摘要:A.Long before B.Before long C.As usual D.Once again


On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s    36    as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old woman who lived    37  .

When she came home she sensed    38   unusual. Had someone got in? The back door and the    39   were all locked and there was no sign of forced entry ( 进入). Had anything been     40  ? She went from room to room, checking, and found her camera and watch     41    .

The following Thursday she went out at her    42    time, but she didn’t go to the club.     43   , she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home,     44   herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would    45  .

It was 4 o’clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making tea at the time. The bell rang again, and    46   she heard her letter-box being pushed open.    47   the kettle(壶)of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a    48   . The wire turned and caught around the knob (圆型旋包钮) on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and    49 _ the water over the hand.    50 __ was heard outside as the    51    fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was    52   by the sound of running feet.

It wasn’t long    53  the police caught the thief. And Mrs. Clarke was greatly    54   at the club for her successful     55  .

1.                A.organization     B.party           C.movement D.club


2.                A.lonely          B.alone          C.away D.busily


3.                A.everything      B.nothing         C.something D.anything


4.                A.windows        B.rooms          C.doors    D.gates


5.                A.found          B.opened         C.taken D.broken


6.                A.losing          B.missing         C.leaving   D.disappearing


7.                A.same          B.spare          C.special   D.usual


8.                A.Therefore       B.However        C.Instead   D.Again


9.                A.pushing        B.letting          C.pulling   D.leading


10.               A.appear         B.follow          C.happen   D.continue


11.               A.the next moment B.for a while      C.in time    D.at once


12.               A.Putting down    B.Laying aside     C.Picking up D.Taking away


13.               A.knife          B.hand           C.letter D.key


14.               A.spread         B.dropped        C.poured    D.covered


15.               A.A sad voice      B.A sharp cry      C.A warning shout D.A strange noise


16.               A.key            B.kettle          C.door-lock  D.wire


17.               A.followed        B.caused         C.produced  D.ended


18.               A.before         B.since          C.until  D.when


19.               A.surprised       B.admired        C.inspired   D.supported


20.               A.self-satisfaction  B.self-protection   C.self-respect    D.self-service




11. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time for an old woman who lived  1 .

When she came home she sensed something unusual. Had someone come in? The back door and the windows were all  2  and there was no  3  of forced entry (进入). Had   4  been taken? She went from room to room,  , and found her camera and spare watch   6 .

The following Thursday she went out at her usual time, but didn't go to the club.   7   she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home,   8__-herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would happen.

It was 4 o’clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was___9__ tea at the time . The bell rang again, and  10   she heard her letterbox being pushed open.   11   the kettle (壶) of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A   12   of wire appeared through the letterbox, and then a   13   . The  wire turned and caught around the knob (圆形旋钮) on the doorlock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and   14   the water over the hand.   15    was heard outside as the   16   fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was  17   by the sound of running feet.

It wasn't long  18    the police caught the thief. And Mrs. Clarke was greatly   19   at the club for her successful   20   .

1. A. lonely                   B. alone                  C. away                  D. busily

2. A. locked           B. opened                C. broken                D. fixed

3. A. scene           B. show                  C. sign                   D. sight

4. A. anything       B. nothing                C. money                D. jewels

5. A. looking          B. examining              C. searching             D. checking

6. A. losing           B. missing                C. leaving                D. disappearing

7. A. Therefore               B. However               C. Instead               D. Again

8. A. pushing         B. letting                 C. pulling                 D. leading

9. A. cooking          B. making                C. burning               D. serving

10. A. the next moment     B. for a while               C. in time   D. at once

11. A. Putting down        B. Laying aside           C. Picking up           D. Taking away

12. A. pile                  B. set                   C. lot                       D. piece

13. A. knife                 B. hand                  C. letter                    D. key

14. A. spread                  B. dropped               C. poured               D. covered

15. A. Sad voice           B. A strange noise       C. A warning shout    D. A sharp cry

16. A. key                     B. kettle                   C. door-lock              D. wire

17. A. followed                 B. caused                C. produced             D. ended

18. A. before                  B. since                  C. until                    D. when

19. A. surprised                B. admired               C. inspired               D. supported

20. A. self-satisfaction     B. self-protection        C. self-respect          D. self-service



  On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clarke locked the door and went to the women's club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time 1 an old woman who lived 2 .

  When she came home she sensed something 3 . Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all 4 and there was no 5 of forced entry. Had anything been taken? She went from room to room, 6 and found her camera and spare watch 7 .

  The following Thursday she went out at her 8 time, but didn't go to the club. 9 she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home, 10 herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would 11 .

