摘要:D Christopher Dawes of UCSD使用了一项全国性数据.这项数据对1000多对同卵及异卵双胞胎的基因进行了对比.因为是数据所以最令人迷惑的是A项recorded.但是是两类基因.所以比较合理的逻辑应该是compared.BC两项所表示的意思分别依次是:举例证明.形容描绘.与上面的语境不契合.


Antarctic seabirds are breeding(繁殖)later, because thinner sea ice is causing their food supplies to decline, a new study says. The birds, which nest in East Antarctica, have delayed their spring arrival by an average of nine days and egg-laying by an average of two days over the past 50 years, according to polar researchers from the French National Center for Scientific Research in Villiers en Bois, France, study authors Christophe Barbrand and Henri Weimerskirch attribute this later breeding activity to decreases in sea ice caused by climate change.

The researchers say the disappearing sea ice, combined with a longer sea-ice season, has interfered with the birds’ breeding cycle by reducing the amount of krill(磷虾) and other prey(猎物)available in early spring in Antarctica. Because Antarctica’s seasons are opposite those in the Northern Hemisphere, spring on the icy continent begins in October.

The study is based on data collected at seabird colonies between 1950 and 2004 in Adélie Land, on the eastern edge of the frozen continent.

The findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Of the nine species studied, some arrived up to 30 days later than they had in previous years.

Despite much later arrivals, the birds are laying their eggs at pretty much the same time as they had in the past. In the most extreme cases, birds were laying their eggs an average of 3. 7 days later in the season than they were 50 years ago.

56. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Seabirds are breeding later in East Antarctica.

B. The amount of krill in the ocean has decreased.

C. The weather in Antarctica has changed.

D. The spring in Antarctica is beginning later.

57. Why have the seabirds in East Antarctica delayed their breeding?

A. The food there has been polluted.

B. The sea ice doesn’t shrink any more.

C. The food supplies there have declined.

D. There are too many seabirds there.

58. In which of the following months is it autumn in Antarctica?

A. October.                                                     B. September.

C. November.                                                  D. June.

59. How many kinds of seabirds were studied by the researchers?

A. Two.                B. Five.                             C. Nine.                       D. Thirty.

60. What does the underlined word “attribute”in Para. 1 mean?

A. contribute                                                    B. cause

C. owe                                                                   D. devote

新闻内容, 选项中有一项是多余选项。
     1. Designer Giambattista Valli, Stella McCartney and Christophe Lemaire offered a visual feast of
different styles for their fall and winter collections. At Paris Fashion week on Monday, Giambattista Valli
showed-off his ready-to-wear collection.
     2. After a number of rounds of competition, two of China’s best women shooters had a chance to
punch their ticket to the London Olympics today as a solid day from the favorites in the 25m pistol event. Zhang Jingjing and Chen Ying would see them earning their spot on the Chinese Summer Games team.
     3. March 5th is the official "Learning from Lei Feng Day" when various organizations and institutions
call on people to learn from Lei Feng, a cultural icon symbolizing selflessness, modesty and dedication.
As time passes, the values and beliefs that the Lei Feng spirit represents continue to spread throughout
     4. As China passes the Olympic Torch to the UK, the two nations are marking 40 years of diplomatic
ties with a seven-month long showcasing British arts and creative industries. Seventeen cities across
China will enjoy a variety shows sponsored by the project "UK NOW". Upcoming highlights scheduled
for April and May were announced at the British Embassy.
     5.On the issue of local government debt, Finance Minister Xie Xuren said at Tuesday's press
conference that China will step up its management to prevent potential risks. The minister said local
governments are required to repay their debts and ensure funding for projects that are under construction. Local government debts had risen to 10.7 trillion yuan, or 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars by the end of 2010.
That accounts for about 17 percent of China’s GDP that year.

A. Fashion designers highlight Paris catwalk
B. National Art Museum promotes Lei Feng Spirit
C. Lei Feng spirit undergoes revival in China
D. "UK NOW" art festival to tour China
E. China to enhance management of local government debt
F. Zhang, Chen earn 25m pistol spots on Chinese Summer Games team

Brazil has become one. of the developing world’s great successes at reducing population growth but more by accident than design. While countries such as India have made joint ef??forts to reduce birth rates, Brazil had better results without re??ally trying, says George Martine at Harvard.

Brazil’s population growth rate dropped from 2. 99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1. 93% a year between 198 land 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2. 7 chil??dren on average. Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.

Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas (肥皂剧) and installment (分期付款) plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in low??ering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world’s biggest produc??ers of soap operas. Globo, Brazil’s most popular television net??work, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based on wealthy characters living the high life in big cities.

Although they have never really tried to work in a mes??sage towards the problems of reproduction, they describe mid??dle and upper class values: not many children, women work??ing, says Martine. They sent this image to all parts of Brazil and made people conscious (有意识的) of other patterns of behaviour and other values, which were put into a very attrac??tive package.

Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers. " This led to an enormous change in consumption (消费) patterns and consumption was incom??patible (不相容的) with unlimited reproduction," says Mar??tine.

9. According to the passage, Brazil has lowered its population growth ________.

A. by educating its citizens                B. by careful family planning

C. by developing TV programmes                     D. by chance

10. According to the passage, many Third World countries

A. haven’t given much attention to birth control

B. would soon join Brazil in controlling their birth rate

C. haven’t yet found an effective measure to control their population

D. haven’t realized the importance of TV plays in family planning

11. Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazil’s birth rate be??cause ________.

A. they keep people sitting long hours watching TV

B. they have gradually changed people’s way of life

C. people are drawn to their attractive package

D. they popularize birth control measures

12. What is Martine’s conclusion about Brazil’s population growth?

A. The increase in birth rate will increase consumption.

B. The desire for consumption helps to reduce birth rate.

C. Consumption goes with reproduction.

D. A country ‘s production is limited by its population growth.


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