摘要: A. along with B. from behind C. ahead of D. in front of


Friedrich Dobl, a Yugoslav working in Germany, was fed up with traffic jams. At long weekends and holiday times when he wanted to get him quickly he always found himself behind hundreds of other cars moving slowly along the notorious foreign workers’ route through Germany and Austria.

How easy it all was for police and emergency services. A siren, a flashing light? And like magic everyone was out the way. Going home from work one night he passed a garage. And there in front of him was the answer to his problems. An old ambulance(救护车) was for sale. The red cross had been removed. But not the flashing light, and the siren. He tried the light. It flashed magnificently. He tried the siren. That too sounded impressive. He bought the ambulance and opened up for himself a dream world of motoring. It began early in the morning, all his luggage in the back of the ambulance and motorway in Germany looking reasonably clear. Soon, as always, a long line of traffic appeared ahead. He switched on the flashing light and set off the siren. Cars swiftly slowed and pulled off the fast lane. Other cars stopped and drivers waved him ahead to an open road all his own. In record time he crossed the border into Austria. The big bluff was working. Police even waved him through the confusion caused by an accident.

But then the Yugoslav made his big mistake. Until then he had only stopped for petrol. Now he was driving past a real accident, lights flashing , to late realize that it was not another traffic jam as he assumed. They stopped him, and after hearing the story of his ride across two countries fined him 12. 5 pounds.

1.At long weekends and holidays Friedrich Dobl used to ____.

A.drive home in Germany

B.get caught in terrible traffic jams

C.meet other foreign workers

D.get to the place where he worked by a special quick route

2.Why did he decide to buy the ambulance?

A.because he had always wanted one

B.because he wanted to resell it at a higher price

C.because he liked the siren and the flashing light

D.because he knew that other traffic would get clear of the way for an ambulance.

3.The red cross had been removed ____.

A.but he soon put up a new one

B.because the vehicle did not look like an ambulance any more

C.so he asked the garage to paint another one on

D.but the siren and the flashing light still worked

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.How to Drive quickly

B.How to Avoid accidents

C.A quick Way Home? By An Ambulance

D.A Safe way Home? Non-Stop


     When you see geese flying along in V formation, you might consider what science has discovered
as to why they fly that way.
     As each bird flaps wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in V
formation, the whole flock at least 71 per cent greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.
Individuals who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more
quickly and easily because they are travelling on the pushing force of one another.
     When a god se falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone,
and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. If we
have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those people who are headed the same
way we are.
     When the head goose gets tired, it moves back in the formation and another goose flies point. It is
sensible to take turns doing demanding jobs, whether with people or with geese flying south.
     Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. What messages do
we give when we honk from behind?
     Finally -and this is important -when a goose gets sick or is wounded by gunshot, and falls out of
formation, two other geese fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection.
They stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies, and only then do they launch out on
their own, or with another formation, to catch up with their group.
     If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other like that.
1. By flying in "V" formation, a goose can ______.
A. learn who leads the group         
B. see the direction ahead clearly
C. fly at a higher speed and reach a further place    
D. greatly reduce the risk of being hit by gunshots
2. What does the underlined word "honk" mean?
A. To fly.   
B. To move.  
C. To cry.          
D. To fight.
3. Which of the following is NOT suggested in the text?
A. We should be united as one to achieve a common goal.
B. We should work together with those who share our dream.
C. We should take our share of responsibility in a huge task.
D. We should encourage those falling behind to keep on trying.
4. What's the main purpose of the text?
A. To encourage us to learn from geese.
B. To announce some new findings about geese.
C. To prove the similarities between humans and geese.
D. To persuade us to find more about life of geese.
There was a man named Chow Khok who had a baby donkey. When the foal was fat, Chow Khok said to his son, “Our donkey is nice and fat now. He will bring us a good price at the market. But if we walk him all the way to the market, he will grow thin and no one will want him. I think that we should tie him gently to a pole and carry him between our shoulders. ”

The son agreed. So they tied the donkey’s four legs to a long pole. Then, placing the ends of the pole on their shoulders, they started to walk to the village with the donkey hanging upside down between them.

As they walked along the road, a group of people saw them and began laughing. “Ho, ho, ho! Why are these stupid people carrying a donkey? Hey, both of you! Are you crazy carrying a donkey on a pole? Why don’t you get on his back and ride him?”

Chow Khok and his son heard the crowd’s laughter and were greatly embarrassed(局促不安的). They discussed the matter together. “I suppose we must look strange to these people. Let’s untie our donkey and get on him. But he is really too small for both of us to ride. What shall we do?”

After thinking a bit, Chow Khok said to his son, “I know. You ride the donkey, since you are smaller, and I will walk behind. ”

His son agreed. So they untied the donkey’s legs and continued down the road, the son riding and the father walking behind.

When they arrived at the edge of the village, some people called out to the son, “Who is that old man walking behind you?”

