摘要:根据同义关系进行猜测 当词或短语之间有并列连词and 或or时.其连接的两项内容在含义上是接近的或递进的.由此确定同等关系中的某个生词所属的义域.由此可推知其大致意思. Although he often had the opportunity, Mr. Tritt was never able to steal money from a customer. This would have endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to jeopardize his future. 作者为避免重复使用endanger一词.用其同义词jeopardize来替代它.由此推知其词义为“使--陷入危险.危及.危害 . Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. 句中detrimental是个生词.但判断出harmful替代detrimental后.不难推断出其词义为“不利的.有害的 . [考例]


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