摘要: A. making B. earning C. taking D. spending


Compared with the children of a few decades back,today’s children seem to be     1   :they enjoy better health owing to recent    2   in medicine and in public health care.They also enjoy a11 the    3   of modern life.Physically and materially.Today’s children seem to be much better off than their predecessors.Nevertheless,   4    the improved standards of      5    ,many children nowadays seem to be emotionally   6   since most parents are spending less time with their children,so little,in  7  ,that many could    8   be called ‘weekend parents’.An increasing number of mothers are taking full-time jobs,   9   their children in the care of baby-sitters or nurseries.Time has become a luxury few parents can    10    because of the pressures of their work and the very brisk pace of life in our  11   society.On the other hand,these working parents can often well afford to    12   their children with the best food, clothes,toys and other    13    desires.But    14    to say, they fail to    15   the emotional requirements of their growing children.As a noted pediatrician(儿科医生)of the Medical and Health Department    16   ,children need love,security, praise, recognition and responsibility.If these needs are not    17   ,their development might be stunted(抑制).Child psychologists all   18   that some illnesses and emotional disturbances  19    to children are because of a lack of parental care.In the light of this,parents who really   20   their children should be sure that there are good lines of communication between themselves and their children,despite their heavy work loads.

1.A.unhappier              B.luckier                  C.naughtier           D.richer

2.A.inventions             B.discoveries            C.advances           D.products

3.A.comforts               B.facilities                C.pleasure             D.appliances

4.A.due to                   B.regarding               C.for                    D.in spite of

5.A.housing                 B.living                    C.caring               D.earning

6.A.poor                     B.deprived                C.faulty                D.shallow

7.A.general                  B.fact                      C.total                  D.truth

8.A.wrongly                B.rightly                   C.totally                D.namely

9.A.entrusting              B.leaving                  C.lending              D.making

10.A.afford                 B.spend                    C.waste                D.do

11.A.passive                B.active                    C.competitive        D.dangerous

12.A.buy                     B.offer                     C.give                  D.provide

13.A.emotional            B.physical                C.material             D.intellectual

14.A.sad                     B.happy                   C.lucky                D.unfortunate

15.A.show                  B.feel                       C.satisfy               D.create

16.A.talks                   B.explains                 C.speaks               D.says

17.A.made                  B.taken                    C.met                   D.done

18.A.argue                  B.admit                    C.tell                    D.disagree

19.A.common             B.popular                 C.ordinary            D.pubic

20.A.look after            B.bring up                C.care about         D.agree with




Compared with the children of a few decades back, today’s children seem to be  16  . They enjoy better health owing to recent  17  in medicine and in public health care. They also enjoy all the  18  of modern life. Physically and materially, today’s children seem to be much better off than their predecessors(前辈). Nevertheless,  19  the improved standards of  20  , many children nowadays seem to be emotionally deprived(剥夺)since most parents are  21   less time with their children, so little, in 22 , that many could  23  be called ‘weekend parents’. An increasing number of mothers are taking full-time jobs,  24  their children in the care of baby-sitters or nurseries. Time has become a luxury few parents can  25  because of the pressures of their work and the very brisk pace of life in our  26  society. On the other hand, these working parents can often well afford to  27  their children with the best food, clothes, toys and other  28 desires, but  29  to say, they fail to  30  the emotional requirements of their growing children. As a noted pediatrician (儿科医生) of the Medical and Health Department  31  , children need love, security, praise, recognition and responsibility. If these needs are not  32  , their development might be stunted (抑制). Child psychologists all  33  that some illnesses and emotional disturbances  34  to children are because of a lack of parental care. In the light of this, parents who really  35  their children should be sure that there are good lines of communication between themselves and their children, despite their heavy work loads.

