摘要: A这组研究对象由52对异卵双胞胎和10对同卵双胞胎.以及三对不确定自己属于哪种类型的双胞胎组成.我们可以确定此处要填上表示由--组成.也即是A项:consisted.B项的具有很大的迷惑性.但是它表示的意思是:--组成了--..CD项依次分别所表达的意思:包含.包括.好像都行.但是它们都不和of连用.




阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-- 60各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项

Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If  41, you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews  42 .

   In his book, Matthews  43  us how to have a happy life and answers the  44  of teenagers.

   There are many subjects(研究对象) such as  45  and friends, and the book 46  we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills  47  how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to 48  your memory better.

   Many teenagers think  49 happiness comes from a good exam result  50  praise from other people. But you can  51 be happy when there are no such “good” things.

   Success comes from a(n)  52  attitude(态度).  If you 53  from problems, you will have success in the future.

   Some school students have  54 such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that 55  comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的)  56 . If you are 57 , people notice you and you can get a  58  view(视野) at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes  59 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important  60  : you choose to be happy!

41.   A       so     B.     not.  C       it       D.     do

42.   A.     wise B.     smart       C.     useful       D.     simple

43.   A.     orders      B.     tells C.     asks D.     argues

44.   A.     problems B.     questions          C.     ideas         D.     comments

45.   A.     roles         B.     classes     C.     courses    D.     parents

46.   A.     says B.     writes       C.     reads        D.     thinks

47.   A.     for example      B       such as     C       so as         D      so that

48.   A.     make        B.     turn C.     let    D.     change

49.   A.     what         B.     how C.     that D.     whether

50.   A.     and  B.     but   C.     so     D.     or

51.   A.     yet   B.     already     C.     still   D.     forever

52.   A.     bad  B.     good         C.     independent    D.     normal

53.   A.     learn         B.     rescue      C.     struggle   D.     separate

54.   A.     experiences     B.     difficulties         C.     fears         D.     problems

55.   A.     success    B.     happiness         C.     failure       D.     height

56.   A.     way  B.     means      C.     manners  D.     spirit

57.   A.     short         B.     small         C.     tall   D.     fat

58.   A.     lower        B.     higher       C.     worse       D.     better

59.   A.     take B.     spend       C.     cover        D.     cost

60.   A.     work         B.     lesson       C.     teaching  D.     study













下列对“鼎”的说明,不正确的一项是(    )





下列各项中不能表明“鼎是一种重要礼器”的一项是(    )





下列表述符合原文意思的一项是(    )







阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-- 60各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项

Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If  41, you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews  42 .

   In his book, Matthews  43  us how to have a happy life and answers the  44  of teenagers.

   There are many subjects(研究对象) such as  45  and friends, and the book 46  we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills  47  how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to 48  your memory better.

   Many teenagers think  49 happiness comes from a good exam result  50  praise from other people. But you can  51 be happy when there are no such “good” things.

   Success comes from a(n)  52  attitude(态度).  If you 53  from problems, you will have success in the future.

   Some school students have  54 such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that 55  comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的)  56 . If you are 57 , people notice you and you can get a  58  view(视野) at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes  59 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important  60  : you choose to be happy!

41.   A     so    B.    not.  C     it     D.    do

42.   A.    wise B.    smart      C.    useful      D.    simple

43.   A.    orders     B.    tells C.    asks D.    argues

44.   A.    problems B.    questions C.    ideas       D.    comments

45.   A.    roles       B.    classes     C.    courses    D.    parents

46.   A.    says B.    writes      C.    reads       D.    thinks

47.   A.    for example    B     such as    C     so as       D     so that

48.   A.    make       B.    turn C.    let    D.    change

49.   A.    what       B.    how C.    that  D.    whether

50.   A.    and  B.    but   C.    so    D.    or

51.   A.    yet   B.    already    C.    still  D.    forever

52.   A.    bad  B.    good       C.    independent    D.    normal

53.   A.    learn       B.    rescue     C.    struggle   D.    separate

54.   A.    experiences     B.    difficulties      C.    fears       D.    problems

55.   A.    success    B.    happiness C.    failure     D.    height

56.   A.    way B.    means     C.    manners  D.    spirit

57.   A.    short       B.    small       C.    tall   D.    fat

58.   A.    lower      B.    higher     C.    worse      D.    better

59.   A.    take B.    spend      C.    cover      D.    cost

60.   A.    work       B.    lesson      C.    teaching  D.    study



No matter how many boos (嘘声) or abuses you get, they shouldn’t stop you from being the champion you are.

When I was in primary school, I was 36 asked by my teachers to sit at the 37 of the class because I was not clever. I was the butt (对象) of class jokes. I was all alone, friendless and 38. I hated school, but my dad would have none of it. He 39 telling me that I was a champion, if I 40 it.

A turnaround 41 one day when I remembered the spelling of the word “cognoscenti”, a word all the other “42” students had forgotten how to spell because they spent their free time 43 me. I raised my hand 44 I wasn’t asked to spell. I stood up and went to the front of the class, with 23 pairs of eyes 45 on me. My teacher grabbed her cane (藤条), ready to beat me if I’d 46. I spelt the word and became a(n) 47 champion. I represented and won for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.

Secondary school had its own share of 48. I was tall but wasn’t good at any 49. I loved basketball and lawn tennis. The first day I held a racket, I was disgraced (使丢脸) by my opponent (对手). He 50 six straight sets without sweat and there I was sweating 51 as if I’d run a marathon, while I hadn’t even made a single point.

My dad’s 52 kept playing in my ears, “Stanley, you’re a champion if you believe it.” I did. Finally, I was not only 53 at lawn tennis and basketball. I was an all-round athlete and 54 won both athletic and academic scholarships to college.

Now, staring at this old racket of defeat that once brought me 55, I can’t help but say to it, “You made me a champion when I believed.”

A. seldom   B. never        C. once        D. always

A. back     B. front        C. outside      D. middle

A. shocked B. satisfied     C. depressed   D. surprised

A. avoided B. preferred   C. forgot       D. kept

A. started    B. imagined   C. liked     D. believed

A. came      B. followed    C. worked      D. paid

A. poor       B. bright        C. dull        D. active

A. picking out    B. getting along with     C. looking after     D. making fun of

A. only if    B. just as     C. as if       D. even though

A. fixed    B. closed       C. held       D. called

A. delay    B. fail        C. fight     D. offend

A. permanent B. frequent        C. instant       D. temporary

A. aims      B. targets     C. reasons      D. challenges

A. sport     B. subject      C. action        D. field

A. moved B. won       C. missed       D. found

A. slightly        B. weakly      C. heavily      D. openly

A. songs    B. voices     C. whispers    D. words

A. good     B. angry      C. strict     D. serious

A. still      B. even       C. yet         D. thus

A. pride    B. joy         C. shame       D. happiness


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