摘要: “water for drink, vegetables for food and linen and other plant life for clothing were enough to live on. That is . A. the conclusion drawn by the writer B. the words of Robert Cook C. a saying D. the belief of a certain famous person


Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. roots      B. but     C. covered     D. reproduce   E. energy

F. probably  G. gaining  H. surrounding  I. supplied     J. life

Life on land probably began about 430 million years ago, though it has existed in the water for perhaps as much as 3,000 million years. When we think of the first     1    on land, we     2   think of strange animals coming out of the oceans, but, in fact, no animals could have been living if plants had not been on land first. Plants had to be on land before animals arrived. They    3   the first land animals with the    4   and food necessary, since they ---the plants are the only form of life that is able to get and store    5    .

The first plants to exist out of the water were probably certain kinds of algae ( 藻类 )which were followed by other plants that grew close to the ground and needed water in which to    6  . Once the move to land has been made, however, evolution took place quickly. By the end of 100 million years, plants had developed their    7  , and some have got tree-like forms since height was very important in    8   sunlight. About 300 million years ago, much of the world was     9   with forests of huge trees. In most ways they were like modern trees. They had roots, leaves, wood, but mostly they had not developed seeds.



   The sea has always interested man. From it he can get food, minerals, and treasure. For thousands of years, he could sail on it. But he could not go far beneath its surface.
Man wants to explore deep into the sea. However, he is not a fish. He must breathe air, so he can’t stay under the water’s surface for any length of time. To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and problems.
A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases. He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above. He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a hose(软管) and a mouthpiece. Water weighs 800 times as much as air. Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea. His body is under great pressure.
When a diver is under great pressure, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes. As he rises to surface, the water pressure becomes less. If the diver rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form bubbles(气泡). The diver is then suffering from the bends(潜函病). The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain. They can even kill him.
60. On the whole, this text is about _________.
A. special mixtures of gases in deep sea.
B. the problems a diver faces in deep sea.
C. air pressure under the surface of sea water.
D. a kind of illness that man suffers in the sea.
61. The text does not say so, but it makes you think that ____________.
A. deep-sea divers should be in good health.
B. divers explore the deep sea only for treasure.
C. there is a special mixture of gases under the sea.
D. diving under the water too quickly causes a kind of illness.
62. Why does a diver get the bends?
A. The air in his blood is used up.
B. His diving suit weighs too much.
C. He comes to the surface too quickly.
D. He tries to do exercise under the sea.
63. From the text we can learn that _____________.
A. man cannot stay under water for more than a few minutes.
B. the sea began to interest man in the last few years.
C. all divers will get the bends sooner or later.
D. the bends may kill a diver.


The 30-mile road that runs through the mountains of Willie Valley makes most drivers′ hands sweat. But Andersen, a 46-year-old father of four, wasn’t expecting any trouble on the road last New Year’s Eve, when he set off for a ski trip to the Bear Mountains with nine-year-old daughter Mia, four-old son Baylor, and nine-year-old neighbor Kenya. Andersen had driven through the Valley hundreds of times over the years.

The weather was fine. But the higher they drove, the more slippery the road became. Rounding a sharp U-turn, Andersen saw a heavy truck off the road and immediately hit his brakes. In a minute, the car was going at 25 miles per hour down the mountain before falling down from a ten-foot dam into the extremely cold Logan River.

The crash had broken a few windows, and within seconds, the car was filled with water. “It was frightening that we were going fast into deep water,” remembers Andersen, a soft-spoken manager.

Having lost all sense of direction, Andersen began to search the freezing water for the kids. Mia had been right next to him in the front seat; now, in the blackness, he couldn’t find her. “I thought, if I don’t get out, maybe none of us are going to get out.” Andersen got out of his seat belt, swam through a broken window, and, deeply and quickly, breathed air at the surface. That’s when he saw a group of men, about ten in all, appear at the top of the dam. One after another, they rushed down into the water. Helping onto safety all the three children, they began to shout at the father, “Who else is in the car?”

Andersen says respectfully, “It was like the sight of angels.”

1. What might be the main cause of the car accident?

A. The bad weather.                        B. The high dam.

C. The sudden brake.                                D. The heavy truck.

2. Andersen didn’t expect any trouble on the road because _____.

A. he was familiar with the road

B. he was good at driving

C. his hands didn’t have sweat

D. the weather was fine

3. What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A. Andersen lost consciousness in the water.

B. Strangers helped Andersen out of the car.

C. Andersen liked Mia most among the children.

D. Strangers teamed together to save three children.

4.The underlined sentence is to express Andersen’s feeling of being _____.

A. tired                     B. excited                     C. doubtful                    D. thankful

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A. Stay calm when in trouble

B. Drive rounding a U-turn

C. Miracle rescue from a river

D. Mystery of the Bear Mountains



We’ve used the wind as an energy source for a long time.
The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind power to
pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing
boats were around long before that.Wind power was used in the
Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind(磨碎) corn, which is where
the term “windmill” comes from.
We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower, with a large propellor(螺旋桨) on the top.The wind blows the propellor round, which turns a generator to produce electricity.We tend to build many of these towers together, to make a “wind farm” and produce more electricity.The more towers, the more wind, and the larger the propellors, the more electricity we can make.It's only worth building wind farms in places that have strong, steady winds, although boats and caravans(大篷车)increasingly have small wind generators to help keep their batteries charged.
The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas, at the tops of rounded hills, open plains and gaps in mountains — places where the wind is strong and reliable.Some are offshore.To be worthwhile, you need an average wind speed of around 25 km/h.Most wind farms in the UK are in Cornwall or Wales.Isolated places such as farms may have their own wind generators.In California, several “wind farms” supply electricity to homes around Los Angeles.
The propellors are large, to obtain energy from the largest possible volume of air.The blades can be angled to cope with varying wind speeds.Some designs use vertical turbines (垂直涡轮机), which don’t need to be turned to face the wind.The towers are tall, to get the propellors as high as possible, up to where the wind is stronger.This means that the land beneath can still be used for farming.
1.The first paragraph aims to introduce to us _______.
A.the function of wind power           B.the source of wind power
C.the nations using wind power        D.the history of using wind power
2.The best places for building the wind farm are places where _______.
A.boats and caravans can often be seen     B.isolated farms don’t have enough electricity
C.there are less human activities         D.the wind is strong and reliable
3.We can infer from the passage that _______.
A.wind farms will not take up too much farming land
B.wind farms need no fuel because wind is free
C.the blades can be angled to turn to face the wind wherever it comes from
D.the higher and larger the towers are, the stronger the wind is
4.What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.Where to build a wind farm.     B.ABC of the using of wind energy.
C.How to make best use of wind.    D.Wind energy is the best energy.


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