摘要: Which title best gives the idea of the passage? A. Bees Love Blue. B. Bees Love Syrup. C. Bees, Color and Syrup. D. Can Bees See Color?


To discover whether bees can see colors, the following experiment is set up. A table is put in a garden and on the table is a piece of blue cardboard with a drop of syrup on it. After a short time, bees come to the syrup. The bees then fly to their hive and give the syrup to other bees in the hive. Then they return to the feeding-place which they have discovered.

After a while, the blue cardboard with the syrup on it is taken away. Instead of this card, a blue card is now put on the left side of the first feeding-place and a red card to its right. These new card have no syrup on them. Thus, the blue card is on the left, the red card on the right, and there is nothing where the first blue feeding-card used to be. Very soon bees arrive again, and fly straight to the blue card. None fly to the red card.

61. To do the experiment, altogether how many cards do you need to prepare?

  A. Two, one blue and one red.          B. Three, two blue and one red.

  C. Three, one blue and two red.         D. Four, two blue and two red.

62. If Figure 1 below shows the table top during Step 1 of the experiment, which picture in Figure 2 represents Step 2?

  (blue card with syrup          blue card          red card )



  Figure 1:

  Figure 2:


A              B            C            D

63. During Step 2 of the experiment, the bees come to __________.

A. the original blue card with syrup on it

B. the new blue card with no syrup on it

C. the empty space where original blue card was

D. the new blue card with syrup on it

64. The experiment has proved that bees _________.

   A. cannot see colors                   B. can see colors

   C. cannot see blue                    D. cannot see red

65. Which title best gives the idea of the passage?

A. Bees love blue.                    B. Bees love syrup. 

C. Can bees see color?                D. Bees, color and syrup.


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