摘要: A. reminded B. thought C. recalled D. wondered


One afternoon in January in 1998, Susan Sharp, 43, and her 8-year-old son David, were walking across an icy square, when Susan's cane(手杖) slipped on the ice. Her face   36   first into the mud. David   37   her mother's side, “Are you all right, Mom”   38  , Susan pulled herself up, “I'm okay, Honey,” she said.

Susan was falling more   39   since she had trouble walking. Every inch of ice was a   40   danger for her. “I wish I could do something,” the boy thought. David, too, was having   41   of his own. The boy had a speech problem, so at school he talked   42  .

  One day, David's teacher announced a   43   homework. "Each of you is going to come up with an   44  ," she said. This was for "INVENT AMERICA", a national competition to encourage creativity in children.

  An idea   45   David one evening. If only his mother's cane didn't slip on the ice. “What if I   46   your cane to a nail coming out of the bottom” he asked his mother.

  “   47   the sharp end would scratch(划破) floors,” Susan said.

  “No, Mom, I   48   make it like a ball-point pen. You take your hand off the button and the   49   returns back up.” Hours later the cane was finished. David and his father   50   as Susan used it to walk 50 feet about the   51  . Happily Susan cried out, “It   52   !”

  In July 1999, David was  53   national winner for the "INVENT AMERICA". David began to make public appearance. Thus he was forced to communicate  54  .Today, David is nearly free of his speech problem, and his   55   is becoming well accepted.

1. A. fell

B. touched

C. lay

D. dropped

2. A. stood by

B. rushed to

C. looked at

D. ran around

3. A. Firmly

B. Easily

C. Quickly

D. Shakily

4. A. slowly

B. frequently

C. freely

D. heavily

5. A. hiding

B. certainly

C. possible

D. waiting

6. A. method

B. disease

C. trouble

D. hope

7. A. few

B. little

C. much

D. more

8. A. useful

B. strange

C. common

D. special

9. A. appearance

B. invention

C. experience

D. experiment

10. A. reminded

B. encouraged

C. occurred

D. hit

11. A. fastened

B. stuck

C. fixed

D. tied

12. A. So

B. And

C. For

D. But

13. A. might

B. would

C. did

D. need

14. A. pen

B. hand

C. cane

D. nail

15. A. watched

B. supported

C. noticed

D. helped

16. A. street

B. ice

C. yard

D. square

17. A. works

B. operates

C. succeeds

D. helps

18. A. declared

B. received

C. won

D. praised

19. A. more slowly

B. more carefully

C. more clearly

D. faster

20. A. cane

B. mother

C. speech

D. story




第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Think you can’t be happy? You’ll think again after reading this story.

Barbara Ann Kipfer hated her feet. They were too big and she always seemed to   36   over them when someone was   37   —usually a smart guy. Come to think of it, her teeth were too big, too. The other kids teased her because of the way she   38   and because she wanted to be a sportswriter some day. No matter what she did, she was teased for being “  39  .”

That’s   40   she started writing down things that she liked in a notebook. “It was like a friend, and it   41   me that there are good things,   42   everything around me is unpleasant,” she says. She copied the list over and over,   43   new things every day.

One day, she decided to   44   her list with some of the girls in her class, hoping they would think it was as much fun as she did. But   45  , they made her feel stupid again. “They laughed at me,” she remembers, “I was ashamed, and I   46   doing it.” Here comes the  47  part. When she was in 10th grade, Kipfer found her old notebook and decided to   48   where she left off. “It was like a diary, like a photograph of my life,” she says. She started writing to publishers, asking them if they’d be interested in printing her list as a book.

She kept writing to one company   49  , because she liked the types of books it printed. “He kept saying, ‘It’s just a list, what am I supposed to do with it?’” “You’re not   50   to do anything with it. It’s   51   supposed to remind people of something they did that was really  52  .”

Finally, the publisher   53   to turn Kipfer’s list into a book, which sold more than million copies! 14,000 Things to Be Happy About even   54   it to be New York Times Best Sellers list.   55   being a best-selling author, Kipfer also went to realize her dream of becoming a sports editor at the Chicago Tribune.

