摘要: A. on average B. in place C. ahead of D. in number




      Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps becomes a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.  Phelps’ total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of the competitor Mark Spitz’s record in 1972.

    Michael Phelps dominated(支配)the field in seven of his races and set an amazing seven world records in the process. He did, however, have one close shave in the 100m butterfly which he won by just0.01 seconds, and in another he had to compete with a faulty pair of glasses.

      Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?

      A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the perfect body shape for a swimmer. His arm span is longer than his height, he has very flexible joints, huge lungs, and his

incredibly large feet(size 14 in the US, size 49 in China)act like flippers in the water.

      To feed his huge swimmer’s body, Phelps eats an astonishing 12,00 calories a day, six times the average for a man of his age. According to his coach, Phelps starts with a breakfast of champions:Three fried egg sandwiches with cheese, tomatoes, fried onions, five egg pies, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast and three pancakes with chocolate chips.

    He then puts on a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming. Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2%faster.

    Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum, who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends, and who believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success.

      Whatever the reason for his SUCCESS, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involving in winning his eight medals. “I guess eight is a lucky number for me, too, now. The opening ceremony started on 8/8/08. Maybe it was meant to be,” he said.

41. The passage is written mainly about          .

      A. Phelps’ achievement in the 29th Olympics

      B. a life story of Phelps  

      C. the struggle of Phelps

      D. the secrets of Phelps’ success

42. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

      A. Phelps’ arm span is longer than his height.

      B. Mark Spitz won seven gold medals in thel972 Olympics.

      C. Phelps’ mother said he would never be a success.

      D. Phelps won the 100 m butterfly just by 0. 01 seconds.

43. Phelps is said to               .

      A. be called the flying fish all over the world

      B. have set up the new record for most gold medals in the Olympics

      C. have broken the world records of till the games he competed in

      D. have a large amount of food every day

 44. According to the passage, we may draw a conclusion about Phelps that”.

      A. Success=physique +huge diet +faulty glasses +family

      B. Success=huge diet +swimsuit +family +practice

      C. Success=physique +swimsuit +huge diet +luck

      D. Success=huge diet +family +practice +large feet





W:What exactly are you looking for?

M:I’m looking for a toy…for my nephew.

1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a record shop.

B.In a jeweler’s shop.

C.In a toy shop.

M:When did your brother first begin to smoke?During college?

W:No.He didn’t start until after graduation from college.

2.When did her brother start smoking?

A.During college.

B.After college.

C.Before graduation.

W:What a shame about your accident!What a way to end your holiday!

M:Yes, it was bad luck.I suppose I should have been more careful.

3.What are they talking about?

A.A holiday.

B.An accident.


W:Tony, your coat looks nice.Was it expensive?

M:The ad said that the coat was on sale for      dollars, but actually it was $22.

4.How much did the coat cost?

A.The coat cost $22 in a sale.

B.He said that he had bought a coat for $20, but he was lying.

C.His coat actually cost $2 more than the advertised price.

M:Hello!You know it’s our teacher’s birthday tomorrow.Well, we’re collecting money to buy him a present from the class.

W:What a nice idea!Here’s 50 cents, is that enough?

5.Why does the second person give 50 cents?

A.The class will have a party.

B.Everybody should give 50 cents.

C.To buy a present for their teacher.




M:A wonderful film, wasn’t it?

W:Oh, yes, it was.I enjoyed it very much.But now what I need is some sleep.

M:Yes.It’d be nice to have a good rest.But I feel like a drink now.

W:As a matter of fact, I’m dying for a drink, too.I wouldn’t mind a cup of tea right now.

M:All right, let’s go to the teahouse and have some.

W:OK, let’s go.

M:I’d like a piece of cake to go with the drink.

W:I guess we can get some there also.

6.What did they do before the conversation?

A.They slept.

B.They had a drink.

C.They saw a film.

7.What do they want most now?

A.A drink.

B.A piece of cake.



Now here is a story.Please listen carefully.

By midday the sun was so strong that Jim could not go any further.There were no trees near the path, so he stopped under a big rock.After drinking the rest of his water, he took off his shirt and rolled it under his head.

Then he lay down on the ground and went to sleep.It was so late in the afternoon when he woke up.He was just about to jump up when he felt something moving under his feet.He looked down.A long black snake was just about to move across his legs.

