more flying dreams than adults, because children are more open to their possibilities, and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.

Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream, it could signify that you feel ill - equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available, that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.

High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past, and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.

Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious (潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder, more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream, try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old, haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented, the old woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied, "I represent your question of ' what if?’ "

The text is mainly about ____.

A.high school dreams  B.dreams' symbolism

C.dreams of flying             D.nightmares

After you' ve got out of some difficulties, you might have a ____.

A.high school dream           B.dream of flying

C.dream of teeth falling out          D.a nightmare

If you dream of being unprepared for a "high school test, it means____.

A.you' re trying to learn something

B.you will certainly fail in the test

C.you will be scolded by your teacher

D.you' re not well prepared for the test

The underlined word "identify" in the last paragraph most probably means____.

A.break out       B.recall     C.make out D.explain

The woman' s dream is mentioned mainly to ____.

A.tell us nothing but an interesting story

B.show us what a nightmare is like

C.tell us that women are always changeable

D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream


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