16. A.unhappier             B.luckier                    C.naughtier                D.richer

17. A.inventions           B.discoveries            C.advances               D.products

18. A.comforts              B.facilities               C.pleasure                D.appliances

19. A.due to                   B.regarding              C.for                         D.in spite of

20. A.housing                B.living                   C.caring                     D.earning

21. A.passing                B.spending               C.taking                     D.costing

22. A.general                B.fact                      C.total                       D.truth

23. A.wrongly                B.rightly                  C.totally                    D.namely

24. A.entrusting             B.leaving                 C.lending                   D.making

25. A.afford                   B.spend                   C.waste                      D.do

26. A.passive                 B.active                   C.competitive             D.dangerous

27. A.buy                      B.offer                    C.give                       D.provide

28. A.emotional             B.physical                C.material                  D.intellectual

29. A.sad                       B.happy                   C.lucky                      D.unfortunate

30. A.show                    B.feel                      C.satisfy                    D.create

31. A.talks                     B.explains                C.speaks                    D.says

32. A.made                    B.taken                    C.met                        D.done

33. A.argue                    B.admit                          C.tell                         D.disagree

34. A.common               B.popular                 C.ordinary                 D.pubic

35. A.look after              B.bring up               C.care about               D.agree with


Rae and Bruce Hostetler not only work very hard,they also relax just as well. Numerous vacations help the couple to maintain their health and emotional well-being一and it’s no surprise to health care professionals.
“Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people’s well-being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,” said primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York. Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off. “We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better,” said Withers.
Psychologists confirm the value of vacations for the mind. “The impact that taking a vacation has on one’s mental health is great,” said Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management. “Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24- hour time-out.” The trips could be good for their health, good for their family and good for their businesses.
The online travel agency Expedia conducted a survey about vacation time in 2010, and according to their data the average American earned 18 vacation days一but only used 14 of them. France topped the list, with the average worker earning 37 vacation days and using all but two of them. Americans, responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued, but that’s not always good for the individual, the family or the employer.
Psychologists have also found that people who don’t take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future. “Without time and opportunity to do this, the nerve connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into less-stressed states,” Mulhem said.
【小题1】How did the author introduce the topic of the text?

A.By making comparisons.B.By giving an example.
C.By raising questions.D.By providing data.
【小题2】Expedia’s survey shows that Americans _____.
A.dislike family gatherings
B.have the shortest vacation
C.enjoy as many vacations as the French
D.think much of spending long hours on the job
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.One should never wait to relax.B.Work and rest go against each other.
C.Time and opportunity wait for no man.D.A relaxed mind determines everything.


Rae and Bruce Hostetler not only work very hard,they also relax just as well. Numerous vacations help the couple to maintain their health and emotional well-being一and it’s no surprise to health care professionals.

“Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people’s well-being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,” said primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York. Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off. “We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better,” said Withers.

Psychologists confirm the value of vacations for the mind. “The impact that taking a vacation has on one’s mental health is great,” said Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management. “Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24- hour time-out.” The trips could be good for their health, good for their family and good for their businesses.

The online travel agency Expedia conducted a survey about vacation time in 2010, and according to their data the average American earned 18 vacation days一but only used 14 of them. France topped the list, with the average worker earning 37 vacation days and using all but two of them. Americans, responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued, but that’s not always good for the individual, the family or the employer.

Psychologists have also found that people who don’t take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future. “Without time and opportunity to do this, the nerve connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into less-stressed states,” Mulhem said.

1.How did the author introduce the topic of the text?

A.By making comparisons.                  B.By giving an example.

C.By raising questions.                     D.By providing data.

2.Expedia’s survey shows that Americans _____.

A.dislike family gatherings

B.have the shortest vacation

C.enjoy as many vacations as the French

D.think much of spending long hours on the job

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.One should never wait to relax.            B.Work and rest go against each other.

C.Time and opportunity wait for no man.       D.A relaxed mind determines everything.



Compared with the children of a few decades back, today’s children seem to be  1  .They enjoy better health owing to recent  2  in medicine and in public health care.They also enjoy all the  3  of modern life.Physically and materially, today’s children seem to be much better off than their predecessors.Nevertheless,  4  the improved standards of  5  , many children nowadays seem to be emotionally deprived since most parents are  6   less time with their children, so little, in 7 , that many could  8  be called ‘weekend parents’.An increasing number of mothers are taking full-time jobs,  9  their children in the care of baby-sitters or nurseries.Time has become a luxury few parents can  10  because of the pressures of their work and the very brisk pace of life in our  11  society.On the other hand, these working parents can often well afford to  12  their children with the best food, clothes, toys and other  13 desires, but  14  to say, they fail to  15  the emotional requirements of their growing children.As a noted pediatrician (儿科医生)of the Medical and Health Department  16  , children need love, security, praise, recognition and responsibility.If these needs are not  17  , their development might be stunted(抑制).Child psychologists all 18  that some illnesses and emotional disturbances  19  to children are because of a lack of parental care.In the light of this, parents who really 20 their children should be sure that there are good lines of communication between themselves and their children, despite their heavy work loads.

1.A.unhappier              B.luckier                 C.naughtier             D.richer

2.A.inventions            B.discoveries          C.advances           D.products

3.A.comforts               B.facilities               C.pleasure              D.appliances

4.A.due to                   B.regarding             C.for                      D.in spite of

5.A.housing                 B.living                   C.caring                 D.earning

6.A.passing                 B.spending              C.taking                 D.costing

7.A.general                  B.fact                     C.total                    D.truth

8.A.wrongly                B.rightly                 C.totally                 D.namely

9.A.entrusting              B.leaving                C.lending                D.making

10.A.afford                 B.spend                  C.waste                  D.do

11.A.passive                B.active                  C.competitive          D.dangerous

12.A.buy                     B.offer                   C.give                    D.provide

13.A.emotional            B.physical               C.material               D.intellectual

14.A.sad                     B.happy                  C.lucky                  D.unfortunate

15.A.show                  B.feel                     C.satisfy                 D.create

16.A.talks                   B.explains               C.speaks                D.says

17.A.made                  B.taken                   C.met                     D.done

18.A.argue                  B.admit                  C.tell                      D.disagree

19.A.common             B.popular                C.ordinary              D.pubic

20.A.look after            B.bring up              C.care about           D.agree with


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