摘要: C 检测连词的含义的准确记忆与理解.这一段的语境是:调查结果显示.快乐的人平均每周看电视的时间为19个小时.而不快乐的人平均每周看电视长达25个小时.该研究同时考虑了调查对象的受教育程度.收入.年龄和婚姻状况.经过分析.联系上下文的语境我们容易推理出此处应该填上表示然而之意的连词.也即是C项.D项的具有很大的迷惑性.但是是个副词.不能引导状语从句.AB两项依次分别所表达的意思是:当--的时候.因为--或者即使-.. 等等.这些意思在这儿都不符合此处的上下文之间语言逻辑.故C项为准确答案.



76. I saw them w_________ to each other, obviously not wanting to be heard.

77. Judy William, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, began to found an international c____________(运动) to stop the making and using of landmines in 1992.

78. Nowadays c__________ are widely-used in almost every part of our lives; for example, farmers usually use them to help their plants grow fast and become stronger.

79. During the evening rush hour, the traffic is bad, p___________ in the city centre.

80. For forty years Jane Goodall has been o________ about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.

81. The popular Chinese actor, Huang Xiaoming, who s_________ in the film, American Dreams   in China, has won a lot of praises not because of his good looks but because of his good acting in the film.

82. Yesterday I r____________ our university’s student association to meet this year’s international students at the Capital International Airport.

83. As the final examination is a_____________, finding some effective ways to relieve stress appears very important.

84. There are v________ ways to reach the amusement park: by freeway, by hotel shuttle, or by subway.

85. When I had a tour of Paris, I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a s__________(纪念品) of the beautiful city.


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