摘要: B感觉伴侣“与你同在 有助于建立良好的爱情关系.take for的意思是把--当做-...意味着通常和for不搭配.构不成一定意义上的短语.




1.A.He's sowing the seeds in the garden.

B.He's playing behind the house.

C.He's working in the field..

2.A.He wants to play tennis now.

B.He likes to play tennis, but he doesn't want to play now.

C.He does not like to play tennis.

3.A.The chairman is speaking in the living room.

B.We are going to improve our living situation.

C.We need another chair in the living room.

4.A.Nancy and Dan were busy last Saturday.

B.Neither Nancy nor Dan was busy last Saturday.

C.Nancy was busy last Saturday.

5.A.Jane had an animal hospital.

B.Jane gave all of her money to an animal hospital.

C.Jane opened the door of an animal hospital.


6.How much is the green one?

A.$ 2.00.

B.$ 6.00.

C.$ 4.00.

7.How many new coats does the woman have?




8.How old is the woman?

A.Thirty years old.

B.Thirty-three old.

C.Twenty-seven years old.

9.What does the woman mean?

A.She thinks that it's better to wait.

B.She thinks that they should go on.

C.She doesn't agree with the man.

10.Where is the woman going?

A.The post office.

B.Her parents' home.

C.A park.



11.What do you learn about the two swimming pools from the conversation?

A.The big pool in Park Road is much bigger and more modern than the one in town.

B.The pool in town is much bigger and more modern than the big one in Park Road.

C.The two pools are almost the same.

12.What are they going to do on Thursday?

A.They are going to swim.

B.They are going to eat at a French restaurant.

C.They are going to a Chinese restaurant.


13.Where did Miss Li come from?




14.On which day did the talk take place?




15.What do you think Miss Li came here for?

A.She came for her holiday.

B.She came to meet her friend.

C.She will work in the foreigner's company.

Ⅳ.听独白,回答16-20 五个小题。

16.What kind of man was the artist?

A.Not rich but kind.

B.Rich and kind.

C.Neither rich nor kind.

17.Where did his last few coins go?

A.He lost them.

B.He gave them to a beggar.

C.He used them to pay for his taxi home.

18.Who paid the bill for the lunch?

A.The artist.

B.The beggar.

C.Neither of them.

19.What did the man do after lunch?

A.He asked the beggar to another lunch.

B.He asked the beggar to spend the night in his home.

C.He wanted to take the beggar home and gave him back the money.

20.Why didn't the beggar go with the artist?

A.He didn't want to pay for the taxi.

B.He had no money to pay for the taxi.

C.He didn't want the artist to pay for the taxi.



  You got red with anger, green with envy, and white with fright.If you’re unhappy you’re blue, and if you’re a coward, you’re yellow.Whatever your feelings are you can find a color to describe them.

  But colors not only describe feelings, they can also have a very strong effect upon us.Everybody has noticed how you feel colder in a blue room than a red room even though the rooms are at the same temperature.So colors can affect our moods.And it is also possible that our own choice of a favorite color can tell us something about ourselves.If green is your favorite color, you are strong-minded and determined.You do not wish to change, but you certainly wish to succeed and what’s more, you want other people to see you are successful.Red makes bulls charge and makes your blood pressure go up.You are fiercely competitive, very strong-minded and full of energy.If you choose blue, the color of calm seas and clear skies, you like peace and quiet and like to feel you belong to a group of trusted friends.Purple is a mixture of red and blue, and is a compromise between peaceful blue and aggressive red.You are romantic and tender and wish to charm and please others.



If you are overcome with fear, ________.

[  ]


you are red


you are yellow


you are black


you are green


According to the second paragraph, when you feel very hot, ________.

[  ]


you’d better look at the sea or the blue sky


you should not wear black dress


you’d better drink some water


you should not become angry


Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?

[  ]


Colors can describe our feelings.


Colors can affect our moods.


People will surely know what you are going to do by the color you choose.


People will probably know something about you by the color you choose.


If you are strong-minded, ________.

[  ]


either green or red is your favorite color


either green or blue is you favorite color


both red and blue are you favorite color


neither green nor blue is your favorite color


The title of the passage may probably be ________.

[  ]


Your Favorite Colors


Your Like and Dislike of Colors


Colors and You


Choose a Color for You


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