摘要:It is what you do rather than what you say matters. A. that B. what C. which D. this 分析:答案是A.由语境和句子结构可知.该句为强调句型.被强调部分是由rather than连接的并列主语从句担当.


I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession   36  in the way of being a good parent.
I no longer consider myself the   37   of the universe.I show up.I listen.I try to laugh.I
am a good friend to my   38  .I have tried to make marriage vows (誓约)   39   what they
say.I am a good friend to my friends,and they   40   me.Without them,there would be nothing to say to you today.
So here’s what I wanted to tell you today:Get a   41  .A real life,not a desire of the next   42  ,the bigger paycheck,the larger house.
Get a life in which you are not   43  .Find people you love,and who love you.And remember that love is not   44  ,it is work.   45    the phone.Send an e-mail.Write a letter.And realize that life is the best thing and   46  yon have no business taking it for granted.
It is so easy to    47   our lives,oar days,our hours,and our minutes.It is so easy to exist   48  to live.I learned to live many years ago.Something really,really   49   happened to me,something that changed my life in ways that,if I had my choice,it would never have been changed at all.And what I learned from it is what,today,seems to be the hardest   50  of all.
I learned to love the   51  ,not the destination.I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it.completely and totally.And I tried to do that.in part,by telling others what I had learned.
By telling them   52  :Read in the backyard with the sun on your face.Learn to be happy-
And think of life as a deadly   53  ,because if you do   54  it ought to be lived,you will live it with joy and   55  .
36.A.come           B.stand                  C.take                    D.block
37.A.body           B.star                    C.center                    D.planet
38.A.child           B.husband              C.mother                   D.friend
39.A.mean           B.express               C.concern                  D.convince
40.A.for              B.of                      C.with                   D.to
41.A.job              B.family                C.life                     D.home
42.A.promotion    B.success                C.baby                 D.accomplishment
43.A.busy            B.guilty                    C.immature            D.alone
44.A.game           B.fun                     C.enthusiasm          D.leisure
45.A.Pick up       B.Take up              C.Hold up              D.Get up
46.A.whether       B.what                   C./                                   D.that
47.A.waste                 B.spend                    C.kill                      D.pass
48.A.in favour of   B.instead of            C.in spite of           D.in honoue of
49.A.nice            B.fierce                        C.bad                    D.great
50.A.decision       B.method               C.1ife                    D.lesson
51.A.trip             B.journey               C.tour                    D.travel
52.A.this             B that                       C.it                       D.follows
53.A.routine        B.acquaintance       C.illness                 D.enemy
54.A.as if           B.how                   C.as                       D.than
55.A.delight        B.sorrow                C.anxiety               D.passion


I am a good mother to three children. I have tried never to let my profession stand in the way of being a good parent.
I no longer consider myself the center of the universe. I listen. I try to laugh. I am a good friend to my husband. I have tried to make marriage vows (誓约) mean what they say. I am a good friend to my friends, and they to me. Without them, there would be nothing to say to you today.
So here’s what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a desire of the next promotion (提升), the bigger paycheck, the larger house.
Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure (空闲), it is work. Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. And realize that life is the best thing and that you have no business taking it for granted.
It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, our minutes. It is so easy to exist instead of to live. I learned to live many years ago. Something really, really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had my choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, seems to be the hardest lesson of all.
I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned to look at all the good in the world and try to give some of it back because I believed in it, completely and totally. And I tried to do that, in part, by telling others what I had learned. By telling them this: Read in the backyard with the sun on your face. Learn to be happy. And think of life as a deadly illness, because if you do, you will live it with joy and passion as it ought to be lived.
【小题1】The best title of this passage probably is ________.

A.Love your friendsB.Live a real life
C.Don’t waste timeD.Be a good mother and wife
【小题2】How did the author form her view of life?
A.By working and social experience
B.Learning from her friends.
C.Through an unfortunate experience.
D.Because of her children and husband.
【小题3】The underlined sentence “It is so easy to exist instead of to live” in the fifth paragraph probably means ______.
A.it is so easy to keep alive but not to live a real life
B.it is very hard to live a real life
C.it is more difficult to exist than to live a happy life
D.it is so easy to make a living
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude toward work?
A.Do it well to serve others.
B.To earn enough money to make life better.
C.Try your best to get higher position and pay.
D.Don’t let it affect your real life.
【小题5】It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.the author is a success in personal life
B.the author didn’t try her best to work well
C.the author spent all her time caring for her children
D.the author likes traveling very much


In the early stages of skill or character development, imitation(模仿) is helpful. When I first learned to cook, I used recipes (菜谱) and turned out some tasty dishes. But soon I grew bored. Why follow someone else’s way of cooking when I could create my own? Imitating role models is like using training wheels on a child’s bicycle; they help you get going, but once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.
In daily life, imitation can hurt us if we subconsciously (下意识地) hold poor role models. If, as a child, you observed people whose lives were bad, you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did. If you do not make strong choices for yourself, you will get the results of the weak choices of others.
In the field of entertainment, those stars look great on screen. But when they step off screen, their personal lives may be disastrous. If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent, not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors.
Think of the movies, books, teachers, and friends that have affected you most deeply. The world is changed not by those who do what has been done before them, but by those who do what has been done inside them. Creative people have an endless resource of ideas. The problem a creator faces is not running out of material; it is what to do with the material knocking at the door of imagination.
.Imitation proves useful when you        .

A.know you are uniqueB.lose the balance of life
C.begin to learn something newD.get tired of routine practice
To avoid the bad result of imitation, we should________.
A.forget daily fear and painB.choose the right example
C.ask others for decisionsD.stay away from stars
According to the author, the world moves on because of those who are          .
A.eager to influence others with their knowledge
B.ready to turn their original ideas into reality
C.eager to discover what their ancestors did
D.willing to accept others’ ideas
The trouble a creator faces is          .
A.the lack of strong motivationB.the absence of practical ideas
C.how to search for more materialsD.how to use imagination creatively
The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to __________.
A.emphasize the importance of creativity.
B.criticize the characters of role models.
C.compare imitation with creation.
D.explain the meaning of success.


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