摘要: Had she tried not to be late? A. Yes, she had tried her best. B. No, she was just pretending that she had tried. C. Yes, she had tried but she was still late. D. No, she thought being late was better than being early.



  I was not quite seventeen when I decided to join the US Marine Corps.My mother tried her best to talk me out of my dream, and then finally signed the papers that would permit me to enter the service.

  One day, nearly two years after the Philippines became my home, I was summoned to the office of Lieutenant(海军上尉)Colonel Boyd.He seemed to be a kind man, but I was pretty sure that he hadn't called me in to pass the time of day.

  Standing before his desk, I waited nervously as he read through some paperwork.Then he looked up.“Why, Private, haven't you written to your mother for more than six months?”

  I felt weak in my knees.Has it been that long? I thought.

  “I didn't have anything to say, Sir.”

  Lieutenant Colonel Boyd told me that my mother had contacted the American Red Cross, which in turn communicated with my commanding officer about my failure to write.Then he asked, “Do you see that desk, Private?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Open the top drawer and you'll find some paper and a pen.Sit down right this minute and find something to say to your mother.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  When I finished a brief letter, I stood before him again.

  “Private, I'm ordering you to find something to say to your mother at least once a week.Do you understand?” I did.

  Some thirty-five years later, my aged mother's mental condition was deteriorating, and I was forced to place her in a convalescent home(疗养所).As I went through her belongings, I began inspecting the contents of an old cedar chest.At the bottom, tied with a bright red ribbon, I found a bundle of letters.

  They were the letters I had been ordered to write from the Philippines.I sat on the floor of her apartment that afternoon reading each one, tears streaming down my cheeks.I now realized how deeply, as a young man, had upset her by my lack of consideration.

  The lesson I learned may have been too late to help my mother, but it's still done me good.These days I don't need a commanding officer standing over me to write to my loved ones on a regular basis.


When the writer decided to join the US Marine Corps, his mother _________.

[  ]


felt very happy


did not agree with him at the very beginning


thought he was dreaming


permitted him to enter the service


“…he hadn't called me in to pass the time of day.” means that _________.

[  ]


he was too busy to have time to talk with me


he must have something serious to talk with me


he wanted to know how I passed the time of day


he had called me to spend more time with my mother


Why did Lieutenant Colonel Boyd order the writer to write to his mother?

[  ]


Because he was always strict with his soldiers.


Because he got a letter of complain from the mother.


Because soldiers must write to their parents at least once a week.


Because the Cross informed him about the author's failure to write.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

[  ]


Where the US Marine Corps are.


When the writer joined the US Marine Corps.


How old the mother was when she was placed in a convalescent home.


Why the writer placed his mother in a convalescent home.


Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


The writer now realized that he should write to his wife regularly.


The writer had been in the US Marine Corps for nearly two years.


The writer had decided to stay with his mother in the convalescent home.


The writer's lack of consideration led to his mother's deteriorating mental condition.


One cold rainy evening last October, as a medical student, I was in a hospital, gathering data

for my graduation paper.

     Holding a patient questionnaire   34   some simple yes-or-no questions, I walked towards a 43-year-old patient who lay in bed alone. I was worried whether she would approve of my demands at such a late hour.   35  , she treated it with consideration. Soon I finished and prepared to leave.   36   I could stand up, she spoke up in a weak voice asking where I was from and why I was working so late in the evening.

    Then she started talking about herself as well as her   37  , "My husband died about a year ago,   38   me the only breadwinner of my family. My pay as a cleaner is   39   enough for me and my three kids. I don't know what my children would be if something bad happened to me."

     I didn't know what to say. I desperately tried to remember the lessons from a communication skills class I had taken years earlier, but my mind was  40.

    Without realizing it, I had begun   41   her hand. Now that I didn't have anything to say, I just sat quietly while she talked. That's when it occurred to me that she was not expecting any 42 from me. She   43   wanted me to listen. All 1 did was nod my head as a way of showing my 44.

    The conversation went on for about 20 minutes. Finally, she stopped talking. "I'm very sorry for keeping you here to listen to my problems, but I feel   45   now. I had no one to   46 out my problems to. Thank you so much, doctor."

     Sometimes patients do not need expensive medicine or advanced technology.   47  , they just need someone with the   48   to lend an ear and spare a little of their time. For me, that is one of the best things a doctor can do for a patient, doesn't it?

1.A. made up of     B. fed up with    C. put up with        D. come up with

2.A. Calmly         B. Excitedly       C. Gladly             D. Eagerly

3.A. When                 B. Before          C. As                       D. After

4.A. job            B. illness         C. family            D. children

5.A. causing        B. getting         C. forcing              D. leaving

6.A. extremely      B. exactly        C. especially         D. absolutely

7.A. casual         B. clear          C. steady                     D. blank

8.A. holding        B. shaking         C. carrying          D. treating

9.A. thanks         B. praise          C. warmth                 D. reply

10.A. even           B. ever           C. just                   D. still

11.A. sympathy       B. support         C. sorrow            D. respect

12.A. relaxed        B. awkward        C. fragile            D. satisfied

13.A. leave          B. pour            C. try               D. find

14.A. However             B. Otherwise       C. Instead            D. Besides

15.A. emotion        B. patience        C. experience              D. preference




  A pretty, well-dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square (广场), and said to the driver, “Do you see that young man at the other side of the square?”“Yes,”said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently at his watch every few seconds.