Jim watched, too afraid to do anything.The snake moved across his legs;he hesitated for a moment, then moved on and disappeared under the rock, Jim jumped to his feet, paused only to pick up his shirt and ran off down the path.

8.Why did Jim stop?

A.Because there was a rock on the path.

B.Because there were no trees.

C.Because it was too hot.

9.When he woke up, what did he find?

A.He found a snake by his feet.

B.He found his shirt was stolen.

C.He found a man standing in front of him.

10.Which is right according to the passage?

A.There are a few trees near the path.

B.Jim wasn’t afraid at all when he saw the snake.

C.At last the snake moved under the rock.


W:Excuse me, but I think you made a wrong turn.You were supposed to turn left on Wilson Broward.

M:Oh, I’m sorry.Didn’t you say 1323 Wilson?

W:No, 3023.It’s OK, though.You don’t have to take me there.I can walk from here.

M:Why don’t I just make a U-turn at the corner?

W:Well, you shouldn’t make a U-turn there.It’s a oneway street.See the sign up ahead.

M:Well, maybe if I turn left here, I can come down the next street.

W:You can’t do that either during rush hour.Really though, don’t go to any trouble.Sometimes one can wait thirty minutes for a taxi.So I’m happy to get this close.

M:Thirty minutes!I’ve been riding around all day looking for passengers.

11.Who are the speakers?

A.A passer-by and a policeman.

B.A passer-by and a driver.

C.A passenger and a taxi-driver.

12.What is the woman’s house number?




13.Why can’t the man turn left?

A.It is rush hour.

B.It is a one-way street.

C.The street is too narrow.


W:Well, do you want to have a picnic in the park on Saturday?

M:That’s a good idea.And we can ride our bikes for a while, too.

W:Then there’s a party.

M:Party?What party?

W:Have you forgotten?Mark and Mary invited us for dinner on Saturday night.

M:I have forgotten.What time will we get home, do you think?

W:Probably late.Mary wants to go out after dinner to a place where we can dance.

M:Then we’ll sleep all day on Sunday.

W:Oh, not all day.Don’t you have something special that you want to do on Sunday?

M:We talked about going to that new movie.

W:Oh, yes!We can go in the evening.There are some new paintings in museum that I want to take a look at in the afternoon.

M:It sounds like a busy weekend.

W:Our weekends are always busy.But that’s why in New York there is always so much to do!

14.What will they do on Saturday night?

A.Have a picnic.

B.Dance in the home of Mark and Mary.

C.Have dinner with Mark and Mary.

15.What time will they go to see the new movie?

A.On Sunday evening.

B.On Sunday afternoon.

C.On Sunday morning.

16.What will they not do in the weekend?

A.Seeing paintings.

B.Riding bikes.

C.Taking pictures.


  Good evening.It’s 11∶15…and it’s time for the Olympic Report.Our report tonight is coming live by satellite from the Olympic Games.

  Swimming Good evening.Well, today’s most important event was certain the women’s 200-meter freestyle.The American, Doris Kennedy, was first and got the gold medal.She swam 200 meters in a new world record time of      minute 58 seconds.The USA won two gold medals yesterday, and three the day before, so in the first three days they’ve won six gold medals.

  Gymnastics Here we are in the Olympic Gymnasium.Olga Ivanovna, the fifteen-year-old Russian gymnast, has just finished her performance.We’re waiting for the results now.And here’s the result!She’s got an average of 9.5 points.That’s the best score today!

17.Where did the man send his Olympic Report?

A.From the USA.

B.From where the Olympic Games were held.

C.From the broadcast station.

18.How many gold medals did the Americans get in swimming in the first three days?




19.Who got the best score in gymnastics that night?

A.An American gymnast.

B.A Russian gymnast.

C.A Romanian gymnast.

20.Which is right according to the passage?

A.The time for the Olympic Report is 11∶50 pm.

B.The time for the Olympic Report is 11∶15 am.

C.An American swimmer got the first gold medal in the women’s 200-meter freestyle.



In China he’s known as “the Flying Fish”; in America they call him ‘the Baltimore Bullet’.

Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined (命中注定) to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

Phelps’s total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of Mark Spitz’s previous record set in 1972.

Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?

A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the perfect body shape for a swimmer: his arm span is longer than his height, he has very flexible joints, huge lungs, and his incredibly large feet (size 14 in the US, size 49 in China) act like flippers in the water.

