摘要: B巴伦及其同事称.目前的这项发现强调了皮肤老化和可避免的环境因素之间的关系.如抽烟.体重超标.无防护措施地过度日晒等.此处应该填上表示老化的名词.也即是B项:aging.而ACD项依次分别所表达的意思:表情.神情.皱纹.


     1. 简单介绍焦虑及其表现;
     2. 向他提出消除焦虑的建议。
Dear Tommy,
     I got your email yesterday. Recently I've read an article about anxiety. Maybe you're suffering from
Best regards,
Li Hua
人学汉语的短期课程(short-term Chinese course for beginners)。请你根据下面提供的信息,给他写
     · Time: 22nd January, 2011-22nd February, 2011
     · Courses: listening, speaking, Chinese painting, Chinese cooking
     · Fee. 4 000 RMB
Dear Peter,
     You mentioned in your last letter that you want to learn Chinese in Beijing. I have some good news for
Li Hua



    下面是一篇应用文及其应用场合的信息,请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按要求匹配信息 。首先,请阅读下面的应用文:请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。(注:若选E,请涂A+B;若选F,请涂C+D。)


There is information about six places(A—F),after the description of these places,there is information about five people who are looking for a place to spend a holiday。Decide which place would be most suitable for the person(s) mentioned in questions56—60and then mark the correct answer on your answer sheet。


A. Brightwood Park

Take you up to Westfield’s natural preserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond. You can look for deer and other woodland animals or go on a nature treasure hunt.

B. Jewark Airport

The airport offers free tours covering the history of the airport, terminal operations, and emergency vehicles and equipment for groups of  15 to 30 persons. The tours are intended for students in grades three and above. See also Newark International Airport.

C. Cheesequake State Park

The Cheesequake State Park features 1,284 acres of open fields, a hardwood forest, a variety of wildlife and about 200 species of birds. Activities include hiking, boating, canoeing, swimming and a variety of winter sports. An Interpretive Center provides live wildlife exhibits and environmental education programs, including nature walks.

D. The Model Railroad Club

The Model Railroad Club is an activity of the Union County Park System. The Club is open to visitors every Saturday afternoon for viewing the model train displays. Every fall, the Club sponsors a Light and Sound Show that will delight the model train lovers.

E. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm

Learn about farming as it was dons 100 years ago at Fosterfields Living Historical Farm. There are weekend demonstrations on planting and harvesting crops as well as special programs held throughout the year. Some of these include wool cutting and carriage driving.

F. Republic of Mauritius

An island country, lies 1, 200 miles off the southeastern coast of Africa. It covers 788 square miles and has a population of 1,100,000. The country can be divided into many parts with different climate all because of its peculiar terrains(地形).Mauritius has many rare and unique animals, such as snakes, parrots and lizards.


Mike, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He likes to get close to nature and enjoy water sports.

Peter and Kate and their two teenage sons, have to take their holidays out-doors. They would like to find a place where they can play games, such as looking for treasure.

Harry, a high school student, wants to travel on weekends, and would like to learn about materials to use when building a setting for the train set.

Maria, a primary school teacher, plans to take the whole class of 20 students for a holiday. The students will graduate this year, so she’d like to organize an activity without charge but it is instructive.

John, a young engineer in a modern car factory, enjoys an adventure journey once a year. This time, he would like to have journeys to the countryside, where he can try to learn about driving a horse and carriage.


出游者                              旅游地点

66.Mike                               A. Brightwood Park

67.Peter,Kate and their sons                            B. Jewark Airport

68.Harry                              C. Cheesequake State Park

69.Maria                            D. The Model Railroad Club

70.John                               E. Fosterfields Living Historical Farm

                                     F. Republic of Mauritius




Nowadays, the term " sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias. During the National Day holidays, CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by the question " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.

" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a good job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.

Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. There was a migrant worker(农民工) whose answer to the question was widely spread online. When asked if he was happy, he said " My family name is Zeng", showing his determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.

The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question: Are you happy?


















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