摘要:A由第12题的分析我们得知此空填上表示“有完全相同 的基因.这四个词中表示这个意思的只有share和这个语境相吻合.其余BCD三项表示的:有.拥有.说明之意都不合乎逻辑.





1.Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a plane.

B.In a coffee shop.

C.In a restaurant.

2.How much does one shirt cost?

A.$ 4.50.

B.$ 5.00.

C.$ 9.00

3.Where are the two speakers talking?

A.In the garden.

B.In the living room.

C.In the garage.

4.Which of the following is true?

A.The man didn’t like any ice cream.

B.The man wanted chocolate ice cream.

C.The man didn’t want any ice cream.

5.According to the conversation, which of the following best describes the usual weather here in May?

A.Cooler and drier.

B.Warmer and drier.

C.Warmer and rainier.




6.What did the woman want to buy?

A.A cheap shirt.

B.An expensive shirt.

C.A cheap skirt.

7.How much did the woman spend?

A.65 yuan.

B.60 yuan.

C.130 yuan.

8.What is the two speakers’ relationship?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Salesman and customer.


9.What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning?

A.Walk the dog.

B.Clean the house.

C.Go to the doctor’s.

10.What time is Susan going to meet Julie?

A.12∶00 pm.

B.1∶00 pm.

C.2∶00 pm.

11.Why can’t they watch a video at Susan’s house?

A.They can’t decide on a video.

B.Susan’s mother is going to the cinema.

C.The machine doesn’t work.


12.Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A.At school.

B.At home.

C.In the office.

13.How many hours will the girl work a day?




14.How much could she get in a week?

A.24 dollars.

B.80 dollars.

C.120 dollars.


15.What does Dr.Wilson teach?




16.Which class will Fred probably get an“A”in?




17.What will Dr.Wilson do in order to help Fred have a good chance to get an“A”?

A.She will give her students two more tests.

B.She will give her students two less tests.

C.She will ask her students to write a composition in English.



Religious practice in the U.S.A.

Ceremonies in churches:1)  18  2)funerals

Percentage of religion believers:  19  

Characteristics:wide variety of religious groups emphasis on social problems   20   of church and state





1.What is Bob interested in about the book?

A.The photos.

B.The ideas.

C.The data.

2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.On a bus.

C.At a cinema.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.Buy a ticket.

B.Park her car.

C.Wait her turn.

4.What has Bill done?

A.Forgotten his promise.

B.Failed to finish his work.

C.Repeated his carelessness.

5.Which place does the man like to live in?

A.A quiet place.

B.A lonely place.

C.A noisy place.




6.What does the man teach the woman to do?

A.Write her report.

B.Use her computer.

C.Clean her room.

7.How does the woman feel in the end?





8.What's the legal speed limit?

A.25 miles per hour.

B.65 miles per hour.

C.90 miles per hour.

9.What accounted for the man's behavior?

A.Not focusing on driving.

B.Not being good at driving.

C.Not knowing the regulations.


10.What did the man think of the cloning of humans?




11.Why are scientists studying cloning at present?

A.To reproduce a whole human being.

B.To see how the copy looks and acts.

C.To replace damaged parts of a body.

12.How did the woman get to know about the way to make new medicines?

A.From a magazine.

B.From some scientists.

C.From the man speaker.


13.How did the man find the movie they saw last week?




14.Why does the man want to see action movies in a theatre?

A.To enjoy them on a big screen.

B.To enjoy them with many others.

C.To have popcorn for dinner there.

15.Which are the woman's favourite?

A.Seafood and chicken.

B.Meat and love stories.

C.Fish and action movies.

16.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Their past experience.

B.Their likes and dislikes.

C.Their plan for the night.


17.What does the speaker encourage us to do?

A.Raise animals.

B.Lose weight.

C.Eat healthy.

18.What do we learn about people in earlier times from the speaker?

A.Free from worry about bad effect of food.

B.Busy producing food for others.

C.Rich in various food.

19.Why do some people give up eating potatoes or rice?

A.To stay well.

B.To keep slim.

C.To eat right.

20.How should we control our weight?

A.By having a balanced diet.

B.By having the same diet.

C.By dieting and exercising.



第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.How much is the woman's shirt?




2.What does the man mean?

A.He invites the woman to go sightseeing in Shanghai.

B.He will go to Shanghai on business and for sightseeing.

C.He hasn't decided yet what to do in Shanghai.

3.Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A.On the train.

B.At the airport.

C.At the railway station.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He had a wonderful party.

B.He wanted to have a party the next weekend.

C.He didn't want to attend the party at all

5.Why is the man calling?

A.To change his appointment.

B.To speak to Dr.Zane.

C.To see the woman.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What does the man teach the woman to do?

A.Write a report.

B.Use computer.

C.Clean room.

7.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At school.

B.In a library.

C.At home.


8.Where does the woman have to drive back?

A.To the Earth Hotel.

B.To the train station.

C.To the traffic lights.

9.How far is it from the traffic lights to the Earth Hotel?

A.About 1 mile.

B.About 2 miles.

C.About 3 miles.


10.What did the woman do on the weekend?

A.She went swimming.

B.She went surfing.

C.She surfed on the Internet.

11.What did the man do on Sunday night?

A.He joined an Internet chat group.

B.He bought something too expensive.

C.He made long-distance telephone calls.

12.What does the man invite the woman to do next weekend?

A.See all his friends.

B.Have an online chat.

C.Talk on the telephone.


13.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.An accident.

B.The new walking way.

C.A motorbike.

