摘要:B 考查“so +主语+助动词 的用法.强调“我的确警告他了.但是他没有听从我的建议. 选项A最具有迷惑性.学生容易受思维定势的影响.“ought to have done sth 表示“该做的事而没有做 .注意上下文的联系.


After getting married I moved to a flat. I felt pretty comfortable living there 16 something strange happened. I had a doll on the windowsill (窗台) facing the living room. One day, I came back home from work and found it was facing the window 17 . I thought it was my husband who played a  18 on me, but he did not admit. I 19 the doll to face the living room again.

The next day, the 20 thing happened. But this time, my husband was so 21 that I believed he had not done that. There was no  22 of anyone breaking into the house while we were away. And there was no reason to  23 that someone stole into the house just to turn the doll and left. What happened not only  24 us but also frightened us.

The doll kept turning every day  25 Saturdays and Sundays when I was at home. I began to wonder if there was a ghost.

Then  26 a school holiday, and I didn’t go to work. While exercising in the living room, I 27 the doll was turning by itself! It was very frightening but I 28 knew why it was turning. There was a construction site right next to the building where I  29 . The construction was at the stage of pile driving (打桩) and our building shook  30 with each pounding (重击). 31 I lived on the top floor, the shaking was quite strong.  32 , the doll moved little by little with the shaking. This also 33 why the doll never turned on Saturdays and Sundays, 34 there was no construction work at weekends. If I had not been home on a weekday, I would never have 35 the truth.

【小题1】A. after           B. as            C. once           D. until

【小题2】A. already         B. indeed          C. instead             D. though

【小题3】A. trick          B. part            C. danger              D. role

【小题4】A. changed         B. forced          C. pushed          D. turned

【小题5】A. other         B. same           C. whole           D. opposite

【小题6】A. serious         B. curious         C. anxious           D. nervous

【小题7】A. chance         B. need            C. sign             D. way

【小题8】A. admit         B. think           C. expect          D. worry

【小题9】A. confused        B. excited         C. warned           D. interested

【小题10】A. including      B. besides         C. without           D. except

【小题11】A. appeared      B. came           C. existed              D. passed

【小题12】A. decided        B. remembered      C. noticed           D. hoped

【小题13】A. immediately    B. particularly        C. originally         D. secretly

【小题14】A. worked        B. exercised        C. moved              D. lived

【小题15】A. quickly        B. strongly         C. slowly           D. slightly

【小题16】A. When        B. Since           C. Though         D. Unless

【小题17】A. By chance     B. Above all        C. As a result        D. In the end

【小题18】A. explained      B. discussed        C. described        D. suggested

【小题19】A. or            B. if              C. for             D. so

【小题20】A. looked into      B. found out         C. picked up        D. searched for


Last year, my mom found out that she had stomach cancer. I thought she’d be fine after she got  36 as she was diagnosed(诊断)early. She had an operation to 37 a third of her stomach to stop the cancer from spreading. And for two months she went back and forth to the  38 . But I never visited her because I was  39 with school abroad and didn’t fully know what was  40 . After her treatment, she  41 working because of her poor health and ate a(n)  42 diet. I visited her in the summer holiday. She seemed better, so I forgot that there was a possibility of cancer  43 .

 When school  44 , I said goodbye to my family. My mom called me from home every day.  45 in early November, my dad called instead. He sounded 46 .

  “What’s wrong? How come Mom’s not calling me today?” I asked. After a few seconds, he said my mom’s cancer had returned and spread throughout her  47 . Her survival rate was less than 30%.

  After I put down the phone, I  48 . Tears kept coming out. I didn’t want to  49 it. I couldn’t accept the  50 that my mom might not have much time left. I cried and cried and at last, I stopped crying. I thought I should stop acting like a  51 and pull myself together.

  Looking back to when my mom first got cancer, I  52 how stupid I was for not appreciating her. I feel bad that I didn’t visit her in the hospital. I should have cared. She’s my mom.  53 , it’s not too late. She recovered. I’ll try to spend more time with my mom  54 . I hope you will do the same for your mom. Spend some time with your loved ones  55 it is too late.

36. A. medicine       B. attention      C. care             D. treatment

37. A. remove        B. rescue        C. check        D. protect

38. A. school        B. house        C. hospital          D. office

39. A. content        B. careful           C. popular          D. busy

40. A. going up       B. going on      C. taking on      D. showing up

41. A. continued                        B. hated

C. considered                          D. stopped

42. A. special                          B. delicious

C. normal                                D. interesting

43. A. changing                        B. returning

C. destroying                          D. appearing

44. A. ended                          B. required

C. responded                          D. started

45. A. Since         B. Although      C. But             D. So

46. A. bored         B. sad             C. excited           D. angry

47. A. back          B. skin             C. body         D. head

48. A. went through                     B. looked down

C. broke up                           D. broke down

49. A. say              B. answer           C. believe           D. remember

50. A. report         B. fact             C. message      D. lie

51. A. stranger           B. doctor        C. man             D. child

52. A. realize         B. pretend           C. imagine          D. ask

53. A. Luckily                         B. Unfortunately

C. Surprisingly                         D. Strangely

54. A. in the past                       B. from now on

C. at times                               D. in the future

55. A. if            B. as              C. before        D. when


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