To feed his huge swimmer’s body, Phelps eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day, six times the average for a man of his age.

He then owes it to a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming. Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum, who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends, and who believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success.

Whatever the reason for his success, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involved in winning his eight medals.

“I guess eight is a lucky number for me, too, now. The opening ceremony started on 8/8/08. Maybe it was meant to be.” he said.

45. How many gold medals did Mark Spitz's won?

A. 6        B. 7 C. 8 D. 9

46. What makes Michael Phelps so popular?

A. He has broken the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

B. He is equipped with the best swimsuit which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

C. He is a very lucky person and he has the perfect body shape for a swimmer.

D. He has a very good appetiteand he eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day.

47. According to the passage, how many calories does a man need a day on average?

A. 4,000                     B. 3,000                     C. 2,000                            D. 6,000

48. Which of the following is the reason for his success, in Phelps’ opinion?

a. his physique                                        b. the swimsuit designed by NASA

c. his mother’s encouragement           d. good luck                       e. his confidence

A. a, c, d, e                B. a, b, c, e                      C. a, b, d, e                D. a, b, c, d




In China he’s known as “the Flying Fish”; in America they call him ‘the Baltimore Bullet’.

Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined (命中注定) to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

Phelps’s total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of Mark Spitz’s previous record set in 1972.

Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?

A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the perfect body shape for a swimmer: his arm span is longer than his height, he has very flexible joints, huge lungs, and his incredibly large feet (size 14 in the US, size 49 in China) act like flippers in the water.

To feed his huge swimmer’s body, Phelps eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day, six times the average for a man of his age.

He then owes it to a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming. Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum, who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends, and who believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success.

Whatever the reason for his success, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involved in winning his eight medals.

“I guess eight is a lucky number for me, too, now. The opening ceremony started on 8/8/08. Maybe it was meant to be.” he said.

1.How many gold medals did Mark Spitz's won?

A. 6                  B. 7                 C. 8                 D. 9

2.What makes Michael Phelps so popular?

A. He has broken the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

B. He is equipped with the best swimsuit which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

C. He is a very lucky person and he has the perfect body shape for a swimmer.

D. He has a very good appetiteand he eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day.

3.According to the passage, how many calories does a man need a day on average?

A. 4,000                 B. 3,000                    C. 2,000                    D. 6,000

4.Which of the following is the reason for his success, in Phelps’ opinion?

a. his physique                         b. the swimsuit designed by NASA

c. his mother’s encouragement          d. good luck                e. his confidence

A. a, c, d, e            B. a, b, c, e               C. a, b, d, e               D. a, b, c, d




In China he’s known as “the Flying Fish”; in America they call him ‘the Baltimore Bullet’.

Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined (命中注定) to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

Phelps’s total of eight gold medals in Beijing put him one ahead of Mark Spitz’s previous record set in 1972.

Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?

A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the perfect body shape for a swimmer: his arm span is longer than his height, he has very flexible joints, huge lungs, and his incredibly large feet (size 14 in the US, size 49 in China) act like flippers in the water.

To feed his huge swimmer’s body, Phelps eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day, six times the average for a man of his age.

He then owes it to a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming. Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

Michael Phelps should spare a thought for his mum, who first pushed him into swimming as a way of making friends, and who believed in him when one teacher said he would never be a success.

Whatever the reason for his success, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involved in winning his eight medals.

“I guess eight is a lucky number for me, too, now. The opening ceremony started on 8/8/08. Maybe it was meant to be.” he said.

45. How many gold medals did Mark Spitz's won?

A. 6        B. 7 C. 8 D. 9

46. What makes Michael Phelps so popular?

A. He has broken the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

B. He is equipped with the best swimsuit which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.

C. He is a very lucky person and he has the perfect body shape for a swimmer.

D. He has a very good appetiteand he eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day.

47. According to the passage, how many calories does a man need a day on average?

A. 4,000                      B. 3,000                      C. 2,000                             D. 6,000

48. Which of the following is the reason for his success, in Phelps’ opinion?

a. his physique                                         b. the swimsuit designed by NASA

c. his mother’s encouragement            d. good luck                        e. his confidence

A. a, c, d, e                 B. a, b, c, e                        C. a, b, d, e                 D. a, b, c, d


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