14.What's wrong with the man?

A.His right leg is broken.

B.His ankle is broken.

C.His arms are broken.

15.How was the road condition at that moment?

A.The road was wet.

B.The road was empty.

C.The road was crowded.

16.Who does the man think is to blame for his injury?

A.His motorbike.


C.A lady.


17.What do we normally do when meeting somebody in Spain?

A.Bow or shake hands

B.Scream in surprise.

C.Kiss each other.

18.How many differences between Spain and Japan are referred to in the passage?




19.Why does the speaker give the example of the host family?

A.To state Spanish are warm and open.

B.To state Spanish are very quiet.

C.To state Spanish like to control others.

20.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.There is no public kissing in Japan.

B.Japanese often scream about things.

C.Spanish food is the best.





例:How much is the shirt?





1.Where is the man from?


B.The US.


2.Where is the man going?

A.Lake Drive.

B.The Lake.

C.The baker's.

3.What does the man mean?

A.It's going to rain.

B.It won't rain.

C.It has rained.

4.How many days will the man's uncle stay with him?

A.About 3 or 4 days.

B.About 4 or 5 days.

C.About 6 or 7 days.

5.What sport does the woman like?







6.Where do you think they are having the dialogue?

A.At an office.

B.At a shop.

C.In a factory.

7.What is the man doing?

A.He is chatting with a friend.

B.He is buying a pair of shoes.

C.He is working.


8.What was the baby like at birth?

A.Healthy and normal.

B.Light and weak.

C.Fat and unhealthy.

9.What was the problem with the baby girl?

A.Blood infection.

B.Breathing trouble.

C.Eating a little.


10.What's the relationship between the woman and the man?

A.Employer and employee.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Nurse and doctor.

11.Why is the man moving?

A.Because he doesn't like to live there any more.

B.Because he wants to earn more money.

C.Because his mother is not well.

12.How does the man plan to move his things?

A.He plans to move his things by train.

B.He wants to move his things by truck.

C.He hasn’t decided yet.


13.What’s the relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Policeman and witness.

B.Policeman and driver.

C.Police and passenger.

14.What is the man asking the woman about?

A.A robbery.

B.A car accident.

C.A speeding car.

15.What’s the speed of the blue car?

A.30 miles an hour.

B.40 miles an hour.

C.50 miles an hour.

16.Where was the woman's car when the accident happened?

A.It was behind the blue ear.

B.It was in front of the white Ford car.

C.It was beside the police car.


17.What’s the weather like in Scotland in the morning?

A.Gold but clear.


C.Windy with rain.

18.In which place may there be ice on the roads?

A.In northern England.

B.In London.

C.In Scotland.

19.What’s the weather like in many places of Cardiff in the evening?

A.Cold with fog.



20.When will London be likely to have some sun?

A.Tomorrow afternoon.

B.This morning.

C.This afternoon.





1.What is the woman doing?

A.Looking for a new job.

B.Starting her vocation.

C.Talking with Mrs.Martin.

2.What kind of work does Mr.Smith probably do?

A.He fixes bicycles.

B.He sells chairs.

C.He is a gardener.

3.How much would a Hew car really cost?


B.S 500.


4.What telephone number should you dial in the USA if you are robbed in the street?




5.Where are the two people?


B.In a car.

C.On the street.




6.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.ne boy is going to New York with his mother.

B.The boy’s mother allows him to spend two weeks in New York this summer.

C.The boy wants to go to New York but his mother doesn’t agree.

7.What俩Il the boy need to make?


B.Only thirteen hundred dollars and two suitcases.

C.About three hundred dollars and two suitcases.


8.What does Peter suggest?

A.Having a cup of coffee.

B.Playing football.

C.Watching a game.

9.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mary can agree with Peter.

B.Mary and Peter are taking a lot of courses this year

C.Mary is, going to study for the tomorrow exam.


10.What does the woman ask Paul to do?

A.Take the garbage out.

B.Got0 sch001.

C.Take an exam.

11.Why can’t Paul help the woman at once?

A.Because he doesn’t want to do it.

B.Because he doesn’t have to.

C.Because he’11 be late for school.

12.What is the relation between Paul and the woman?



C.the woman is Paul’s mother.


13.What should Peter do to earn his weekly allowance?

A.1ie should help her mother with the cooking

B.He should take out the garbage and clean the yard around the home.

C.He should help her mother dean the.house.

14.Does Linda have to rise her allowance for food?

A.Yes.Twice a week.

B.Yes.Once a week.

C.No.she doesn’t have to.

15.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Linda sometimes forgets to cook.

B.Linda helps her mother with the cooking.

C.Linda washes the dishes and clothes after dinner.

16.How do Peter and Linda spend their money?

A.Sometimes they go to the movies.Sometimes they buy records.

B.They have no choice but to go to the movies.

C.They do shying except buying records.


17.What are some of the city government jobs?

A.Fire fighters, police officers and private school teachers.

B.Fire fighters, police officers except public school teachers.

C.Fire fighters, police officers and public school teachers.

18.why do people work for city governments?

A.Because they can get extra money for old life when they retire.

B.Because it is their duty.

C.Because they are old volunteers.

19.Why does Henry eats and sleeps at the firehouse.

A.Because he is a typist and also a fire fighter.

B.Because he is on duty eight hours a day.

C.Because he is to be ready to answer an alarm.

20.When does Nancy work, five days a week, Monday through Friday?

A.From 7 a.m.to 3 p.m.

B.From 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.

C.From 9 a.m.to 3 p.m.


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