  “Take me over there,” said the young lady.

  There were a lot of cars and buses and trucks in the square, so the taxi driver asked, “Are you afraid to cross the street?”

  “Oh, no!”said the young lady, “But I said that I would meet that young man for lunch at one o'clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I have tried not to be too late.”

1.How did the young lady get to the square?

[  ]

A.She arrived in a taxi.
B.She got there on foot.
C.She got there by bus.
D.The story doesn't tell us.

2.Why did she want to take a taxi? Because ________.

[  ]

A.she was too tired to walk

B.she wanted to be seen in a hurry

C.she wanted not to be late for the appointment (约会)

D.the square was too crowded

3.The young man at the other side of the square ________.

[  ]

A.had probably been waiting for a long time

B.had some problems with his watch

C.was probably a waiter of the restaurant

D.was someone the young woman did not want to see

4.The young lady was ________.

[  ]

A.one hour late
B.not late at all
C.45 minutes late
D.15 minutes late

5.Had she tried not to be so late?

[  ]

A.Yes, she had at least tried no to be late.

B.No, she was just going to pretend that she had tried.

C.Yes, she had tried her best though she couldn't succeed.

D.No, she thought being late was better than being earlier.



  A pretty, well-dressed young lady stopped a taxi in a big square (广场), and said to the driver, “Do you see that young man at the other side of the square?”“Yes,”said the taxi driver. The young man was standing outside a restaurant and looking impatiently at his watch every few seconds.

  “Take me over there,” said the young lady.

  There were a lot of cars and buses and trucks in the square, so the taxi driver asked, “Are you afraid to cross the street?”

  “Oh, no!”said the young lady, “But I said that I would meet that young man for lunch at one o'clock, and it is now a quarter to two. If I arrive in a taxi, it will at least seem as if I have tried not to be too late.”

1.How did the young lady get to the square?

[  ]

A.She arrived in a taxi.
B.She got there on foot.
C.She got there by bus.
D.The story doesn't tell us.

2.Why did she want to take a taxi? Because ________.

[  ]

A.she was too tired to walk

B.she wanted to be seen in a hurry

C.she wanted not to be late for the appointment (约会)

D.the square was too crowded

3.The young man at the other side of the square ________.

[  ]

A.had probably been waiting for a long time

B.had some problems with his watch

C.was probably a waiter of the restaurant

D.was someone the young woman did not want to see

4.The young lady was ________.

[  ]

A.one hour late
B.not late at all
C.45 minutes late
D.15 minutes late

5.Had she tried not to be so late?

[  ]

A.Yes, she had at least tried no to be late.

B.No, she was just going to pretend that she had tried.

C.Yes, she had tried her best though she couldn't succeed.

D.No, she thought being late was better than being earlier.

     One cold rainy evening last October, as a medical student, I was in a hospital, gathering data for my
graduation paper.
     Holding a patient questionnaire   1   some simple yes-or-no questions, I walked towards a
43-year-old patient who lay in bed alone. I was worried whether she would approve of my demands at
such a late hour.   _2_  , she treated it with consideration. Soon I finished and prepared to leave. _  3   I
could stand up, she spoke up in a weak voice asking where I was from and why I was working so late in
the evening.
     Then she started talking about herself as well as her   4_  , "My husband died about a year ago,   _5   me the only breadwinner of my family. My pay as a cleaner is   6   enough for me and my three kids. I
don't know what my children would be if something bad happened to me."
     I didn't know what to say. I desperately tried to remember the lessons from a communication skills
class I had taken years earlier, but my mind was__7__.
     Without realizing it, I had begun__8_her hand. Now that I didn't have anything to say, I just sat quietly while she talked. That's when it occurred to me that she was not expecting any __9__from me. She   10   wanted me to listen. All 1 did was nod my head as a way of showing my_ 11_.
    The conversation went on for about 20 minutes. Finally, she stopped talking. "I'm very sorry for keeping you here to listen to my problems, but I feel   12   now. I had no one to   13 out my problems to. Thank
you so much, doctor."
     Sometimes patients do not need expensive medicine or advanced technology.   14  , they just need
someone with the   15   to lend an ear and spare a little of their time. For me, that is one of the best things a doctor can do for a patient, doesn't it?
(     )1. A. made up of    
(     )2. A. Calmly        
(     )3. A. When          
(     )4. A. job          
(     )5. A. causing      
(     )6. A. extremely    
(     )7. A. casual        
(     )8. A. holding      
(     )9. A. thanks        
(     )10. A. even        
(     )11. A. sympathy    
(     )12. A. relaxed      
(     )13. A. leave        
(     )14. A. However      
(     )15. A. emotion      
B. fed up with
B. Excitedly  
B. Before      
B. illness    
B. getting    
B. exactly    
B. clear      
B. shaking    
B. praise      
B. ever        
B. support    
B. awkward    
B. pour        
B. Otherwise  
B. patience    
C. put up with
C. Gladly      
C. As          
C. family      
C. forcing    
C. especially  
C. steady      
C. carrying    
C. warmth      
C. just        
C. sorrow      
C. fragile    
C. try        
C. Instead    
C. experience  
D. come up with
D. Eagerly    
D. After      
D. children    
D. leaving    
D. absolutely  
D. blank      
D. treating    
D. reply      
D. still      
D. respect    
D. satisfied  
D. find        
D. Besides    
D. preference  

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