摘要: When and how did Benin get its two names--Benin and Dahomey? A. Dahomey was its oldest name, but it has been replaced by Benin. B. Benin was its oldest name. The name Dahomey was used later, but has been replaced by Benin again. C. Dahomey was its oldest name. The name Benin was used later, but has been replaced by Dahomey again. D. Benin was its oldest name, but it has been replaced by Dahomey.



    Cambodia was in many ways similar to Laos, although it has twice the population. At another inn, we
talked with a teacher who told us that half of the people in her country couldn't read or write. Her village
couldn't even afford to build a school, so she had to teach outside under a large tent. When we said goodbye,
we all felt very lucky to have studied in college. Back on the road, we passed between many hills and forests.
Then we came to the plains and entered Phnom Penh (金边), the capital of Cambodia. In many ways it looked
like Vientiane and Ho Chi Minh City; it also had wide streets with trees in rows and old French houses. Unlike
Vientiane, ships could travel the Mekong River here. In the centre of the city we visited the palace and saw a
beautiful white elephant. It can only be seen outside the palace on special days. We ate an early supper and
went to see a great temple with floors made of silver.
    The next morning our group slept late. We were very tired from the long bike ride the day before. Cycling
in the hills had been difficult. Now our cousins had the chance to make jokes about Wang Wei and me. Perhaps,
they said, they were the strong ones! We had lunch at a nice outdoor cafe. then rode out of the city.
    Two days later we crossed the border into Vietnam. We began to see many more people, but I wasn't
surprised. I read in an atlas before our trip that Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia.
We met a farmer who gave us directions and told us that he grows a new rice crop four times every year so
he can feed more people. He also told us that the northern part of his country has many mountains and it is
much cooler than here in the south, where it is flat. Although the flat delta made it easier for us to cycle, we
got warm very quickly. So we drank lots of water and ate lots of bananas. Soon the delta separated into nine
smaller rivers. Two days later, after we had passed thousands of rice fields, we came to the sea. We were
tired but also in high spirits: our dream to cycle along the Mekong River had finally come true.


"Everybody loves a bargain." One person’s useless, ugly, or broken object can be another person's bargain.That is why so many Americans do not throw things away.They put them outside their houses.They put on a "For Sale" sign.And, as simple as that, they have a yard sale.
The sellers put a paid announcement in a local newspaper.It tells, when and where the yard sale will take place.These sales are very popular during weekends in spring, summer, and autumn.Early in the morning, all the things to be sold are carried out of the house.Then they sit all day in the sunlight—like tired guests at a party—waiting for someone to take them home.
Just about anything can be sold at a yard sale.Sometimes, there are more clothes than anything else.Cooking equipment is also popular.So are old toys, tools, books, tables and chairs.
Then there are objects called "white elephants".A white elephant is something you think is extremely ugly or useless.It may be an electric light shaped like a fish.You feel a sharp pain whenever you look at it.To someone else, however, it might be a thing of beauty and joy.
Some people go to yard sales to find a special thing that they collect.It may be old toy trains, for example, or paintings of dogs.Experts say more Americans are collecting old things now than ever before.Most people who go to yard sales, however, are not looking for anything special.They might buy an object simply because it costs so little. They enjoy negotiating(谈判)over prices, even if they really do not need the object.Later, they may hold their own yard to sell all the things they have bought.
【小题1】What kind of things will go to a yard sale?

A.Things people no longer use.B.Things of great, value.
C.Things out of season.D.Things of beauty and joy.
【小题2】A white elephant refers to something _____.
A.that can cause a feeling of pain
B.disliked by the owners while appreciated by others
C.that looks like a golden fish
D.sold at the lowest prices in the old newspaper
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true about a yard sale?
A.It is held outdoors.B.It may not be held on a cold day.
C.It can last for a whole day.D.It is usually held with a party.


Dear editor,
Mary is my friend and she is a very good-hearted girl. She’s always the first to help out others. But her habits make me mad sometimes and she just won’t change her ways. For most situations, that’s just fine with me, as I know it’s what make her who she is. However, sometimes it’s just so hard for me to bear her behavior. She has recently got a cellphone, but she often borrows mine to make calls. My phone has a chain with it. She always tries to open it like her own phone. I usually open it for her, but not always, as sometimes I’m driving my car, so she needs to get it out of my purse and open it herself.
This weekend we were at a party in a faraway village. She borrowed my cellphone. As it was cold outside, I let her take it outside without opening it. Now it’s broken because she didn’t open it properly. I wouldn’t be so mad, but over the weekend she also borrowed my car and never offered to pay for the gas, which made me very angry. She should have offered to pay for the gas. As I have mentioned, she’s the type to help out others when and where she can. Perhaps because of that, she thinks others should also do the same for her. Sometimes I just think she is very childish. I don’t want to hurt her, but I do want to let her know that not everyone can accept that. What should I do to let her know that?
【小题1】What is Lily’s purpose in writing this letter?

A.to advise us to be careful when making friends.
B.To tell others what kind of person Mary is.
C.To tell Mary what she thinks of her.
D.To ask for advice from an editor.
【小题2】We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _____.
A.Mary doesn’t have a cellphone
B.Mary doesn’t have any good habits
C.Lily is sometimes not pleased with Mary’s behavior
D.Lily has asked Mary to change her ways.
【小题3】What happened at the weekend party?
A.Mary lost Lily’s chain.
B.Mary left before the party was over.
C.Lily’s cellphone was broken.
D.Lily had a quarrel with Mary.
【小题4】What kind of person is Mary?
A.Friendly and beautiful.
B.Kind and careful.
C.Careful and childish.
D.Warm-hearted but childish
