摘要: Figure 2 shows that the bigger the hole is, . A. the more light can pass through B. the clearer the picture will be C. the better result we will get D. the faster the light rays travel


Driving in a foreign country is always different in at least some ways from driving in your own country. Here are some general points regarding driving in New Zealand.

Visitors wishing to drive in New Zealand do not require an international driver’s license but are required to carry their local driver’s license whenever driving.

Vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road as they do in Britain, Australia, and Japan. Most rental vehicles will have a sticker reminding you of this important fact.

When the traffic light is red, you must stop. There is no left turn rule as in North America.

New Zealand road rules follow international standards but please note that in New Zealand vehicles turning left must give way to traffic turning right.

In general, if you are turning left (where there are give-way signs or no signs), give way to vehicles that not turning. In all other situations, give way to vehicles crossing or coming from your right.

Seat belts must be worn at all times while driving in New Zealand. This stands for the driver and passengers. The driver is responsible for ensuring all passengers are wearing their seatbelts.

Do not drink alcohol before driving in New Zealanddrinking and driving laws are strictly enforced.

Speed limits are in kilometres per hour (kph), not miles per hour (mph).

Speed conversion: 1 kph equals 0.621 mph; 1 mph equals 1.61 kph.

The speed limit on the open road is 100km/h. In towns and cities the speed limit is 50km/h. Be sure to obey all school crossing speed reductions as speed cameras operate regularly throughout New Zealand.

For further information and up to date road conditions visit: http://www.transit.govt.nz

What can be learned from the passage?

   A. A passenger’s not wearing the seat belt has little to do with the driver.

B. There will be a reminder for drivers to remember to drive on the left side.

C. Cars passing a school in towns should drive at a speed of less than 31 mph.

D. A foreign driver is expected to have a driving license issued by New Zealand.

Which of the following statements correctly explains road rules in New Zealand?

   A. In Figure 1, Car B must give way to Car A.

   B. In Figure 2, Car B must give way to Car A.

   C. In Figure 3, Car B must give way to Car A.

   D. In Figure 4, Car B must give way to Car A.


This passage is most likely ____________.

   A. a travel brochure for locals

   B. a website travel introduction

   C. an advertisement of travel

   D. a travel column in a geographical magazine


Driving in a foreign country is always different in at least some ways from driving in your own country. Here are some general points regarding driving in New Zealand.
l Visitors wishing to drive in New Zealand do not require an international driver’s license but are required to carry their local driver’s license whenever driving.
l Vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road as they do in Britain, Australia, and Japan. Most rental vehicles will have a sticker reminding you of this important fact.
l When the traffic light is red, you must stop. There is no left turn rule as in North America.
l New Zealand road rules follow international standards but please note that in New Zealand vehicles turning left must give way to traffic turning right.
l In general, if you are turning left (where there are give-way signs or no signs), give way to vehicles that not turning. In all other situations, give way to vehicles crossing or coming from your right.
l Seat belts must be worn at all times while driving in New Zealand. This stands for the driver and passengers. The driver is responsible for ensuring all passengers are wearing their seatbelts.
l Do not drink alcohol before driving in New Zealanddrinking and driving laws are strictly enforced.
l Speed limits are in kilometres per hour (kph), not miles per hour (mph).
Speed conversion: 1 kph equals 0.621 mph; 1 mph equals 1.61 kph.
l The speed limit on the open road is 100km/h. In towns and cities the speed limit is 50km/h. Be sure to obey all school crossing speed reductions as speed cameras operate regularly throughout New Zealand.
For further information and up to date road conditions visit: http://www.transit.govt.nz
【小题1】What can be learned from the passage?

A.A passenger’s not wearing the seat belt has little to do with the driver.
B.There will be a reminder for drivers to remember to drive on the left side.
C.Cars passing a school in towns should drive at a speed of less than 31 mph.
D.A foreign driver is expected to have a driving license issued by New Zealand.
【小题2】Which of the following statements correctly explains road rules in New Zealand?
A. In Figure 1, Car B must give way to Car A.
B. In Figure 2, Car B must give way to Car A.
C. In Figure 3, Car B must give way to Car A.
D. In Figure 4, Car B must give way to Car A.
【小题3】This passage is most likely ____________.
A.a travel brochure for locals
B.a website travel introduction
C.an advertisement of travel
D.a travel column in a geographical magazine


To discover whether bees can see colors, the following experiment is set up. A table is put in a garden and on the table is a piece of blue cardboard (硬纸板) with a drop of syrup (糖浆) on it. After a short time, bees come to the syrup. The bees then fly to their hive (蜂窝) and give the syrup to other bees in the hive. Then they return to the feeding-place which they have discovered. After a while, the blue cardboard with the syrup on it is taken away. Instead of this card, a blue card is now put on the left side of the first feeding-place and a red card to its right. These new card have no syrup on them. Thus, the blue card is on the left, the red card on the right, and there is nothing where the first blue feeding-card used to be. Very soon bees arrive again, and fly straight to the blue card. None to the red card.

