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  Poll:1/3 Graduates Say University Study Wasn’t Worth it

  With the job market tightening and college enrollments expanding, over a third of young Chinese say their college study experience was not as rewarding as they had expected, according to a newspaper survey.

  The survey, published in Monday’s China Youth Daily, showed that 34.7 percent of the 8777 respondents said they regretted their university experience as what they had learnt was not worth the time and money invested.

  About 51.5 percent of the respondents said they had learnt nothing practical in university and 39.2 percent said they couldn’t land a job with a bachelor’s degree, the survey said.

  Nearly 4.13 million students graduated from China’s universities in 2006, compared with 1.15 million in 2001, the survey said.But salaries for university graduates have been declining.

  Before college enrollments exploded six years ago, university graduates could easily find a job with a monthly salary of 2500-3000 yuan.But now graduates are willing to work for just hundreds of yuan a month to find a slot in the already tight job markets, the survey said.

  67.2 percent of the polled said university study had become less rewarding after enrollments expanded.But another 44.7 percent thought it would be harder to find a job without university experience.

  About 28 percent of respondents said that, if they were to do it again, they would choose to enter a polytechnic rather than a university because today’s employers seemed to prefer practical skills.










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