36. A. jump                         B. fall                          C. turn                         D. push

37. A. nearby                       B. around                            C. watching                  D. laughing

38. A. dressed                      B. lived                        C. thought                    D. looked

39. A. foolish                      B. special                            C. different                   D. shy

40. A. what                         B. when                       C. because                    D. where

41. A. reminded                   B. told                         C. persuaded                 D. helped

42. A. because                            B. but                          C. unless                      D. even though

43. A. adding                       B. finding                     C. making                    D. giving

44. A. talk                           B. discuss                     C. share                        D. write

45. A. then                          B. naturally                  C. further                            D. instead

46. A. continued                  B. stopped                    C. enjoyed                    D. hated

47. A. cool                          B. important                 C. exciting                    D. funny

48. A. find out                            B. pick up                    C. think of                    D. give up

49. A. in general                  B. at first                      C. in particular              D. at last

50. A. made                         B. going                       C. advised                    D. supposed

51. A. often                         B. just                          C. also                         D. always

52. A. excellent                    B. successful                 C. fun                          D. true

53. A. hoped                        B. agreed                      C. refused                     D. considered

54. A. made                         B. expected                  C. hoped                      D. helped

55. A. Without                            B. Instead of                 C. While                      D. Besides



第二节 完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)
The day was Thankful Thursday. It’s a 36 tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive 37 .
My girls shouted “McDonald’s, McDonald’s” as we 38 along a busy Houston road. Suddenly I 39 that almost every crossing I passed through was 40 by a panhandler(乞丐). And then it hit me! All these panhandlers must be hungry, too. Perfect! After we ate, I ordered a(an) 41fifteen lunches and we set out to deliver them. We would pull 42 a panhandler, make a contribution, and tell him or her that we hoped things got better. Then we’d say, “Oh, 43 …here’s lunch.”
We handed our final contribution to a small woman and then immediately 44 back in the opposite direction for home. 45 , the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small woman stood. I was 46 and didn’t know quite how to behave.  
She made her way to our car, “No one has ever done47 like this for me before,” she said with 48 . Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “ So, 49 do you think you’ll eat your lunch?”  
She just looked at me with her huge, tired brown eyes and said, “Oh honey, I’m not going to eat this lunch.” I was 50 ,but before I could say anything, she continued, “You see, I have a little girl and she 51  loves McDonald’s, but I don’t have money. But you know what…tonight she is going to have McDonald’s!”
I don’t know if the kids 52 the tears in my eyes. So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too 53 or insignificant to really effect change. 54 in that moment, I recognized the 55 of Mother Teresa’s words: “We cannot do great things—only small things with great love.”  
36. A. weekly               B. daily             C. monthly                   D. yearly
37. A. decision                     B. choice           C. contribution              D. plan
38. A. walked               B. ran                   C. wandered                 D. drove
39. A. reminded            B. realized             C. understood               D. thought
40. A. crowded             B. occupied           C. discovered                D. laid
41. A. additional           B. expensive      C. cheap                       D. special
42. A. close                  B. together            C. alongside                  D. throughout
43. A. in fact         B. to tell the truth   C. generally speaking     D. by the way
44. A. faced                  B. headed                 C. took                         D. looked
45. A. Unfortunately      B. Luckily             C. Unexpectedly            D. Hopefully
46. A. excited               B. embarrassed       C. frightened            D. annoyed
47. A. something           B. everything     C. anything                   D. nothing
48. A. amazement          B. fear                  C. sorrow                        D. amusement
49. A. what                B. how                  C. where                      D. when
50. A. shocked                     B. confused           C. pleased                     D. worried
51. A. really                 B. even                 C. just                          D. never
52. A. watched                     B. felt                   C. noticed                     D. recognized
53. A. many                  B. small            C. big                          D. simple
54. A. Therefore            B. Although           C. Meanwhile           D. Yet
55. A. promise                     B. oath                  C. truth                    D. Spirit


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
Think you can’t be happy? You’ll think again after reading this story.
Barbara Ann Kipfer hated her feet. They were too big and she always seemed to   36   over them when someone was   37   —usually a smart guy. Come to think of it, her teeth were too big, too. The other kids teased her because of the way she   38   and because she wanted to be a sportswriter some day. No matter what she did, she was teased for being “  39  .”
That’s   40   she started writing down things that she liked in a notebook. “It was like a friend, and it   41   me that there are good things,   42   everything around me is unpleasant,” she says. She copied the list over and over,   43   new things every day.
One day, she decided to   44   her list with some of the girls in her class, hoping they would think it was as much fun as she did. But   45  , they made her feel stupid again. “They laughed at me,” she remembers, “I was ashamed, and I   46   doing it.” Here comes the  47  part. When she was in 10th grade, Kipfer found her old notebook and decided to   48   where she left off. “It was like a diary, like a photograph of my life,” she says. She started writing to publishers, asking them if they’d be interested in printing her list as a book.
She kept writing to one company   49  , because she liked the types of books it printed. “He kept saying, ‘It’s just a list, what am I supposed to do with it?’” “You’re not   50   to do anything with it. It’s   51   supposed to remind people of something they did that was really  52  .”
Finally, the publisher   53   to turn Kipfer’s list into a book, which sold more than million copies! 14,000 Things to Be Happy About even   54   it to be New York Times Best Sellers list.   55   being a best-selling author, Kipfer also went to realize her dream of becoming a sports editor at the Chicago Tribune.
36. A. jump                         B. fall                          C. turn                         D. push
37. A. nearby                       B. around                            C. watching                  D. laughing
38. A. dressed                      B. lived                        C. thought                    D. looked
39. A. foolish                      B. special                            C. different                   D. shy
40. A. what                         B. when                       C. because                    D. where
41. A. reminded                   B. told                         C. persuaded                 D. helped
42. A. because                            B. but                          C. unless                      D. even though
43. A. adding                       B. finding                     C. making                    D. giving
44. A. talk                           B. discuss                     C. share                        D. write
45. A. then                          B. naturally                  C. further                            D. instead
46. A. continued                  B. stopped                    C. enjoyed                    D. hated
47. A. cool                          B. important                 C. exciting                    D. funny
48. A. find out                            B. pick up                    C. think of                    D. give up
49. A. in general                  B. at first                      C. in particular              D. at last
50. A. made                         B. going                       C. advised                    D. supposed
51. A. often                         B. just                          C. also                         D. always
52. A. excellent                    B. successful                 C. fun                          D. true
53. A. hoped                        B. agreed                      C. refused                     D. considered
54. A. made                         B. expected                  C. hoped                      D. helped
55. A. Without                            B. Instead of                 C. While                      D. Besides


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