To do the experiment, altogether how many cards do you need to prepare?

A. Two, one blue and one red.                           B. Three, two blue and one red.

C. Three, one blue and two red.                      D. Four, two blue and two red.

If figure 1 (图1) below shows the table top during step 1 of the experiment, which picture in figure 2 represents (代表) step 2?

  (blue card with syrup              blue card          red card )


  Figure 1:

  Figure 2:

A              B            C            D                

During step 2 of the experiment, the bees come to_______.

the original blue card with syrup on it

the new blue card with no syrup on it

the empty space where original blue card was

the new blue card with syrup on it

The experiment has proved that bees _______.

A. cannot see colors                       B. can see colors

C. cannot see blue                 D. cannot see red


Below is adapted from an English dictionary

figure/fīg ə / noun, verb                            

noun 1. [C, often pl.] a number representing particular amount, especially one given in official information: the trade /sales figures

2. [C] a symbol rather than a word representing one of the numbers between 0 and 9: a six-figure salary 3. [pl] (informal) the area of mathematics that deals with adding, multiplying, etc 4. a person of the type mentioned: Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history. 5. the shape of a person seen from a distance or not clearly 6. a person or an animal as shown in art or a story: a wall with five carved figures in it 7. [C] the human shape, considered from the point of view of being attractively thin: doing exercise to improve one’s figure 8. [C] a pattern or series of movements performed on ice: figure-skating [IDM] be/become a figure of fun: be/become sb. that others laugh at cut a…figure: (of a person) to have a particular appearance He cut a striking figure in his dinner jacket. put a figure on sth.: to say the exact price or number of sth.

 a fine figure of man/woman: a tall, strong-looking and well-shaped person figure of speech: a word or phrase used in a different way from its usual meanings in order to create a particular mental image or effect  figurehead: someone who is the head or chief in name only (with no real power or authority) ●verb 1. to think or decide that sth. will happen or is true: I figured that if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning. 2. to be part of a process, situation, etc. especially an important part: My opinion of the matter didn’t seem to figure at all. 3. to calculate an amount or the cost of sth.: We figured that attendance at 150,000. [PHRV] 1. figure in: to include (in a sum): Have you figured in the cost of hotel? 2. figure on: to plan on; to expect sth. to happen: I haven’t figured on his getting home too late. 3. figure out: to work out; understand by thinking: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? [IDM] It/That figures! (informal): That seems reasonable, logical and what I expect.


1. I didn’t really mean my partner is a snake; it was just a ______.

A. figure of eight     B. figure head     C. figure of speech     D. a fine figure                     

2.—She was coming late again.

—______! That’s typical of her.

A. It figures her out   B. It figures    C. It cuts a poor figure  D. She is a figure of fun

3.What does “watch my figure” in the sentence “Don’t tempt me with chocolate; I am watching my figure.” mean?

A. add the numbers   B. have sports      C. try not to get fat    D. watch games

4.No one can figure out the reasons for the Poland president plane crash in 2010. Here figure out means:_________

A. watch out     B. work out     C. understand well    D. break out

5.—Promise you don’t wear this kind of clothes? People will play a joke on you.

—I don’t care whether I am________. I just want to keep warm.

A. a figure of fun    B. a healthy figure    C. a figure head      D. a bad figure



To discover whether bees can see colors, the following experiment is set up. A table is put in a garden and on the table is a piece of blue cardboard (硬纸板) with a drop of syrup (糖浆) on it. After a short time, bees come to the syrup. The bees then fly to their hive (蜂窝) and give the syrup to other bees in the hive. Then they return to the feeding-place which they have discovered. After a while, the blue cardboard with the syrup on it is taken away. Instead of this card, a blue card is now put on the left side of the first feeding-place and a red card to its right. These new card have no syrup on them. Thus, the blue card is on the left, the red card on the right, and there is nothing where the first blue feeding-card used to be. Very soon bees arrive again, and fly straight to the blue card. None to the red card.
【小题1】To do the experiment, altogether how many cards do you need to prepare?

A.Two, one blue and one red.B.Three, two blue and one red.
C.Three, one blue and two red.D.Four, two blue and two red.
【小题2】If figure 1 (图1) below shows the table top during step 1 of the experiment, which picture in figure 2 represents (代表) step 2?
(blue card with syrup             blue card          red card )
  Figure 1:
  Figure 2:
A              B            C           D               
【小题3】During step 2 of the experiment, the bees come to_______.
A.the original blue card with syrup on it
B.the new blue card with no syrup on it
C.the empty space where original blue card was
D.the new blue card with syrup on it
【小题4】The experiment has proved that bees _______.
A.cannot see colorsB.can see colors
C.cannot see blueD.cannot see red


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