摘要:C 本题考查介词搭配.题意为“很多观众想知道一个天生聋哑的人会对音乐有怎样的理解 .搭配结构为the idea of music.


 Being considered a leader in our society is indeed of high praise. Leadership means power, commands, respect and, most important, encourages achievement. Unlike vitamin C, leadership skills can’t be easily swallowed down. They must be carefully cultivated.
 Different from popular belief, most good leaders are made, not born. They learn their skills in their everyday lives. But which do they develop?How do they (and how can you) get others to follow?
 Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world. It is also an act of generosity (慷慨) that’s never forgotten.
 Giving credit is more effective than even the most constructive criticism (批评), which often hurts rather than helps. Kenneth Blanchard, the author of The One-Minute Manager, agrees. “Catch people doing something right!” he says. Then tell everyone about it.
 Take informed risks. “The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise,” says management adviser Marilyn Machlowitz. “Sky divers don’t go up in an airplane without checking the parachutes (降落伞) beforehand.”
 Because the idea of risk also carries with it the possibility of failure, many of us usually wait for others to take charge. But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail and not die a thousand deaths. Pick yourself up and start all over again.
 Encourage enthusiasm (热情). “When people understand the important of work, they lend their mental strengths,” says Lee Ducat. But when they get excited about the work, all their energy gets poured into the job. That’s a great force! Is this the best way to create excitement? Be enthusiastic yourself. You will be followed by everyone.
64.The underlined word “cultivated” (in paragraph1) roughly means ________.
A.encouraged    B.compared   C.examined    D.developed
65.The part “always give credit” tells us that a leader should _______.
A.give helpful criticism            B.regard others as real heroes
C.praise people for their good performances   D.praise everyone
66.To be a good leader, you should _______.
A.not be afraid of any risks           B.think twice before taking risks
C.try to avoid any possible failures        D.know what a thoughtless exercise is
67.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Leadership is of skills and techniques       B.Leadership is very important
C.Not many can be leaders           D.How to be a leader


  The curtain on the 2008 US presidential election finally rose last month as Requblican Senator(参议员) John McCain and Democratic Senator Barack Obama were formally selected as candidates of the two major parties.This may be one of the hardest decisions voters have to make between two appealing candidates.The big question for voters,as they face both an economic downturn and international threats,is :who will they elect? A young first - term senator promising change and new ideas,or a longtime senator with strong military experience and a reputation as a maverick(特立独行的人)?
  American voters have never seen a candidate quite like Obama.He has a white mother from the US and a black fater from Kenya who left the family when Obama was very young.He spent part of his youth in Indonesia.
  However,McCain has a very different life story.
  He grew up in a Navy family and was a daring pilot during the Vietnam War in the 1960s. When Obama was in kindergarten in Indonesia,McCain's plane was shot down over Ietenam and he became a prisoner of war.McCain could have been set free if he disowned America but he refused and so was held for five years.
  "We need a president who is very,very old,"McCain joked at his age as many others do.If elected,he would be 72 when he takes office and the oldest man to step in.
  So in the end,the election may depend on several factors that are hard to judge:Will Obama's race matter to a significant number of voters ? Will workingclass whites who tended to support his primary (党内初选) oponent,Hillary Clinton,vote for Obama? And perhaps most important of all,will uncertain voters be more attracted to Obama's vision or to McCain's experience?
  Whatever happens,one thing is clear,however:Whoever walks into the White House on January 20,2009,will find huge challenges waiting for him in the Oval Office,both at home and abroad.
  64.______makes the result of the election hard to predict.
   A.Whether working class whites care about Obama's inexperience
   B.The economic trouble the country now faces
   C.Who uncertain voters will finally decide to vote for
   D.McCain being too old to govern the country
  65.The appeal in Obama as a presidential candidate lies in _________
   A.his multi - cultural background
   B.his belife in tradition
   C.his inexperience in politics
   D.his fantastic promises
  66.The word "disown" in Paragraph 6 means closest to ______.
   A.flee from
   B.turn his back on
   C.not keep it private
   D.expose secrets about
  67.The challenges that will face the new preident______.
   A.are not mentioned in the text
   B.include buklding a strong party and a friendly image
   C.refer to the problems of immigrants and economy
   D.refer to the problems of economy amd international relations


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