“Oh, ” replied the son. “He is my father. ”

Then a villager scolded(训斥)the boy. “You are an ungrateful(不觉得感激的) son. You shouldn’t let your father walk behind you like a servant. Get off and let your father ride. ”

The embarrassed son turned to look at his father, who quickly whispered, “Yes, yes. I will get on the donkey. You walk in front. ”

So the father got on the donkey and the boy walked ahead. Soon they arrived at the village well, where many girls were getting water for their families. Seeing the young boy walking tall in front of the donkey, all the girls thought him quite handsome.

“Hey!” they called to the old father on the donkey. “This donkey is beautiful and the tall boy is handsome. You look like an ugly old monkey sitting up there. Why don’t you get off and let this handsome boy ride?”

When the son heard the girls, he turned to his father and said, “Papa, now we made a mistake again. These girls say that I should ride the donkey. What do you think?”

Wearily(疲惫的), his father answered, “First you ride the donkey and it is a mistake. Then I ride the donkey and it is a mistake. Now, suppose you come up here and sit in front of me and we will ride together. ”

The boy climbed up and they continued through the village until they reached the custom house(税务所). The customs officer stopped them and asked, “Where are you both going with that donkey?”

“Sir, ” Chow Khok answered, “we are taking the donkey to sell him at the village market. ”

The officer scowled(皱眉) at him. “That donkey is very small, ” he said. “Why are you both sitting on him? You’ll break his back and then you’ll never be able to sell him. A little donkey like that! You should carry him. ”

Chow Khok and his son listened in embarrassment. Shaking his head hopelessly, Chow Khok said, “How can we satisfy all the people in this world? When we carried our donkey on a pole, they said we should ride him. When you rode our donkey, they said that you were an ungrateful son. When I rode our donkey, they said that I looked like a monkey. When we both rode our donkey, they said that we would break his back. How can we satisfy all the people in this world? What shall we do now?”

Taken from Cambodian Folk Stories from the Gatiloke

1. Folk tales often teach a lesson about how people should behave. Which of these lessons might you learn from the folk tale?

A. People are usually unkind.

B. It’s impossible to please everyone.

C. You should never listen to other people.

D. You should trust yourself all the time.

2. What can you infer about Chow Khok based on his actions?

A. Other people’s opinions were important to Chow Khok.

B. He was a generous man.

C. He didn’t feel comfortable talking to other people.

D. He was stupid.

3. Which statement best describes Chow Khok at the end of the story?

A. He’s very angry.                   B. He is happy.

C. He is confused.                      D. He is comfortable.



There was a man named Chow Khok who had a baby donkey. When the foal was fat, Chow Khok said to his son, “Our donkey is nice and fat now. He will bring us a good price at the market. But if we walk him all the way to the market, he will grow thin and no one will want him. I think that we should tie him gently to a pole and carry him between our shoulders. ”

The son agreed. So they tied the donkey’s four legs to a long pole. Then, placing the ends of the pole on their shoulders, they started to walk to the village with the donkey hanging upside down between them.

As they walked along the road, a group of people saw them and began laughing. “Ho, ho, ho! Why are these stupid people carrying a donkey? Hey, both of you! Are you crazy carrying a donkey on a pole? Why don’t you get on his back and ride him?”

Chow Khok and his son heard the crowd’s laughter and were greatly embarrassed(局促不安的). They discussed the matter together. “I suppose we must look strange to these people. Let’s untie our donkey and get on him. But he is really too small for both of us to ride. What shall we do?”

After thinking a bit, Chow Khok said to his son, “I know. You ride the donkey, since you are smaller, and I will walk behind. ”

His son agreed. So they untied the donkey’s legs and continued down the road, the son riding and the father walking behind.

When they arrived at the edge of the village, some people called out to the son, “Who is that old man walking behind you?”

“Oh, ” replied the son. “He is my father. ”

Then a villager scolded(训斥)the boy. “You are an ungrateful(不觉得感激的) son. You shouldn’t let your father walk behind you like a servant. Get off and let your father ride. ”

The embarrassed son turned to look at his father, who quickly whispered, “Yes, yes. I will get on the donkey. You walk in front. ”

So the father got on the donkey and the boy walked ahead. Soon they arrived at the village well, where many girls were getting water for their families. Seeing the young boy walking tall in front of the donkey, all the girls thought him quite handsome.

“Hey!” they called to the old father on the donkey. “This donkey is beautiful and the tall boy is handsome. You look like an ugly old monkey sitting up there. Why don’t you get off and let this handsome boy ride?”

When the son heard the girls, he turned to his father and said, “Papa, now we made a mistake again. These girls say that I should ride the donkey. What do you think?”

Wearily(疲惫的), his father answered, “First you ride the donkey and it is a mistake. Then I ride the donkey and it is a mistake. Now, suppose you come up here and sit in front of me and we will ride together. ”

The boy climbed up and they continued through the village until they reached the custom house(税务所). The customs officer stopped them and asked, “Where are you both going with that donkey?”