  It was 4 o'clock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke was 12 tea at the time. The bell rang again, and 13 she heard her letterbox being pushed open. 14 the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a 15 . The wire turned and caught around the knob on the doorlock. Mrs Clarke raised the kettle and 16 the water over the hand. 17 was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was 18 by the sound of running feet.

  It wasn't long 19 the police caught the thief. And Mrs Clarke was greatly admired at the club for her successful 20 .


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[  ]



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[  ]

A.the next moment
B.for a while
C.in time
D.at once


[  ]

A.Putting down
B.Laying aside
C.Picking up
D.Taking away


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.A sad voice
B.A strange noise
C.A warning shout
D.A sharp cry


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]


    They say there are three ways to experience the Grand Canyon; on foot, on mules(骡子) or by air. We chose the first. Up early; my husband and I and our three children couldn’t wait to get started. We decided to walk along a lovely path named Bright Angel Trail.

As we set out, I was shocked at how narrow the path was. And I couldn’t help noticing that the other tourists weren’t like us. They had heavy backpacks, water bottles, and hats. But as usual we were dressed, As the sun rose higher, Arizona’s famous heat seemed to roast(烘烤) us. There was no shade and our legs were aching. We decided to go back, with the girl on my back and the boys far behind. By the time we finally got back, our legs were like jelly.

The next day, after we’d had a long rest and a good breakfast, we were ready for another view of the Canyon – by air. After our last walk, this would be the easiest thing in the world.

We called to each other excitedly as the plane took off and circled around the Canyon. But the smiles on our faces disappeared as the pilot tossed(翻转) the plane around, pretending he was going to hit the ground. I shouted, “STOP, TAKE US BACK!” When we finally arrived back on land, once again our legs were like jelly. We hardly spoke as we drove back.

As I said, there are three ways to view the Grand Canyon. We never tried the mules, but personally I’d suggest a fourth: buy yourself a good magazine like National Geographic. That way, you can see the Canyon, without fear or tiredness.

Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?

A. They made a careful preparation before the trip

B. They children were more joyful than their parents.

C. Bright Angel Trail was not as lovely as they expected.

D. The summer heat prevented them from enjoying the view.

The underlined expression “Our legs were like jelly” probably means            .

A. we were weak                   B. we were unhappy   

C. we were dissatisfied              D. we were disappointed

Which of the following best describes their Canyon trip by air?

A. It proved to be frightening.         B. It was more comfortable

C. It turned out to be exciting          D. It made each of them tired.

We can infer from the passage that          .

A. experiencing the Canyon on mules would be the best way

B. one needs to dress less when visiting the Grand Canyon.

C. the writer was not serious when she made the suggestion.

D. the whole family narrowly escaped from the air accident.


They say there are three ways to experience the Grand Canyon; on foot, on mules(骡子) or by air. We chose the first. Up early; my husband and I and our three children couldn’t wait to get started. We decided to walk along a lovely path named Bright Angel Trail.

As we set out, I was shocked at how narrow the path was. And I couldn’t help noticing that the other tourists weren’t like us. They had heavy backpacks, water bottles, and hats. But as usual we were dressed, As the sun rose higher, Arizona’s famous heat seemed to roast(烘烤) us. There was no shade and our legs were aching. We decided to go back, with the girl on my back and the boys far behind. By the time we finally got back, our legs were like jelly.

The next day, after we’d had a long rest and a good breakfast, we were ready for another view of the Canyon by air. After our last walk, this would be the easiest thing in the world.

We called to each other excitedly as the plane took off and circled around the Canyon. But the smiles on our faces disappeared as the pilot tossed(翻转) the plane around, pretending he was going to hit the ground. I shouted, “STOP, TAKE US BACK!” When we finally arrived back on land, once again our legs were like jelly. We hardly spoke as we drove back.

As I said, there are three ways to view the Grand Canyon. We never tried the mules, but personally I’d suggest a fourth: buy yourself a good magazine like National Geographic. That way, you can see the Canyon, without fear or tiredness.

41. Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?

A. They made a careful preparation before the trip

B. They children were more joyful than their parents.

C. Bright Angel Trail was not as lovely as they expected.

D. The summer heat prevented them from enjoying the view.

42. The underlined expression “Our legs were like jelly” probably means            .

A. we were weak    B. we were unhappy   

C. we were dissatisfied   D. we were disappointed

43. Which of the following best describes their Canyon trip by air?

A. It proved to be frightening.      B. It was more comfortable

C. It turned out to be exciting       D. It made each of them tired.

44. We can infer from the passage that          .

A. experiencing the Canyon on mules would be the best way

B. one needs to dress less when visiting the Grand Canyon.

C. the writer was not serious when she made the suggestion.

D. the whole family narrowly escaped from the air accident.



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