摘要: C 检测动词的含义的准确记忆与理解.由语境:这样一来.即使是最幸福的人如果他们连续不断地看电视.也会变得压抑而得不到快乐.经过分析.我们不难看出此处应该填上表示看之意的动词.这四个词中只有ABC两项有这样的意思.但是A项的意思是瞪眼看.而我们看电视往往是盯着看.也就是C项.B项只有和at搭配之后才有这样的意思.即使有这样的意思也不行.因为它表示一次看的行为.故我们选择C 项为最佳答案.



76. I saw them w_________ to each other, obviously not wanting to be heard.

77. Judy William, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, began to found an international c____________(运动) to stop the making and using of landmines in 1992.

78. Nowadays c__________ are widely-used in almost every part of our lives; for example, farmers usually use them to help their plants grow fast and become stronger.

79. During the evening rush hour, the traffic is bad, p___________ in the city centre.

80. For forty years Jane Goodall has been o________ about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.

81. The popular Chinese actor, Huang Xiaoming, who s_________ in the film, American Dreams   in China, has won a lot of praises not because of his good looks but because of his good acting in the film.

82. Yesterday I r____________ our university’s student association to meet this year’s international students at the Capital International Airport.

83. As the final examination is a_____________, finding some effective ways to relieve stress appears very important.

84. There are v________ ways to reach the amusement park: by freeway, by hotel shuttle, or by subway.

85. When I had a tour of Paris, I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a s__________(纪念品) of the beautiful city.


When I decided to get married, my father decided to share some wisdom. “Lori, it is just as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man, “ he said. My boyfriend didn’t have much money, but I loved him. “What?” I cried. “ How can you say that? I want to marry for love, NOT for money.” “ But why not marry someone you love who has money?” he asked. “Rich men are materialistic(物质主义的). I’d rather marry a poor man who loves me,” I said and he gave in.

And as we went on, with my family growing, I learned why my father put such importance on money. We had to cover the rent, car, electricity, food, and medical bills. We were under lot of pressure. The worries over whether we would be asked to move out or if we had the money to wash our clothes at the Laundromat this week made me question if I did the right thing by marrying a “poor” man.

I realized that I had entered the ranks of the poor. Not that I’d ever been rich. Most of my life, I considered us in the lower middle-class rank. We had a house of our own, food on the table, cars, clothes, and money for college. But now, as I listened to an apartment neighbour talk about her monthly “Mother’s Day” gift, I realized she was talking about her welfare check(政府发放的救济金). And another young mother tried to “help” me out by connecting me with a friend who stole baby clothes from a department store. “ For a small cut,” she said, “ I could return my ‘purchase’(购买的东西)for cash.” It made me sick. How poor was I?

I had a college education but wasn’t using it. I insisted on not missing a minute of our children’s childhood and it came at a price. My husband was working as hard as he could and it wasn’t enough. But somehow we made it.

The kids grew. Today, we look back and see the great values gained by going through those hard years. My children are not materialistic. They never thought they were poor growing up because we always managed to give a little bit of food, money, or clothes to the “poor”. They were satisfied with the simple things in life that come free such as a beach day or a horse back ride from their dad.

We had our worries, but we still treasured our very favorite part of the day when we’d nest (栖息地)under the covers and talked about our future, the kids and how much we loved each other. Sure our financial(财政的) troubles caused a lot of fights, but we didn’t leave each other. We began to live a better life. We moved to a better community(社区)with good schools for the kids. And soon, we’ll face a new challenge with wealth. But we’ll never give up.

My father died three years ago. Before he died, he knew I made the right choice. I’m proud of my decision.

1..The writer argued with her father because _________________.

A.she thought her father didn’t love her at all

B.her father thought her boyfriend was too materialistic

C.her father wanted her to marry a rich man while she didn’t

D.she thought her father loved her boyfriend’s money more than him.

2..After getting married, the writer questioned if she had done the right thing to marry her husband because___________.

A.she was often scolded(责骂)by her father

B.she found her husband was irresponsible(不负责任的)

C.he didn’t think her husband loved her deeply

D.they lived a poor life with children to support

3..After their children were born, the writer_______________.

A.often regretted not using her college education

B.worked very hard in order to make more money

C.had to steal baby clothes from a department store

D.looked after her children as a professional (职业的,专业的)housewife

4.. Why didn’t the writer’s children think they were poor growing up?

A.Because the writer always gave them whatever they wanted

B.Because the writer and her children often helped other people.

C.Because the writer didn’t let her children play with their rich neighbours

D.Because the writer let her children have a good life through receiving help from others.

5..What do you think is the theme(主题)of the story?

A.Women should always make a decision by themselves

B.Listening to the old is important when people get married

C.Money doesn’t matter as much as love in marriage

D.Children don’t mind whether they have a poor family or not



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