“Sir, ” Chow Khok answered, “we are taking the donkey to sell him at the village market. ”

The officer scowled(皱眉) at him. “That donkey is very small, ” he said. “Why are you both sitting on him? You’ll break his back and then you’ll never be able to sell him. A little donkey like that! You should carry him. ”

Chow Khok and his son listened in embarrassment. Shaking his head hopelessly, Chow Khok said, “How can we satisfy all the people in this world? When we carried our donkey on a pole, they said we should ride him. When you rode our donkey, they said that you were an ungrateful son. When I rode our donkey, they said that I looked like a monkey. When we both rode our donkey, they said that we would break his back. How can we satisfy all the people in this world? What shall we do now?”

Taken from Cambodian Folk Stories from the Gatiloke

1. Folk tales often teach a lesson about how people should behave. Which of these lessons might you learn from the folk tale?

A. People are usually unkind.

B. It’s impossible to please everyone.

C. You should never listen to other people.

D. You should trust yourself all the time.

2. What can you infer about Chow Khok based on his actions?

A. Other people’s opinions were important to Chow Khok.

B. He was a generous man.

C. He didn’t feel comfortable talking to other people.

D. He was stupid.

3. Which statement best describes Chow Khok at the end of the story?

A. He’s very angry.                   B. He is happy.

C. He is confused.                      D. He is comfortable.


     Barbara was driving her six-year-old son, Benjamin, to his piano lesson on the highway. They
were late and Barbara was   1     tired. She had worked extra shifts as a night    2   nurse.The sleet
( 雨夹雪) storm and icy roads    3     her tension. She was thinking of  turning around at  once.
Suddenly a car ahead of them lost control on a patch of ice and crashed     4     into a telephone
pole.  The  impact was horrible.
     Barbara pulled onto the road's shoulder. Thank God she was a nurse-her skill might make
a   5    in the fate of  these   6      passengers! But what about Ben ? Little boys    7    see scenes
like this. But was it   8      to leave him alone? What if their car was   9     from behind, or a stranger
   10     him? For a brief moment, Barbara decided to go on her way. "Ben, honey,   11   me you'll
stay in the car!" she cried over her shoulder.
     "I will, Mommy," she heard him say   12  , she can, slipping and sliding, toward the crash site.
      It was  13  than she had feared. Two high-school-aged girls had been in the car. One, the blonde
on the passenger side was dead. The  driver,   however, was unconscious.  Barbara quickly  14     
pressure to the wound in the teenager's head while her practiced eyes ran over the other  15     , a
broken leg, maybe two, along with probable internal damage. But if help came , this girl would live.
The ambulance arrived. " Good job," one rescue worker said,  16   he examined the driver. " You
probably saved her life, Madam."
    As Barbara walked back to her car, a  feeling of   17    overwhelmed  her,  especially  for the
family of the passenger who had died. But what should she tell Ben?
     "Mom," he   18    " did you see it?"
     "See what honey?" she asked.
     "The angel, Mom! He came down from the sky. And he opened the door, and he took that girl
out. " Barbara's eyes were filling with tears, " Which door, Ben?" "The  19     side."
     Later Barbara was able to meet the families of the victims. They expressed their  20    for the help
she had provided. Barbara was able to give them something more: Ben's Vision .
(     )1.  A. uncommonly
(     )2.  A. class      
(     )3.  A. added to  
(     )4.  A. front      
(     )5.  A. help      
(     )6.  A. fortunate  
(     )7.  A. shouldn't
(     )8.  A. safe      
(     )9.  A. stolen    
(     )10. A. approached
(     )11. A. tell      
(     )12. A. before    
(     )13. A. lucky      
(     )14. A. pulled    
(     )15. A. scars      
(     )16. A. before    
(     )17. A. harm      
(     )18. A. whispered  
(     )19. A. driver    
(     )20. A. gratitude  
B. commonly      
B. work          
B. made up      
B. forward      
B. devotion      
B. unfortunate   
B. can't      
B. necessary    
B. beat          
B. stolen        
B. reply        
B. as            
B. more dangerous
B. put          
B. injuries      
B. after        
B. achievement  
B. shouted      
B. stranger      
B. admiration    
C. unusually    
C. school      
C. added        
C. backward    
C. contribution
C. strange      
C. wouldn't  
C. fit          
C. hit          
C. struck      
C. answer      
C. after        
C. worse        
C. set          
C. death        
C. since        
C. sadness      
C. yelled      
C. passenger    
C. help        
D. usually    
D. duty        
D. brought up  
D. sideways    
D. difference  
D. familiar    
D. couldn't
D. sure        
D. broken      
D. robbed      
D. promise    
D. on          
D. better      
D. applied    
D. harms      
D. as          
D. tiredness  
D. repeated    
D. passer-by  
D. benefits    

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